
Friday 26 August 2016

7 Ways You Are Making Your Vegetables Less Nutritious

Do you motivate yourself to eat vegetables every day for the good of your health? That’s great! But chances are you might be  best dose of nutrients every time you eat them. You see, it’s easy for veggies to lose nutrients and vitamins if not prepared properly.
So don’t just focus on eating more veggies—try to get the most nutrients out of each meal. Here are 7 things that make veggies less nutritious and how you can avoid them.
1. Juicing
Juicing is a great way to eat more veggies effortlessly. But you’ll be missing out on fiber if you choose juicing over eating whole veggies. And as you may know, fiber controls hunger and improves digestion.
Blending your veggies is better than juicing since you’ll get all the fiber content. You can make your smoothies tastier and healthier by adding spices like turmeric or cinnamon.
2. Not washing your veggies 
Most veggies in the market are filled with chemicals from pesticides. In fact, a 2013 studyfound that a third of the produce they tested had pesticide residues. Note that toxins from pesticides can cause inflammation, diarrhea and increase risk of diseases if you’re exposed to them long-term.
Make sure you wash your veggies thoroughly before you cook them, or buy organic.
3. You only eat your veggies raw
You may think that eating raw veggies retains all the nutrients, but that’s not entirely true. Some veggies like tomatoes are more nutritious when cooked. And I may also note that raw veggies are not easy to break down and absorb once ingested.
You’re better off eating your veggies cooked most of the time. Only eat raw veggies occasionally.
4. Using the wrong salad dressing
Eating salads with fat improves absorption of nutrients, but the type of fat you use matters. Most salad dressings are unhealthy and loaded with lots of calories. Extra virgin olive oil is the best fat to add to your salads.
5. Boiling your veggies
Did you know that water absorbs vitamins from vegetables when they’re boiled? And did you further know that boiling reduces antioxidant content in foods?
If you have to boil your veggies, don’t forget to drink the water you cook with since it has nutrients. But realize that steaming, roasting and sautéing are better ways of cooking veggies without losing nutrients.
6. Overcooking
This may sound obvious, but most people still do it. Veggies shouldn’t lose color or get mushy when we cook them. Here’s how you can avoid overcooking veggies.
7. You don’t buy frozen veggies
Some studies show that frozen veggies are more nutritious than fresh ones. Reason being, fresh veggies start to lose nutrients when stored for several days, while frozen veggies contain most of the nutrients since they’re packaged immediately after harvesting.

Why You Should Rub Clove and Tea Tree Essential Oils on Your Gums and Teeth

People have used essential oils for oral health for centuries, and clinical studies are finally proving their safety and efficacy. In addition to therapeutic herbs and other healing agents, many essential oils show a very beneficial effect upon teeth and gums as well.  
A 2014 study published in the Journal of International Oral Health, entitled“Possible Use of Essential Oils in Dentistry,” states,
“Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and essential oils showed no significant difference in efficacy of both. As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival periopathogens too.” 

Tea Tree Oil

Did you know that human clinical trials have confirmed its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal activity under controlled conditions showing (among other things) that tea tree oil effectively reduces bacterial load and yeast and fungal infections, as well as treats viral infections (incl. cold sores [herpes labialis]), and relieves the symptoms of gingivitis and those of denture stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth)?  Tea tree oil’s efficacy against bad breath has been explained by researchers at Switzerland’s Institute of Preventive Dentistry and Oral Microbiology at the University of Basel. There, they evaluated tea tree oil and reported that it decreases the bacterial colonies that cause halitosis, making it beneficial for oral health. 

Clove oil

Eugenol, the major constituent of clove oil, has been widely used for its anesthetic and analgesic action in dentistry. Eugenol exhibits pharmacological effects on almost all systems in the body. Eugenol possesses significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to having analgesic and local anesthetic activity.


Clove and tea tree oil essential oilsRubbing these essential oils of clove and melaleuca (tea tree) on your gums or brushing teeth with them has antibacterial properties which can prevent cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and tooth decay. Apply 2 drops of these oils 2x daily with carrier oil like coconut oil.

How to Lose 30 Pounds in a Month with Just One Tablespoon of Cumin!

