People will do and try anything these days to lose weight:
- Paleo diet
- Vegan diet
- Adkins diet
- Blood type diet
No doubt a healthy diet is important when trying to lose weight, however many expert will tell you that speeding up your metabolism is like adding fuel to a bonfire of calories. It burns them up!
One of the best way to boost your metabolism is doing physical activity that includes cardio and strength training. Drinking coffee or tea can also boost your metabolism since it contains caffeine which is a central nervous system stimulant.
But if you’re not a fan of exercising, coffee, or tea, then you can try add some spices to your food. Combining some natural ingredient with your food can boost your metabolism and in the end help you lose some weight.
The scientist of Medical Science University of Iran conducted a study to see how particular spices attributed to weight loss. The study involved 44 women who had problems with their weight. Those women were divided into 2 groups.
All women from both groups committed a diet plan for three months. They ate healthy foods and consumed 500 fewer daily calories than their normal intake. So for example, if they normally consumed 2,500 calories per day, they had to adjust it to 2,000 during the study.
What makes the difference was that one groups consumed 3 grams of powdered cumin every day. They added cumin to 140g of yogurt.
The other group also consumed the same amount of yogurt but no cumin added.
The result was astounding. There’s a significant amount of weight loss difference between the two groups. The group that added cumin to their yogurt lost 14 pounds more compare to the group that didn’t consume cumin.
It wasn’t only the amount of weight loss, the cumin also affected loss percentage of fat. The group that consumed cumin lost 14.64 percent fat while other group lost only 4.91 percent fat.
So how did we come up with 30 pounds of weight loss?
If you add cumin to your food throughout the day and eat healthy whole foods (preferably vegan or paleo diet) you can easily lose that much weight. Naturally, exercise helps (weight training burns more fat than cardio).
The reason why cumin is so effective to boost your metabolism is because it’s rich in filosterole. Filosterole can prevent the storage cholesterol in your body. That’s why it can help you speed up your metabolism. So if you still looking for the best way to lose weight, maybe it’s time to add cumin into your meals.
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