
Monday 4 November 2019

Trump blasts Fox News poll that shows almost HALF the country wants him impeached as he brands the survey 'fake' and 'lousy' and claims 'I have the real polls' (12 Pics)

President Donald Trump claimed on Sunday that polls showing that 49 percent of voters want him impeached were 'fake' and 'lousy' and said he had 'the real polls.' 
The polling from Fox NewsMSN, and NBC/WSJ revealed that that almost half the country now supports Trump's removal, and were conducted amid an impeachment inquiry focusing on whether POTUS improperly encouraged Ukraine to carrying out investigations that would help his political goals.   
When confronted by the numbers outside the White House Sunday, Trump shot back: 'You’re looking at the wrong polls. I have the real polls. The CNN polls are fake. The Fox polls have always been lousy. I tell them they ought to get themselves a new pollster.'     
Compared to a Fox poll conducted in early October, results were down 2 to 49 percent, despite the military raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Syria.
In the NBC/WSJ poll taken on the same three dates, 49 percent said they wanted Trump impeached and removed and 46 said he should stay.

Support for Trump's impeachment and removal was down 2 percent to 49 percent, compared to 52 percent early last month
Support for Trump's impeachment and removal was down 2 percent to 49 percent, compared to 52 percent early last month
NBC/WSJ poll showed that support to impeach Trump was up since earlier in the month, with 49 percent wanting him removed. It's compared to the same percentage previously not wanting his impeachment and wishing for him to stay in office, while 8 percent were unsure
NBC/WSJ poll showed that support to impeach Trump was up since earlier in the month, with 49 percent wanting him removed. It's compared to the same percentage previously not wanting his impeachment and wishing for him to stay in office, while 8 percent were unsure
As of Sunday, a daily MSN poll showed 52 percent supported the Senate voting to remove Trump from office if he was impeached
As of Sunday, a daily MSN poll showed 52 percent supported the Senate voting to remove Trump from office if he was impeached
It's compared to an equal percentage believing in a poll conducted October 4-6 that he shouldn't be impeached and should remain in office. Previously only 43 percent supported a removal and 8 percent admitted they were unsure but this time around there was more certainty among respondents.
In an MSN poll that is updated daily around noon, results on Sunday showed 52 percent supported the Senate voting to remove Trump from office if he was impeached. The percentage was down compared to results late September and early October.
The MSN result – obtained from 1,500 responses in online surveys 'delivered to a random sample of likely voters' - said that at the moment, 62 percent believes the country is headed in the wrong direction and 55 percent disapprove of the job President Donald Trump is doing. 
MSN result said 62 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction
MSN result said 62 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction
The MSN poll showed 55 percent disapprove of the job President Donald Trump is doing in the White House
The MSN poll showed 55 percent disapprove of the job President Donald Trump is doing in the White House
In NBC's poll, half of the respondents said they'd vote for Joe Biden if he was up against Trump, who got 41 percent of the vote, and half said they'd vote for Elizabeth Warren if she was battling against the president, who got 42 percent of the vote when hypothetically pitted against her for the presidency. 
'At this very early stage of the impeachment inquiry the data suggest a path for victory for Trump with the judges in the Senate,' Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff at Public Opinion Strategies, told NBC/WSJ about their results.
'But there's a much more challenging road ahead come next November with the judges at the ballot box.' 
A huge 57 percent disapproved of Trump's job performance, up 3 percent since September, and the same as October 2017
A huge 57 percent disapproved of Trump's job performance, up 3 percent since September, and the same as October 2017
Total of 42 percent saying lawmakers should remove him immediately if there's enough evidence but 43 percent said it should be decided in the 2020 election
Total of 42 percent saying lawmakers should remove him immediately if there's enough evidence but 43 percent said it should be decided in the 2020 election
The likelihood of Trump's impeachment has increased in the view of Fox News poll participants compared to in June
The likelihood of Trump's impeachment has increased in the view of Fox News poll participants compared to in June
The Fox News poll said the impeachment inquiry was legitimate (52 percent) and 39 percent called it 'bogus'
The Fox News poll said the impeachment inquiry was legitimate (52 percent) and 39 percent called it 'bogus'
But a whopping 57 percent of those opposing impeachment admitted even new evidence wouldn't change their minds
But a whopping 57 percent of those opposing impeachment admitted even new evidence wouldn't change their minds
The Fox News poll said that 52 percent agreed the impeachment inquiry was legitimate and 39 percent called it 'bogus'. 
It also showed the likelihood of Trump's impeachment has increased among respondents with a combined 55 percent finding it likely in some degree compared to 38 percent in June.
A total of 42 percent said lawmakers should remove Trump immediately if there's enough evidence for impeachment but 43 percent said it should be decided in the 2020 election.
A huge 57 percent disapproved of Trump's job performance, up 3 percent since September, and the same as results from October 2017.