People will do and try anything these days to lose weight:  
  • Paleo diet
  • Vegan diet
  • Adkins diet
  • Blood type diet
No doubt a healthy diet is important when trying to lose weight, however many expert will tell you that speeding up your metabolism is like adding fuel to a bonfire of calories. It burns them up!   
One of the best way to boost your metabolism is doing physical activity that includes cardio and strength training. Drinking coffee or tea can also boost your metabolism since it contains caffeine which is a central nervous system stimulant.
But if you’re not a fan of exercising, coffee, or tea, then you can try add some spices to your food. Combining some natural ingredient with your food can boost your metabolism and in the end help you lose some weight.  
The scientist of Medical Science University of Iran conducted a study to see how particular spices attributed to weight loss. The study involved 44 women who had problems with their weight. Those women were divided into 2 groups.
All women from both groups committed a diet plan for three months. They ate healthy foods and consumed 500 fewer daily calories than their normal intake. So for example, if they normally consumed 2,500 calories per day, they had to adjust it to 2,000 during the study.
What makes the difference was that one groups consumed 3 grams of powdered cumin every day. They added cumin to 140g of yogurt.
The other group also consumed the same amount of yogurt but no cumin added.
The result was astounding. There’s a significant amount of weight loss difference between the two groups. The group that added cumin to their yogurt lost 14 pounds more compare to the group that didn’t consume cumin.
It wasn’t only the amount of weight loss, the cumin also affected loss percentage of fat. The group that consumed cumin lost 14.64 percent fat while other group lost only 4.91 percent fat.

So how did we come up with 30 pounds of weight loss?
If you add cumin to your food throughout the day and eat healthy whole foods (preferably vegan or paleo diet) you can easily lose that much weight. Naturally, exercise helps (weight training burns more fat than cardio).
The reason why cumin is so effective to boost your metabolism is because it’s rich in filosterole. Filosterole can prevent the storage cholesterol in your body. That’s why it can help you speed up your metabolism. So if you still looking for the best way to lose weight, maybe it’s time to add cumin into your meals.

Research Shows Links Between Obesity and 8 Additional Cancers

While obesity is often associated with a host of other health issues including high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack, a new study is examining how the condition is also related to cancer risk.
A review of several studies published today in the New England Journal of Medicine found new associations between obesity the development of eight additional cancers, in addition to others previously known.
Researchers from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) looked at more than 1,000 epidemiological studies and found that "excess body fatness" is also linked to the risk of developing gastric, liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, ovarian, thyroid, blood (multiple myeloma) and brain (meningioma) cancers.
"I think the main takeaway point is that your health and specifically your body fatness is an important factor for many types of cancer," Dr. Richard Lee, Medical Director of the Integrative and Supportive Oncology Program at the University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, told ABC News.
"Patients should understand that they can decrease the risk for developing cancer and improving overall survivorship," by keeping their weight below obesity thresholds, he said. This information can help doctors advising patients on cancer risk, he added.
Researchers in this study also attempted to quantify the risk for obese people to develop this variety of cancers. They found obese people had 1.8 times the risk for developing liver cancer, 4.8 times as high for esophageal adenocarcinoma, and 7.1 times as high for uterine cancer. They also confirmed that for some of these cancers, as your weight goes up, so does the risk. 
People may not always connect being overweight to cancer risk in the manner they associate drinking or smoking with increased risk of cancer, Lee noted.
"The public hasn't been educated enough that it is a significant risk factor," he said. "I see patients who are interested in ways they can reduce overall cancer [risk]. I always tell them the first place to start is nutrition and exercise and physical fitness."
This is one of the most comprehensive studies on cancer and obesity to date, according to Dr. Xiao Ou Shu, Associate Director for Global Health at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. He believes it could help educate the public that being overweight isn't only about cardiac problems.
"I think that the public has been informed about the potential risk for cancer associated with obesity, but there has been much more information disseminated about cardiovascular disease risk than cancer risk," Ou Shu told ABC News.
One positive discovery from this study the authors found is that obese people who lose weight appear to reduce their cancer risk.
"Lifestyle factors such as eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising, in addition to not smoking, can have a significant impact on reducing cancer risk," Graham Colditz, MD, Dr PH and deputy director of the School of Public Health at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who chaired the IARC Working Group, said in a statement. "Public health efforts to combat cancer should focus on these things that people have some control over."

