
Thursday 20 September 2018

6 Legit Health And Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is having a moment—a weird thing to say about something that’s been a pantry essential for literally decades. These days, the touted health benefits of baking soda go far beyond airy cakes and flaky biscuits (as if those weren’t enough), and the internet is filled with claims that the unassuming white powder can do everything from settling your stomach to whitening your teeth.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of the information out there is bogus and totally not legit. You should never use baking soda as sunscreen (duh!). But, baking soda does pack a few cool health benefits when used correctly—which often means buying FDA-approved products with baking soda as an active ingredient—so two experts weighed in to help separate fact from fiction.

1. It can help take the 'burn' out of heartburn.

“Drinking a mixture of baking soda and water has been used as [a heartburn] home remedy for decades,” says Allison Dostal Webster, Ph.D., R.D., the associate director of nutrition communications at the International Food Information Council.
Basically, your stomach acid, is, well, acidic (with a pH less than seven, says Webster), while baking soda is basic (with a pH higher than seven). When your stomach acid is going haywire (say, traveling up into your esophagus and giving you heartburn), baking soda can effectively "neutralize" that acid, Webster says. That neutral substance won’t cause discomfort if it travels back up into your esophagus.
That said, Webster warns that the home remedy carries risks. “There are many case reports of people over-consuming baking soda, which upsets our body’s acid-base balance and can lead to serious cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological effects," says Webster.
So if you get acid reflux on the reg, you shouldn't just keep chugging baking soda and water. Talk to your doctor and consider options like over-the-counter or prescription medications, Webster says.

2. It can nix 'keto breath' and reduce your risk of cavities.

“Baking soda has been studied for its benefits to oral hygiene,” says Webster. “Its antimicrobial properties can help fight bacteria that cause bad breath, and reduce risk for cavities. That’s why you can commonly find it in certain types of toothpastes.”
Another tooth-related benefit of baking soda: A 2017 meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Dental Associationstates that several studies found teeth-whitening treatments containing baking soda were more effective than those without it.
If you don't want to shell out for a teeth-whitening kit (which, I don't blame you), you can try making a paste out of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, and brushing it on your teeth. Just don't use it every day, since both of those ingredients can be harsh when overused. Use it for three days, then use it again in six months to maintain results.

4. It can clean and exfoliate skin (but there's a catch).

Basically every natural beauty blog has some kind of post about using baking soda as a natural cleanser. And there's some truth to that, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital. “[Baking soda] can absorb oil and helps exfoliate dead cells from the surface of the skin, making it a useful ingredient in DIY scrubs and masks," he says. 
However, he says that it can cause serious irritation if overused, especially if you have sensitive skin. "The only people I would recommend it for are those with extremely oily skin, and people who rarely develop skin irritation," he says.
If you don't want to use straight baking soda on your face (which is probs for the best), try a cleanser that is formulated with baking soda instead to minimize the risk of irritation (like BiorĂ©'s Baking Soda Pore Cleanser). If you have sensitive skin, Zeichner says, skip the baking soda and use traditional exfoliators with ingredients like alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids like glycolic acid or salicylic acid. 

5. It absorbs excess sweat.

“Because of its absorbent nature, baking soda may also be used as an ingredient in a homemade deodorant,” says Zeichner. If you want to get your hands dirty, you can mix some with water until it turns into a paste, and apply to your underarms. If that doesn't sound appealing, you can find baking soda as a main ingredient in lots of natural deodorants, too. 
However, Zeichner says that just like it can irritate the skin on your face, it can also irritate the skin under your arms. And, it won’t combat odors as well as store-bought deodorants. So keep that in mind.

6. It may help zap zits.

“Baking soda’s ability to absorb oil explains reports of treating acne,” says Zeichner. Dabbing a bit onto spots may help dry them up in the short-term, he adds, but won’t really lead to lasting healing.
And, while some people report that baking soda has helped fade scars, it’s not exactly a magic bullet. “The only way I could imagine baking soda being useful in brightening dark spots or improving the appearance of scars is through its exfoliating properties,” says Zeichner. So, sure, you can give it a try, but any form of exfoliation will likely have a similar effect—with less risk of skin irritation.