However 57 percent of those opposing impeachment admitted that even new evidence wouldn't change their minds.
'As long as Republican leaders remain united behind the president, it's unlikely his overall support will drop much below 40 percent,' Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democratic counterpart Chris Anderson, said. 
'One major difference between the Nixon and Clinton impeachment proceedings is the behavior of partisan elites. Basically, it's only when GOP elites jump ship that Republican voters will follow suit.'
Half of the respondents said they'd vote for Joe Biden if he's up against Trump and half said they'd vote for Elizabeth Warren if she was battling against the president
Half of the respondents said they'd vote for Joe Biden if he's up against Trump and half said they'd vote for Elizabeth Warren if she was battling against the president

Alex Jones Crashes Hillary Clinton Event In A Battle Tank! (VIDEO)

Infowars founder Alex Jones crashed a Hillary Clinton’s Texas speech in a battle tank on Sunday.

The twice-failed presidential candidate was appearing in Austin with her daughter promoting the book they wrote together, “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

Cecile Richards, the former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was also appearing at the event.

“Hillary Clinton is a devil-worshiping criminal,” Jones shouted through a megaphone at the crowd of Clinton supporters.
Jones, and InfoWars host Owen Shroyer, also chanted “Donald Trump is president” and “Hillary Clinton is a failure.”

A Facebook page for the event said that it would be a “discussion on the women throughout history who have had the courage to stand up to the status quo, ask hard questions and get the job done.”

President Trump: Media, CNN Knows Who Whistleblower Is – You Just Don’t Want to Report It! The Whistleblower Gave False Stories – Fraud!

The fake news media knows who the Schiff Anti-Trump leaker is — They just don’t want to report it because it will ruin their narrative in the impeachment investigation.
The Democrat media knows the truth will destroy them.

The complete list of anti-Trump CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella’s ties to top Democrat operatives will SHOCK YOU!
CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption.  This included talk on investigating the Biden crime family.
** The so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat.
** Ciaramella  coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
** Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.

** Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
** Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary ClintonChuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
** An attorney for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.

** Ciaramella  worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
** Ciaramella had no problem with the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s million dollar pay-for-play scandal with Ukraine.
** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
** Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
** A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
** And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
On Sunday morning President Trump spoke with liberal reporters on the White House lawn before his trip to Kentucky.
President Trump called out the liberal fake news media for not reporting on the far left whistleblower.
President Trump: As you know the whistleblower gave a VERY inaccurate report. And, as you know, certain of the media released information on a man that they said was the whistleblower. I don’t know if that’s true or not. But what they said is he’s an Obama person. He was involved with Brennan. Susan Rice, which means Obama. He was like a big, big anti-Trump person, hated Trump and they said terrible things. Now I don’t know if it’s true or not but that was reported by some of the media so you’ll have to find out. Idon’t know why the media’s not on it because the whistleblower gave a very inaccurate report…  You know who it is you just don’t want to report it.  CNN knows who it is they just don’t want to report it.  You’d do a public service if you did…

Meth 2.0 is killing Americans faster than opioids and ravaging communities with its 'Breaking Bad' levels of purity

