
Friday 1 November 2019

Tucker Carlson Uncovers an AOC Moment of 'Vicious' Racism That Has Somehow Been Ignored

It’s the “darker side” to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
During less than a year in office, the congresswoman from New York City has become a heroine to the left, with a public following that has enabled her to dictate policy priorities like the Green New Deal, which has become an article of faith among Democrats running for president.
But Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday pointed out one aspect of Ocasio-Cortez’s beliefs that have gotten little attention from the mainstream media:
Not only did she make race a central issue in her 2018 primary campaign against then-Rep. Joe Crowley (“It is about race,” she told The Intercept in an interview), she has continued to stress racial divisions among Americans, Carlson said.
“Talk like this,” he said, “will destroy us.”
Carlson’s monologue on AOC started with some unexpected praise for a woman who’s politics are almost the opposite of the host’s. He complimented her on having the obvious guts and intelligence it takes to become “one of the most powerful politicians in America.”
“There’s a reason she’s famous, it’s not just hype,” he said.
“She’s impressive in a lot of ways, and even if you disagree with her, you ought to admit that.”
But there’s a reason she should be infamous too (and it goes beyond being personally unpleasant to those who disagree with her).
“She’s an unapologetic bigot, someone who attacks others for the way they were born,” Carlson said. “There’s nothing legitimate about that, you can’t debate bigotry, it’s pure poison.”
Carlson especially focused on questions Ocasio-Cortez asked during a congressional hearing last week (about the 3:15 mark in the video above) that specifically blamed white people – not “Americans,” not “Europeans,” white people — for the carbon emissions that are condemned by believers in the Church of Climate Change.
“Do we see largely that it’s the global south and communities of color that may be bearing the brunt of the initial havoc from climate change?” AOC asked a sympathetic witness.
“And in terms of that wealth, the people who are producing climate change, the folks that are responsible for the largest amount of emissions, or communities, or corporations, they tend to be predominantly white, correct?”
The blatantly racist questions were largely ignored by the mainstream media, which just points up the double standard at play in American politics.
“For all the hysteria you hear about how the president is a racist, Donald Trump has never said anything close to that. Nothing close to as bigoted and vicious as that,” Carlson said.
“The people wrecking the world are all of one race? Who talks like that? In fact, it’s hard to think of anyone in American life saying anything that disgusting and foolish and dangerous.”
And there’s a good reason for that.
“This is an ominous development for this country. Talk like this will destroy us,” Carlson said. “It has come close before, as you know.”
He ended with a plea to AOC that shouldn’t really have to be made to a member of Congress — not in the United States of the 21st century anyway.
“Keep saying what you think is true. Keep taking jabs at the establishment in Washington,” Carlson said. “Even those of us who disagree with you will cheer you on.
“But, my gosh, please, for the sake of the country and the children you don’t yet have, please stop attacking people for the color of their skin. They can’t change who they are, and neither can you.
“We all have to live here together anyway. And we won’t be able to if you keep this up.”
There’s not much of a chance the Democrat demagogue will listen, but Carlson can always say he took a shot.

It’s not just women’s sports that’s under attack: Biological male transgenders are about to take over female roles in Hollywood, and the viewing audience must pretend they’re all women

The LGBTQP lobby is outraged that transgenders are not getting as many acting roles on Broadway as they would prefer, so it is now calling on the performance industry to change its ways and start embracing transgenders just as they would normal actors.

An omen of what is soon to come for Hollywood, a stage actors’ union known as Equity has issued a public plea to casting directors everywhere asking them to consider hiring more transgender performers to play characters that aren’t transgender, which will help to give transgenders more acting work.

Even though the average American would probably opt for a root canal over having to watch biological males pretending to be “females” prance around on stage as “women,” Equity believes that transgenders should simply be handed these acting roles whenever they demand them, regardless – you know, because of “equality.”

In a statement, Equity made the claim that trans actors are oftentimes better suited than normal actors to be cast for certain character roles, even when those character roles don’t match a trans actor’s natural biological sex. But for some odd reason, trans actors are overlooked during casting calls – gee, we cannot imagine why this might be the case.
“The fact that [a performer] is trans may be completely invisible in the role or production, but it powerfully represents diversity in the industry,” this statement goes on to claim. “This ‘invisible’ diversity is just as important as more physically recognisable forms of diversity.”

“It is hard for trans actors to build a career out of the very small amount of trans-specific roles if these are the only ones for which they are actively sought.”

How long will it be until transgenders demand to be ordained as pastors?

If this madness is already happening in the world of stage acting, how long will it be until similar demands are made of Hollywood producers casting for The Disney Channel, for instance? Or better yet, will transgenders eventually set their sights on religion, demanding to be ordained as pastors of church youth group?

After all, there’s no “equality” unless trans people are given whatever they want, whenever they want it, regardless of whether or not their presence is wanted. Heck, millions of aspiring actors who aren’t trans have been passed over for roles since the dawn of time. But trans people? They should always get the roles they want, even if nobody besides other trans people have any interest in watching them perform.