Holy Basil health benefits: Here’s why you should add Basil to your daily diet

Holy Basil, has been shown to offer a plethora of health benefits. The herb is commonly used for treating a wide range of health problems, including fever, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. Tulsi is known for its ability to reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety. It is also a great remedy for acne and many skin diseases. What's even more, the herb is believed to be an excellent food for weight loss. Now, an Ayurveda expert suggests that including Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) in your diet may be a great way to boost your physical and mental health.
Often referred to as ‘The Queen of Herbs’, various studies in the past have suggested that there are immense benefits to physical and mental health after consuming Tulasi. Besides many health-protective properties, the herb contains detoxifying agents and antioxidants which help rejuvenate the skin. Tulsi aids in removing toxins responsible for causing pimples, hence, it is effective in treating acne while also reducing the occurrence of breakouts. 
“Tulasi is an excellent all-rounder when it comes to maintaining overall wellness. It prevents a multitude of ailments and is a great way to stay healthy naturally,” Shruthi Hegde, Ayurveda Expert at The Himalaya Drug Company, was quoted as saying in a statement by IANS.
The herb is regarded as an adaptogen (anti-stress agent) which is known to promote mental wellness. It also regulates cortisol (stress) levels and helps reduce anxiety and emotional stress.
“Regular consumption of Tulasi is beneficial in relaxing and calming the mind and offers many psychological benefits that include anti-depressant activity, positive effects on memory, and cognitive function,” Hegde added.
Tulasi contains compounds that can help prevent respiratory infections and provide relief from congestion in the lungs. It also alleviates the symptoms of cold and fever. Interestingly, the herb leaves are an effective remedy for oral infections.
According to Hegde, including Tulasi supplement in your daily diet is one of the most effective and easiest ways of consuming this herb. So, start making Tulasi an integral part of your daily routine to improve your overall wellbeing.

Monday 17 September 2018

Which Sport Increases Your Longevity the Most?

For most people, turning off Netflix, getting off the couch, and slipping in to their running shoes is a major challenge. But we keep trying to do it, because we all know that regular exercise has major health benefits. The biggest one? Those who participate in physical activity usually live longer than those who are sedentary. Pretty compelling reason to lace up, no?
A recent study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found nothing to contradict that. Exercise increases longevity much more than a sedentary lifestyle. However, how much of a boost does it give you? Does running offer the same life-extending benefits as biking or tennis?
It seems to be highly dependent on the activity. They results aren’t what you would expect. 


Here are the average life span increases the study determined for a number of different sports:
  • Running: + 3.2 years
  • Cycling: + 3.7 years
  • Soccer: + 5 years
  • Badminton: + 6.2 years
  • Tennis: + 9.7 years
Conclusion: Forget getting new running shoes. Picking up a racquet can help you gain quite a few extra years.


But why are those participating in racquet sports so much better off in terms of longevity? According to the study authors, “Interestingly, the leisure-time sports that inherently involve more social interaction were associated with the best longevity—a finding that warrants further investigation.”
Could more social interaction in your workouts hold the secret to increasing longevity? It’s very likely. Study after study has shown the benefits of strong relationships and social connectedness.  Not only do those with solid social networks generally feel happier and less stressed, but they are also healthier.
Social support has been linked to lower blood pressure, and a diverse collection of contacts is associated with better immune system functioning,” According to Scientific American. ”The list continues to grow, now encompassing other bodily processes such as wound healing and inflammation.”    
In fact, it seems that having a solid social network, both on and off the court, can increase your life span by as much as 50 percent! But bad news, social media “friends” don’t count. We need non-digital connections to reap benefits.
This is especially well demonstrated in Blue Zones: areas of the world where people live the longest and have strong social relationships. But you don’t need to live in a particular area of the world to experience the lifespan-boosting benefits of a strong social network. Just make more time for the good friends in your life!
So, if you love running or cycling, it might be wise to find a social group (or even just a friend) to run and ride with on a weekly basis. Or, just find a great tennis partner. Longevity and physical fitness aren’t about just raising your heart rate—they’re about social connectedness.

Are You Sensitive to Salicylic Acid?