Top 12 Detox Superfoods

Even if you don’t plan on doing a detox program, your health will benefit from adding more detox superfoods to your daily diet. There are many great superfoods with detoxifying properties, but here are my top 12 picks.  And, they’re delicious too.

Almonds—are high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and useable protein that helps stabilize blood sugar and remove impurities from the bowels.

Avocados—lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that elderly people who had high levels of glutathione were healthier and less likely to suffer from arthritis.

Beets—contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. They also help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making beets excellent overall body cleansers. Aphrodite, according to legend, ate beets to retain her beauty. She was definitely on to a good thing since beets, in addition to all the benefits listed above, also help stabilize the blood’s acid-alkaline balance (pH), which in turn supports healthy detoxification.

Blueberries—contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They have antiviral properties and are loaded with super-detoxifying phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins.

Cabbage—contains numerous anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds and helps the liver break down excess hormones. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and soothes the stomach, which could in part be due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage (kale is another excellent choice—see below) demonstrate powerful detoxification activity, including neutralizing some of the damaging compounds found in cigarette smoke (and second-hand smoke). They also contain a compound that helps the liver produce adequate amounts of enzymes for detoxification.

Cranberries—have powerful antibiotic and antiviral substances to help the body cleanse harmful bacteria and viruses from the urinary tract.

Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil— are loaded with essential fatty acids, particularly the omega-3s. They are essential for many cleansing functions and maintaining a healthy immune system. They are also critical to maintaining a healthy brain. The health of every cell in your body is dependent on getting adequate amounts of essential fatty acids.

Garlic—helps cleanse harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites, and viruses from the body, especially from the blood and intestines. It also helps cleanse buildup from the arteries and lowers blood pressure. Garlic has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties that help detoxify the body of harmful substances. It also helps cleanse the respiratory tract by expelling mucous buildup in the lungs and sinuses.

Kale—contains powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds that help cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is also high in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Like cabbage, kale helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and contains a substance that jump-starts the liver’s production of cleansing enzymes.

Legumes—are loaded with fiber that helps lower cholesterol, cleanse the intestines, and regulate blood sugar levels. Legumes also help protect the body against cancer.

Lemons— are superb liver detoxifiers. In addition, they contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make a substance called glutathione. Glutathione helps ensure that phase 2 liver detoxification keeps pace with phase 1, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative effects from environmental chemicals. Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in lemons are integral to ward off cancer, fight the effects of pollution and cell damage. Fresh lemon juice contains more than 20 anti-cancer compounds and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

Seaweed—could be the most underrated vegetable in the Western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body so it can be removed. Radioactive waste can find its way into the body through some medical tests or through food that has been grown where water or soil is contaminated. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, it is a powerhouse of minerals and trace minerals.

Thursday 25 August 2016

How to Stay Vital as You Age? Blackberries Got the Answer!

Blackberries are a delicate and soft fruit that grown on trailing vines or thorny bushes. Technically, blackberry is a cluster of fruits, or a drupelet, like a bunch of grapes, and the seeds inside every drupelet contribute to the nutrient value of the berry.
Studies found that blackberries have one of the greatest antioxidant stuffing per serving of any food tested. According to a 2006 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the antioxidant content of blackberries of 5.56 mill moles per serving was far above that of other nutrients. This means that eating blackberries regularly can have a positive impact on athletic performance, disease risk, and overall health. 
Health Benefits of Blackberries
 Blackberries health benefits are really impressive when it comes to motor and cognitive skills and heart function. Here are the proven health benefits of blackberry: 