Even in 2019, only a very small fraction of the population has any interest in paying to watch a person with male genitals pretend to be a woman on stage. An even smaller fraction would be willing to to watch a biological man dressed up as a woman kiss another biological man on stage, which is what these transgenders are essentially demanding.

“It is not until [trans actors] are being cast in major [normal character] roles because we are the best actors for the role, rather than because we tick a box, that we will have truly arrived,” says “Harrison” Knights, a trans actor and trans activist who’s triggered by the fact that not everyone wants to watch “him” act.

“How long before this insanity spreads to Hollywood?” asks Matt Margolis, writing for PJ Media. “Can you imagine the negative impact it would have on the film industry?”
“Does anyone really think a straight male actor would want to take the role of the lead in a romantic movie opposite a man who identifies as a woman? Guess again.”

YouTube shuts down Patriot Fire’s page for promoting border wall, calling it “hate speech” — Brighteon video platform welcomes pro-America speech

 In September Roger Ogden with the group Patriot Fire noted that U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced a $9.8 billion plan to construct 509 miles of new fence along the U.S.-Mexico border that was codified in federal law in 2006, with both Republican and Democrat support.

The construction of single- and double-row barriers was called for in the Secure Fence Act. But shortly after Democrats took control of the House and Senate, they defunded the law and most of the fencing never got built.

Enter President Donald Trump, whose 2016 campaign focused heavily on border security, stopping illegal immigration, and building a “big, beautiful wall.”

Well, parts of an actual wall are being built, but the $9.8 billion CPB funding plan sought to finally carry out the construction called for by the Secure Fence Act. 

It seems they are completing the requirements of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 in more nearly the way it should have been done from the beginning. To do more than that would probably require a new law by Congress.

Last week when Trump was at the border they said they would construct a double fence where it makes sense, that is probably areas of large urban populations and/or close to highways where illegals can be picked up.

Before the president took office, there was approximately 650 miles of fence; roughly half of it was designed to stop vehicles and is very easy for individuals to climb over or pass through. 

Anyone who has actually been to the U.S.-Mexico border in much of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California  knows that fencing is practically non-existent. Ogden observed that those areas, especially if they are high-traffic/high crime should be repaired first.

This is simply more punishment for a Trump supporter by the Left-wing social media cabal

He laid out his concerns and these priorities on the Patriot Fire YouTube channel. But because YouTube is run by Left-wing speech Nazis who hate Trump and hate the concept of border security, the platform took down his page this week over alleged “hate speech” violations.
“Recently, I have been posting videos about the status of the existing border fence and construction of new fence on YouTube. They suspended my channel that I created about 10 years ago, saying that the reason was hate speech and promoting violence,” he wrote in a note to The Gateway Pundit.

Ogden says he believes the real reason behind removal of his page is that the 2020 election is approaching rapidly and the border will no doubt be another major campaign issue for the president; any videos showing signs of progress would be political gold for Trump and bad for any Democrat who opposes him.

The Patriot Fire founder also noted the arbitrary nature of YouTube’s actions. “I didn’t have any strikes against the channel and had almost exclusively been doing videos about the border in recent months,” he wrote.

He added that his videos had received close to 300,000 views and that the number was growing. Ogden also said he wasn’t trying to be partisan in the videos (because rank conservative partisanship will get you banned more quickly) and was just being “factual.”
Alas, anything that helps this president, though, is deemed ‘bad’ and thus ban-worthy by the social media behemoths. They’ve been doing this to conservative and pro-Trump content now for at least the past year. And they plan on doing more of it as 2020 approaches.

Powerful corporations appease mentally ill transgender activists who demand the complete elimination of all symbols of gender and biology

Corporate pandering to the LGBTQP mafia doesn’t appear to be letting up any time soon, as consumer products giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) recently announced that it will no longer be emblazoning the globally recognized female symbol on its feminine hygiene products.

Since men are now able to menstruate, according to transgender activists, stamping tampon boxes with exclusively female symbolism is “discriminatory” and “transphobic,” and thus needs to end.

Since LGBTQPs are offended by anything that differentiates between the two sexes, sold-out multinational corporations like P&G have decided that society’s loudest and most triggered will now be dictating its corporate policies, including how its products are branded and marketed.

“For over 35 years, Always has championed girls and women, and we will continue to do so,” P&G wrote in a statement about the rebranding of its sanitary products brand. “We’re also committed to diversity and inclusion and are on a continual journey to understand the needs of all of our customers.”

Keep in mind that nobody has ever tried to stop biological males who identify as transgenders from purchasing tampons simply because the product box contained female symbolism. But the mere presence of this symbol apparently upsets transgenders so much that they have to scurry off to a safe space following every visit to the grocery or drug store, so P&G is coming to their rescue.

“We routinely assess our products, packaging and designs, taking into account consumer feedback, to ensure we are meeting the needs of everyone who uses our products,” P&G says. “The change to our pad wrapper design is consistent with that practice.”