Are you eating veggies, legumes, and other healthy whole foods, yet still suffering from baffling health issues? The salicylic acid in the plants may be to blame. 
A phenolic chemical that protects plants from bacteria, disease, and insects, salicylic acid is a common but often-overlooked sensitivity trigger. Salicylates, which include tannins, are found in certain beans, and nuts, berries, grapes, avocados, broccoli, spices, and many other foods. They are also a key ingredient in aspirin. Symptoms can range widely; they include asthma-like breathing issues, digestive woes, and migraines.
“Salicylate sensitivity and tannin intolerance are not allergies, because they rarely involve the immune system,” explains integrative physician Leo Galland, MD, author of The Allergy Solution. “They probably result from the ability of salicylates and tannins to inhibit enzymes.”
The most common culprit for salicylate sensitivity is red-wine tannin, followed by the tannin in black tea and coffee, raisins, and nuts, he says. Artificial salicylates are used as a preservative in some fruit juices, chocolate, processed meats, beer, and wine.
Just over one percent of people suffer salicylate sensitivity, Galland says, and there are no simple, reliable tests for identifying it. He recommends an elimination diet to track down offending foods — but he also warns that this is an inexact test because foods contain multiple ingredients, any of which could be the culprit.
He also offers these tips for pinpointing and managing a salicylate sensitivity:
  • Keep a food journal noting which foods containing salicylates and tannins affect you, and steer clear.
  • Find low-salicylate alternatives. White wine is much lower in tannins than red wine; white beans have less salicylic acid than red or black beans; and cashews have lower levels than almonds. For a handy reference of food salicylate levels, see Salicylate Intolerance: The Complete Guide, by Christine Sexton, MPH, RD.
  • Enhance your digestive and detox capabilities. Salicylates and tannins inhibit our digestive enzymes and block absorption and detoxification, Galland explains. If your sensitivity is not extreme, he suggests eating foods containing salicylates and tannins separately from other foods to aid your digestion.
He also notes that you can build your overall “ability to detoxify by eating a nutritionally dense diet, maintaining a nontoxic home environment, and eating foods that enhance detoxifying ability, like broccoli sprouts.”

If You Take Dietary Supplements, Beware of This Ingredient

New research warns of supplements containing the potentially harmful cardiovascular stimulant known as higenamine.
The idea of dietary supplements is undeniably attractive: Silver bullets made from natural ingredients that promise to enhance certain functions and boost health. With this in mind, here in the United States we spend $40 billion a year on vitamins, herbs, minerals, and botanicals. The problem is that many of them don’t deliver on their claims, and even worse, may contain harmful ingredients. In the U.S., supplements do not require FDA approval before hitting the shelves; and in fact, the FDA has to prove a supplement is not safe before they can remove it from the market. 
Which may be the reason why some 23,000 people a year end up in the emergency room after taking a supplement.
Earlier we wrote about 15 harmful supplement ingredients to avoid, but now we have another one to add to the list.
A new peer-reviewed study of weight-loss and sports/energy supplements found “unpredictable and inaccurately labeled dosages” of the potentially harmful cardiovascular stimulant, higenamine – which also goes by the names “norcoclaurine” and “demethylcoclaurine.” Two years ago the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited higenamine for use in sports.
The independent study was conducted by scientists at the global public health organization NSF International, Harvard Medical School, and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in the Netherlands.
“We’re urging competitive and amateur athletes, as well as general consumers, to think twice before consuming a product that contains higenamine,” says John Travis, Senior Research Scientist at NSF International and a co-author of the study. “Beyond the doping risk for athletes, some of these products contain extremely high doses of a stimulant with unknown safety and potential cardiovascular risks when consumed. What we’ve learned from the study is that there is often no way for a consumer to know how much higenamine is actually in the product they are taking.”
The researchers analyzed 24 readily-available supplements, mostly sold for weight loss and energy, that included higenamine in their ingredients. Of the 24 products tested, only five of them listed a specific amount of higenamine on the label; none of those quantities were accurate. Based on the labeled directions for use, consumers could be exposed to up to 110 mg of higenamine daily, the researchers explain.
“Some plants, such as ephedra, contain stimulants. If you take too much of the stimulants found in ephedra, it can have life-threatening consequences. Similarly, higenamine is a stimulant found in plants,” says Dr. Pieter Cohen, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a co-author of the study. “When it comes to higenamine, we don’t yet know for certain what effect high dosages will have in the human body, but a series of preliminary studies suggest that it might have profound effects on the heart and other organs.”

