
Saturday 5 September 2020

Trump Breaks Joe Scarborough, Claims the President Would Literally Shoot Him and Brzezinski if He Could

As an example of how deranged some on the left have become over their fear of a second Trump term, Joe Scarborough just claimed that President Trump would shoot him if he could, and his co-host Mika Brzezinski essentially agreed.
The two were having a discussion about how President Trump is supposedly subverting the judiciary, just like autocrats all over the world, when Brzezinski said “But I think it’s not debatable anymore how far this man will go, how low he will go, and how dark his soul is.”
Scarborough, who has clearly lost his mind said “Mika, I said several weeks ago, the man would shoot us if he could.”
To which Brzezinski essentially agreed, saying “I’m not going to Fifth Avenue. I’m serious.”
Watch via MSNBC, exchange starts at the 1.26 mark:

These two, and anyone who watches, have lost their minds.
During eight years of Obama conservatives opposed him with all their might, yet no serious media figure ever suggested Obama would personally shoot someone.
Yet Democrats and their media allies have made all kinds of absurd claims about this president and people just go along.
From being a Russian asset, a white supremacist, a hater of the military and a destroyer of the post office, and more.
President Trump has made the people who hate him lose their freaking minds.
Rush transcript:
BRZEZINSKI: “But I think it’s not debatable anymore how far this man will go, how low he will go, and how dark his soul is.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Mika, I said several weeks ago, the man would shoot us if he could.”
BRZEZINSKI: “I’m not going to Fifth Avenue. I’m serious.”
SCARBOROUGH: “He would get away — I think even the anti-anti-Trump brigade that has been so cowardly and trying to prop him up would admit that Donald Trump has absolute contempt for anything that binds him, as far as power goes, and would do whatever he could get away with.
Gene, I’ve learned my lesson from the last question I asked. Understanding that brevity is the soul of wit, my question to you is this: Does chaos help or hurt Donald Trump?”
ROBINSON “I think chaos helps him but I think chaos just is what he is, first of all. I think that maybe — you know, maybe there’s a — there’s a process of thought among Trump and some of his aides that chaos is a good thing for us. But I think mostly it’s just who he is. And just how he is. And, you know, it’s just not — I’m one of the people who believes he does not play three dimensional chess.
He would eat the chess pieces. He doesn’t — he’s not some sort of subtle political genius. He is a malign force of nature. In many ways. But I’m part of your minority that believes that if, and hopefully when, he loses the election he gets booted out of office one way or another, that the system does work. That the system provides a transfer of power no matter what kind of chaos he tries to generate and that — and that probably the backstop is the judiciary and in the — in the end.
And I this I the record of the judiciary has been pretty good in holding him accountable. I do, he — he gets — he tries to do all these crazy things and judges say, no, actually, you can’t do that. No, that’s not constitutional.No, that’s not a proper Executive Order. No, you can’t. And, you know, sometimes he tries to find ways around that. But I — I think the backstop holds. And I think with — you know, one hopes he’s out of here.”

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