  1. Low-Calorie Nutrition
Only one cup of raw blackberries has around 61 calories, 2 grams of protein, 0.7 grams of fat, 1 gram of sodium, and no cholesterol. It also provides you 7.6 grams of fiber, which is more fiber that one cup of bran flakes that provide around 7 grams. So, if you are trying to lose weight, this fruit can give you quick energy, and the content of fiber will help you stay full till your next meal. 
  1. Motor and Cognitive Skills
According to a 2009 study published in the “Nutritional Neuroscience” (medical journal) blackberry intake can have a positive impact on motor and cognitive skills that usually decline with age. The scientists fed blackberries to older rats for 8 weeks, and then they tested the abilities of the rats on performing serious of tasks. The ones that consumed a diet supplemented by 2% with this fruit displayed better motor performance, coordination, and balance than the other, control group. The rats who ate blackberry also showed considerably better short-term memory performance.   
  1. Oral Health
Consuming blackberry can help destroy oral bacteria that cause various illnesses. This fruit contains rutin, ellagic, and gallic acid, potent compounds that have antibacterial and antiviral properties, according to Oregon State University. In 2012, scientists from the University of North Carolina and the University of Kentucky studied the effect of blackberry extract and its antibacterial assets on periodontal health. In the end, they concluded that this extract has the ability to destroy pathogens, along with its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, make it a promising ingredient in certain products created to treat or prevent periodontal infections.  
  1. Heart Function
According to a 2003 study from Policlinico Universitario in Messina, Italy, published in a scientific journal called “Life Sciences” distributed by Science Direct. They perceived the antioxidant activities of juice from blackberry on vascular tissue impaired by free radicals induced by a great oxidant, peroxynitrite, which can destroy or damage cells and DNA. As the researchers found, anthocyanins, potent compounds, can increase the antioxidant activities of the juice and protect the cardiovascular system from diseases.  

7 Benefits of Giving

Holiday shopping may seem a passionless exercise, especially with all the accompanying commercialization. But the important thing to realize is that giving transcends the physical act of exchange and the spending of money. What truly matters is the personal sensitivity involved and the underlying act of generosity. New studies attest to the health benefits of giving; both for the recipient as well the giver. Here are the ways you can benefit:

A longer life
Giving can be as beneficial to your health as exercise, eating right, and having good genes.  A study from the University of Michigan revealed that generosity boosts mental and physical health.  An additional study from Michigan examined 2,700 men over 10 years and found that those who regularly volunteered had death rates 2.5 times lower than men who didn’t.  Researchers attribute this benefit to reduced stress levels, increased physical activity, and enhanced self-esteem associated with performing charitable acts. 

Stronger social bonds
Giving promotes cooperation and enhances social bonds.  Selfless exchanges help develop a sense of trust while strengthening our ties with others.  Studies have shown that fostering positive social interactions with others is essential for good mental and physical health.  Additionally, kind and generous acts lead to perceiving others as more positive and charitable - an attitude which boosts morale and promotes a sense of well-being. 

A boost of self confidence
Need a natural, instant confidence boost?  Try giving!  Sharing, volunteering, and gift exchanges are all excellent ways to focus on the happiness of others, and in turn feel better about your self.  Research shows that meaningful giving will help you feel like a better person.

Shift focus towards othersNaturally we spend a lot of mental energy focusing on ourselves.  As the saying goes, “you are your own toughest critic,” so much of this focus tends to be negative. Constant focus on personal flaws and fretting about potential gains can wreak havoc on our stress levels.  The act of giving redirects that often self-deprecating mental energy towards the happiness of others.  In turn, you will feel energized, happier, and yet again – more connected to others. 

Increase self-worth
A study of children found that those who received praise without doing anything to earn it did not experience higher self-esteem as a result of that praise.  Conversely, when children were praised for acts of generosity, their self-esteem did increase.  Compliments are nice, it turns out we only get a boost from the ones we feel worthy of.  Seeing the positive effect you can have on others prompts a whole new recognition of self and your ability to influence your surroundings. 

A sense of gratitude
Whether you are the giver or the recipient, a gift can prompt feelings of gratitude.  Research has shown that gratitude is integral to happiness, health, and the establishing of relationships.  Historically, gratitude has been such a powerful feeling that many enduring philosophies and major world religions are based on it.    

Giving is contagious
Giving can branch out and cause a ripple effect of generosity.  As a University of San Diego and Harvard study discovered, when a person acts generously, it inspires observers to behave similarly towards others.  Additional studies have found that the love hormone, oxytocin, also produces a feeling of generosity and empathy which can last up to two hours.