Is there Lead in Your Protein Powder?

In a recent study, 70 percent of protein powders tested contained detectable levels of lead.
If you’ve been mixing protein powder into your smoothie, you may be getting more than you bargained for. Seventy percent of the 134 powders tested by the nonprofit Clean Label Project in January 2018 contained detectable levels of lead; 74 percent tested positive for cadmium; and 55 percent contained bisphenol A (BPA). 
Certified-organic powders, surprisingly, contained more than twice the amount of heavy metals, on average, as nonorganic products (though 40 percent less BPA). Plant-based powders had higher heavy-metal levels than animal-based ones.
At first glance, these results may seem alarming. Lead toxicity can cause infertility, nerve disorders, and cognitive difficulties. Consuming unsafe amounts of cadmium could lead to kidney damage or cancer, and BPA has been linked to metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, and heart disease.
Still, it’s important to exercise caution when reviewing studies by consumer advocacy groups: This research was not peer reviewed and is just one lab analysis of the powders.
“Heavy metals exist naturally in our environment, and our produce absorbs them through the soil,” explains Paul Kriegler, RD, nutrition program manager for Life Time* in Chanhassen, Minn. A “detectable level” of lead isn’t necessarily unsafe, though Kriegler points out that many people may consume multiple servings of protein powder per day, and such toxins could accumulate in the body.
For those who choose to use protein powder, Kriegler recommends investing in a product with high-quality ingredients. Of all the products tested, powders that used egg as the primary protein source were deemed “cleanest.” “It’s a good reminder to revisit what’s in your supplement cabinet and why,” he adds. (For more on the study, go to
*Life Time’s protein powders were not included in this study. Kriegler affirms that every batch of Life Time’s products is tested to verify that contaminant levels are well below acceptable limits.

Dark chocolate is not as healthy as you think (but you should enjoy it anyway)

Who hasn't clicked on an attention grabbing headline espousing the benefits of dark chocolate consumption, then catalogued it as mental evidence of your pursuit of wellness next time you cracked off a row or three?
Milk and white chocolate are now firmly out-of-favour with the health-seeking set, seen as sugar-laden "sometimes" foods that provide little benefit other than thatmouth feel.
Dark chocolate, though, is a different story. 
Thanks to pervasive "cocoa is good for you" headlines, we now practically congratulate ourselves for eating chocolate, believing its potent flavonoids and magnesium is probably doing our heart and broader health a world of good. 
From preventing blood clotting to reducing blood pressure to potentially preventing heart attacks and strokes, it's comforting to know that chocolate could be as helpful as it is delicious. 
But before you feel all super-fooded by your 70 percent-plus dark chocolate choice, it's worth bearing in mind that the chocolate industry has poured millions into research into cocoa's health benefits to convince you it's a health food.
And while that doesn't mean that there aren't antioxidants in dark chocolate, dietitians say it's hardly a tonic. 
So should we keep consuming chocolate? Of course! Just don't do it for the health benefits – do it for that decadent taste.  
"We all love chocolate and yes dark chocolate does have some flavonoids — but it's very calorie-dense," Jane Freeman, accredited practising dietitian and Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson, tells Coach.
"If you're really serious about boosting heart health, it's much more beneficial to focus on eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and lean meats, then enjoy chocolate as a treat food."
Freeman says that in order to get enough of the heart-healthy antioxidants in chocolate, you'd need to eat up to 100g, which brings with it a fair whack of calories largely via ingredients like butterfat and sugar.
"[If you love chocolate], enjoy it as an occasional treat food and a serve is probably a row of chocolate," Freeman says.
In order to really maximise your nutrition while enjoying your chocolate, she  suggests combining it with another food so you're filled up and your chocolate craving is satisfied.
"Drizzle it on some lovely fresh strawberries or have a hot chocolate with skim milk so you get some protein and calcium and a few more nutrients."