A new methamphetamine - stronger and cheaper than previous versions, and referred to as Meth 2.0 - has taken hold of the United States.
As the opioid epidemic has started to show signs of subsiding across the US, the more pure version of methamphetamine which has emerged has solidified its place as America's drug of choice, says law enforcement.
To blame are Mexican super labs run by the cartels, according to authorities, which now output 90 per cent of the meth that's being dealt in the states, and it comes more potent, is cheaper and more plentiful than ever before. 
'It's a lot like 'Breaking Bad',' Tim Lohmar, the Prosecuting Attorney in St. Charles County, Missouri, tells The Fix, a news site on addiction and recovery, in a reference to the hit series about cancer-stricken high school teacher Walter White starting an illegal meth empire to save his family from financial ruin.  

White used his knowledge of chemistry to produce a powerful, almost irresistible version of methamphetamine. 
'If you're familiar with that show, you know that the purity of the methamphetamine and the ease of the mass production is what made it so addictive and relatively cheap,' Lohmar tells the Fix.
'These Mexican labs are making a very pure methamphetamine. It's almost night and day different than your old-fashioned basement meth lab sort of thing, explains Lohmar. 

Missouri was once considered the meth production capital of the US. Lohmar says that notoriety now applies more to the cartels, because of the efficiency of their illicit operations.
'They can mass produce the meth and distribute it at a reduced price, which consequently has led to a rise in local consumption', he says. 
Drug dealers looking to sell more product typically have cut methamphetamine with dangerous additives. 
These include lithium metal, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, as well as red phosphorus, according to American Addiction Centers, the largest network of rehab facilities nationwide.
But the methamphetamines from Mexico are being distributed in the drug's purest form.
'Methamphetamine sampled through the DEA profiling program is almost 97% pure, while prices remain low and stable.' adds  William Callahan, Special Agent-in-Charge of the US Drug Enforcement Agency's St. Louis Division, quoting from the 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment.
There are still some of the small 'shake-and-bake style labs' across the state, but the vast majority of the methamphetamines coming into Missouri are from south of the border, reports The Fix.
The chart above shows the number of methamphetamine-related deaths in the US have spiked in the last two years, as reported by
The chart above shows the number of methamphetamine-related deaths in the US have spiked in the last two years, as reported by
On a national level, meth hasn't caught up to the opioids epidemic, although a spike in methamphetamine-related deaths in the last two years was steeper than the rise in opioid deaths 20 years ago when the crisis began, reports USA Today.
The opioid epidemic in its first decade saw overdose deaths rise from 3,400 in 1999 to 13,500 by 2009, based on a Stateline analysis of data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
However, the spike in deaths has been much higher when it comes to meth 2.0, thanks to the cheap and powerful imported version that's come. Meth overdose deaths increased from 2,600 in 2012 to 10,300 in 2017, reports USA Today.
But unlike opioids, meth users are less likely to die from an overdose than people who are addicted to painkillers. 
Rather, meth addicts start dying a slow death, experiencing weight loss, painful sores on their bodies, in addition to emotional and mental problems.
Besides purity, meth has risen above all other drugs on price point, which in some areas is as low as $20 a gram, according to addiction specialists.
Once hooked, it becomes very difficult to resist the drug. Recovering addict Erika Haas calls the cravings 'the pull'.
When the North Carolina woman was 24, her doctor prescribed OxyContin for back pain. She said she quickly progressed to heroin — and then to methamphetamines.
Now at 30 and in recovery, Haas described the grip that meth had over her for more than five years.
'It's like God tells you that if you take another breath, your children will die,' she said, shaking her head and trying to hold back tears as she was interviewed by USA Today.
'You do everything you can not to take a breath. But eventually you do. That's what it's like' adds Haas. 'Your brain just screams at you'

Serial rapist’s jail sentence extended over vile attack on inmate (4 Pics)

