
Monday 4 November 2019

‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio

In another peek into how white nationalists speak behind closed doors, a newly leaked recording from the aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally depicts alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer railing against Jews and non-whites. The audio was posted today to the YouTube and Telegram channels of Milo Yiannopoulos, himself a misogynistic and Islamophobic troll.
As the face of the so-called alt-right movement — a loose collection of tech-savvy white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, identitarians, antisemites, and fascists — Spencer was measured in his tone and preferred to dress in three-piece suits. He was referred to as a “dapper white nationalist” by Mother Jones in 2016 and as recently as July made an appearance on CNN.
But the leaked audio, nearly a minute in length, presents a very different side of the well-coiffed racist. “I am so fucking mad at these people!” Spencer yelled, presumably referring to the people of Charlottesville, Virginia, where the white power “Unite the Right” rally was held. “They don’t do this to fucking me! We’re going to fucking ritualistically humiliate them!”
“I win! They fucking lose!” he continued, before railing against Jews and non-whites, whom he said should be subservient to people like himself. “Little fucking kikes, they get ruled by people like me,” he snarled. “Little fucking octoroons! … My ancestors fucking enslaved those fucking pieces of fucking shit! I rule the fucking world! Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me!
White nationalists like Spencer often push back on the idea that they are white supremacists, since, they claim, a white supremacist is defined as a person who “believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.” Yet this is the idea that Spencer articulated in his meltdown: that people he believes are inferior should be “ruled” by him.
Milo Yiannopoulos, who released the audio, once had a symbiotic relationship with Richard Spencer and other white nationalists, using his position as editor of Breitbart News to bring white nationalism into the mainstream. Since then Yiannopoulos lost his position at the fringe website along with several of his social media accounts and his money.
Relegated to Telegram, Milo had been complaining that Spencer, and not he, still had a Twitter account. “This is Richard Spencer,” Yiannopoulos griped in a post containing the leaked audio. “Spencer is still on Twitter, as is David Duke. But Gavin [McInnes], Alex [Jones], Laura [Loomer], Roger [Stone] and I are apparently too much.”
Audio Player

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