
Sunday, 31 December 2017

Rare Photos Of Titanic (20 Pics)

Photos of Titanic that you probably have never seen before.

The last image taken of The Titanic, 1912

Propellers of The Titanic c. 1912 

Gym aboard the Titanic, c. 1912
Titanic Prepares to Leave Port. 1912
The iceberg that sank the Titanic, 1912
Priest praying over Titanic victims before they are buried at sea
Olympic (left) and Titanic (right) at Belfast on March 6th, 1912
Surviving crew members of the Titanic, New York, 1912
Titanic ready for launch, 1911
One of Titanic’s Lifeboats Paddling Toward Rescue, the RMS Carpathia. April 15, 1912
The dining room on the Titanic, 1912
The Titanic in dry dock. Here you can see the scale of the person standing next to one of the propellers, 1912
Body of RMS Titanic victim aboard rescue vessel CS Minia being made ready for makhift coffin. 1912
Titanic lifeboat next to the Carpathia. April 15, 1912
Olympic and Titanic, under construction, side by side. Belfast 1910
People in Southampton checking the Titanic survivor list posted outside the White Star Line office. April, 1912
RMS Titanic as she leaves Southampton on her maiden voyage (April 10, 1912)
Body of RMS Titanic victim aboard rescue vessel CS Minia being made ready for makhift coffin. 1912

Titanic lifeboat D, awaiting rescue by the RMS Carpathia
Titanic 1912