
Saturday, 19 October 2019

What Did AG Bill Barr Find in Australia on the Obama Spygate Scandal?

According to a leak to The New York Times, President Trump “pushed” the Australian Prime Minister during a recent phone call in September to help AG Barr gather information that could potentially discredit Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

The New York Times went on to say, “[T]he discussion with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia shows the extent to which Mr. Trump sees the attorney general as a critical partner in his goal to show that the Mueller investigation had corrupt and partisan origins, and the extent that Mr. Trump sees the Justice Department inquiry as a potential way to gain leverage over America’s closest allies.”
A letter from Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey written to Attorney General Bill Barr back in May of this year destroyed the latest New York Times smear job on President Trump.
The Australian Ambassador back in May acknowledged that President Trump announced that Bill Barr will be conducting an investigation into the origins of Spygate and offered Barr assistance.
Mr. Hockey, in a May 28 letter to Bill Barr said: “The Australian government will use its best endeavors to support your efforts in this matter. While Australia’s former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, The Hon. Alexander Downer, is no longer employed by the Government, we stand ready to provide you with all relevant information to support your inquiries..”

Now Lifezette is reporting on the information Michael Smith was able to hand over to Attorney General Bill Barr regarding Alexander Downer and the Clinton Foundation. The documents go back to the 2006 memorandum of understanding between the Australian government and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI).

Jaraparilla reported:
Lifezette reported on the information that Australian investigator Michael Smith gave to FBI investigators regarding Alexander Downer and the Clinton Foundation:
The materials Smith is giving the FBI focus on a 2006 memorandum of understanding between the Australian government and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI). Smith claims the foundation received a “$25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception” as a result of actions by Bill Clinton and Downer, who was then Australia’s minister of foreign affairs.
Also included in the Smith materials are evidence he believes shows “corrupt October 2006 backdating of false tender advertisements purporting to advertise the availability of a $15 million contract to provide HIV/AIDS services in Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Australian government after an agreement was already in place to pay the Clinton Foundation and/or associates.”
A third complaint concerns what Smith describes as “the $10 million financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception between April 1, 2008, and Sept. 25, 2008, at Washington, D.C., New York, New York, and Canberra Australia involving an MOU between the Australian government, the “Clinton Climate Initiative,” and the purported “Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc.”
This investigation on Alexander Downer is much more extensive than we expected.