A serial rapist’s jail sentence has been extended after being found guilty of raping a terrified young inmate while watching the royal wedding on TV.
Troy Allan Burley made his victim, a 21-year-old man who was in prison for the first time, perform “vile, gross and degrading” acts that left him traumatised and humiliated.
The 41-year-old has spent the majority of his adult life in prison for attacking four women in the mid-1990s, with his sadistic crimes earning him the title, the Ipswich railway rapist.
He was due to be released in February but has now had his sentence extended by seven years.
The attacks started in May 2018 at the Wolston Correctional Centre near Brisbane.
During the week-long trial, the court heard how Burley forced the young inmate to perform oral sex on him three times and would often walk into the man’s room naked and make him endure a range of lewd acts.
Troy Allan Burley was found guilty of raping a fellow inmate who was in jail for the first time.
Troy Allan Burley was found guilty of raping a fellow inmate who was in jail for the first time.Source:Supplied
One rape occurred while Burley was watching the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Judge Jennifer Rosengren spoke about how the victim was too terrified to lock his door because of what Burley might do to him if he tried to resist the sickening attacks.
“(The victim) talked to the fact that you would repeatedly bite him as a form of punishment … and that you threatened him on numerous occasions that if he did lock his door, that there would be physical punishment,” she said.
In a harrowing victim impact statement, the 21-year-old victim told the court that he often cried himself to sleep.
“The impact is traumatic and widespread. I was extremely trapped in the situation that I did not know how to get out of,” he said in a victim impact statement read to the court.
“I was used as a sex object and exploited. I have never felt so scared of anyone as I was him.”
He was sentenced to an extra seven years behind bars for his most recent crimes.
He was sentenced to an extra seven years behind bars for his most recent crimes.Source:News Corp Australia
“His actions were calculated, predatory and violent and will leave an everlasting indent on me for the rest of my life.”
The convicted sex offender pleaded not guilty to the charges and sobbed in court as Judge Rosengren reviewed his terrifying history.
She drew similarities between the past attacks and his most recent crimes, including biting, forced oral sex and masturbation.
Burley’s heinous attacks on four women in the 1990s were all carried out at railway stations.
He would grab them from behind, cover their faces and taunt them during the sickening attacks.
Burley used a knife and threatened to kill them if they went to police.
He demanded to know where the victims lived and if they had children because he would “enjoy having sex with little girls”.
Burley was dubbed the railway rapist.
Burley was dubbed the railway rapist.Source:Supplied
He was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 1997 and was released on parole in 2015.
After being released he moved to Redcliffe with his partner and changed his appearance by bulking up and shaving his head.
An investigation by The Sunday Mail at the time found Burley had joined multiple online dating sites and was lying about his sickening past.
Under the username “mcdaddy78”, he said he was interested in “casual encounters” to “see what happens”.
“I am a very passionate man and treat a lady well. Just on here to have some fun at first,” the profile read.
Under his parole conditions Burley was obligated to tell women who he became intimate with about his past.
Burley sobbed as details of his past crimes were read before the court. Picture: Peter Bull
Burley sobbed as details of his past crimes were read before the court. Picture: Peter BullSource:News Corp Australia
The publication revealed he connected with multiple women from the websites and lied about his name, his career and told them be despised sex attackers.
He was arrested over the breach of bail and sent back to jail.
Burley had been out of jail for just three months and had repeatedly violated his parole conditions.
Another time while out on parole he was convicted of property offences, including the theft of underwear.
Now instead of being allowed out on the streets once more in a few months’ time, Burley will serve another prison term.
He was sentenced to a total of six years for three sexual assaults on his victim to run concurrently with the seven-year term for three rapes.
The court heard Burley saw his partner of 10 years about once a month but had no contact with his family or daughters.

‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio

In another peek into how white nationalists speak behind closed doors, a newly leaked recording from the aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally depicts alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer railing against Jews and non-whites. The audio was posted today to the YouTube and Telegram channels of Milo Yiannopoulos, himself a misogynistic and Islamophobic troll.
As the face of the so-called alt-right movement — a loose collection of tech-savvy white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, identitarians, antisemites, and fascists — Spencer was measured in his tone and preferred to dress in three-piece suits. He was referred to as a “dapper white nationalist” by Mother Jones in 2016 and as recently as July made an appearance on CNN.
But the leaked audio, nearly a minute in length, presents a very different side of the well-coiffed racist. “I am so fucking mad at these people!” Spencer yelled, presumably referring to the people of Charlottesville, Virginia, where the white power “Unite the Right” rally was held. “They don’t do this to fucking me! We’re going to fucking ritualistically humiliate them!”
“I win! They fucking lose!” he continued, before railing against Jews and non-whites, whom he said should be subservient to people like himself. “Little fucking kikes, they get ruled by people like me,” he snarled. “Little fucking octoroons! … My ancestors fucking enslaved those fucking pieces of fucking shit! I rule the fucking world! Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me!
White nationalists like Spencer often push back on the idea that they are white supremacists, since, they claim, a white supremacist is defined as a person who “believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.” Yet this is the idea that Spencer articulated in his meltdown: that people he believes are inferior should be “ruled” by him.
Milo Yiannopoulos, who released the audio, once had a symbiotic relationship with Richard Spencer and other white nationalists, using his position as editor of Breitbart News to bring white nationalism into the mainstream. Since then Yiannopoulos lost his position at the fringe website along with several of his social media accounts and his money.
Relegated to Telegram, Milo had been complaining that Spencer, and not he, still had a Twitter account. “This is Richard Spencer,” Yiannopoulos griped in a post containing the leaked audio. “Spencer is still on Twitter, as is David Duke. But Gavin [McInnes], Alex [Jones], Laura [Loomer], Roger [Stone] and I are apparently too much.”
Audio Player

Sunday 3 November 2019

Media Reports On Keystone Pipeline Leak. Here’s What You Need To Know.

Headlines this week included mention of a massive oil leak from the Keystone pipeline, but the story is not exactly as it seems.
While it does involve the Keystone pipeline, the leak was not from the XL pipeline that was so hotly debated during the Obama administration. The 383,000-gallon crude oil spill occurred in North Dakota, about 50 miles from the Canadian border, The New York Times reported. The spill covered about a half-acre of wetland, which was not near any homes and was not a drinking water source.
Karl Rockeman, director of the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality’s division of water quality, told the Times that “It is one of the larger spills in the state,” but emphasized that the spill would not affect any residents.
TC Energy released an update on its efforts to clean up the spill, saying “The approximate size of the impacted area is 2,500 yd2 or less than half the size of a football field.”
“We continue to inform regulatory agencies and local stakeholders of our progress. We have provided an initial estimate that 9,120 barrels of oil was released; approximately half the size of an Olympic-sized swimming pool,” the company said on October 31. “Our crews remain focused on oil recovery as they plan to make repairs to the pipeline. We will provide updates as they become available.”
It is still unclear what caused the spill. An internal investigation is underway. 
Naturally, activists who opposed the Keystone XL pipeline took a victory lap after the spill was announced. Catherine Collentine, associate director of the Sierra Club, told the Times that oil spills are a guarantee.
“We don’t yet know the extent of the damage from this latest tar sands spill, but what we do know is that this is not the first time this pipeline has spilled toxic tar sands, and it won’t be the last,” she told the outlet. “We’ve always said it’s not a question of whether a pipeline will spill, but when, and once again TC Energy has made our case for us.”
President Barack Obama had denied an expansion of the Keystone pipeline back in 2015. President Donald Trump allowed the construction to begin once he came into office. As the Times reported, the main pipeline has had several spills since it began operating in 2010:
This is the second major incident for the pipeline system in the last two years. In 2017, a spill coated a stretch of grassland in South Dakota with more than 407,000 gallons of leaked Canadian crude oil, which was nearly twice as much as originally estimated, according to the company. The pipeline also leaked about 16,000 gallons each in spills in 2011 in North Dakota and in 2016 in South Dakota.

In addition, another oil spill 300 miles west of Edinburg, North Dakota, resulted in nearly 84,400 gallons of crude oil leaking into pastureland. The pipeline responsible for that spill was operated by New Horizon Resources and not part of the Keystone pipeline.