It was all fun and games when only men were harmed by LGBTQPs. But now that it’s harming women, somebody needs to do something!

Reports indicate that an 18-year-old trans activist by the name of Ben Saunders is largely responsible for pressuring P&G to do this.

“After having contacted Always back in June about their packaging that discriminated against their transgender customers through its design that featured the female symbol, I’m thrilled to to hear back that they’ve now redesigned the packaging which will be out in December!!” Saunders recently tweeted, before later locking down “his” account.

Hilariously, many biological women are freaking out about the change, even though their own pandering to the LGBTQP community is what helped spawn such insanity in the first place. On their Twitter accounts, a handful of women lamented that “little Ben” only had to “snap his fingers and Procter & Gamble jump[ed] to attention.”

“You’ve alienated your entire customer base, Always – ie menstruating women,” this same Twitter user added.

“Always has the right to make a decision that alienates and marginalises [sic] biological women, just as I have the right to #boycottalways,” Tweeted another.
“Biologically only women menstruate, to remove the female symbol is denying biology. I will no longer purchase Procter & Gamble products.”

One wonders why these same women remained silent when Target decided to open up its female restrooms to biological men with mental illnesses, or when public libraries all across the country decided to bring pedophile child abusers in to dress in drag and read books to small children.

Demonstrating their selfishness once again, these outraged women apparently only get outraged when they’re personally affected by something, everyone else be damned. But in this case, it’s their own selfishness that brought all this LGBTQP insanity full circle to where women are now being disenfranchised by the very monster they created.

California has highest poverty rate in the nation as the collapse of “Calizuela” accelerates… Democrats destroy everything they control

 How does a U.S. state manage to produce one-quarter of national gross domestic product, rise to the sixth-largest economy in the world all on its own, and become the globe’s leading technology hub — and still manage to have the highest poverty rate in the entire country?
That’s a question for the Democrats who have long run that one-party enclave.

As the Mises Institute notes, California has more poverty per capita than any other state — even so-called ‘poor states’ — according to the most recent U.S. Census data. 
According to the agency’s “Supplemental Poverty Measure,” the Golden State’s “poverty rate in 2018 was 18.1 percent, followed by Louisiana with 16.5 percent and Florida, with 16.2 percent” (Florida isn’t considered a ‘poor’ state, by the way).

Meanwhile, states with the lowest rates of poverty were Minnesota at 7 percent and Kansas at 7.8 percent.

“The 2018 report shows a slight general decline in poverty rates throughout the nation in recent years. According to the 2015 report, for example, California’s poverty rate was over twenty percent, and the state with the lowest poverty rate — Minnesota — was at eight percent,” the Mises Institute, a libertarian think tank, noted.

Additional states with high poverty rates include Mississippi (15.8 percent); West Virginia (14.5 percent); New Mexico (14.4 percent); Georgia (14.3 percent); and Texas (14.2 percent). New York and New Jersey, both high-tax states, each had poverty rates of 14 percent.
But the most surprising one is California. 
As Mises notes, the SPM measure today is in contrast to the old “official” measure of poverty that the federal government developed during the “Great Society” days of the 1960s.

That measure essentially applied a ‘one size fits all’ poverty gauge nationally, but the SPM “takes into account local housing costs,” Mises notes, while it also “extends the official poverty measure by taking account of many of the government programs designed to assist low-income families and individuals,” the report notes.

Blame Democrats

Under the old standard, California was in a much better light — a middle-of-the-road state when it comes to poverty. Under the old standard, using 2018 figures, California would have had a poverty rate of 12.5 percent, while Mississippi would have risen to the top with a rate of 19.8 recent, technically tied with Louisiana. 

The state ranked better because nominal incomes there are considerably higher than they are in most other states. But when you factor in cost of living (housing, etc.), those higher salaries are negated and it is just as difficult, if not more so, too earn a good living there.
Plus, let’s not forget that California cities are homeless magnets — filled with disease, filth, destitution, and vermin. In fact, nearly half of the country’s homeless population lives in California. 

Democrat policies aren’t helping, either. They aid and abet homelessness, for instance, by essentially just refusing to deal with it. 

All told, 47% of all unsheltered homeless people nationwide — meaning those who sleep in areas not meant for habitation, such as sidewalks, parks, cars and abandoned buildings, rather than in shelters — live in the Golden State, according to a new report on homelessness from the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Unsheltered homeless people represent just over a third (35%) of the overall homeless population nationwide.
Indeed, four of the five American cities with the highest homeless population are in the state: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Rosa, and San Jose (Seattle is No. 5).
Also, California’s success is a huge part of why there is so much poverty there. As the tech companies flourished and salaries skyrocketed, so, too, did housing/rent and the overall cost of living. 

Mid-level six-figure paychecks are common, but that level of salary is considered ‘middle class.’ 

Puberty blockers are QUACK medicine backed by nothing… chemical child abuse is now demanded by LGBT pushers conspiring with evil doctors

 Transgender totalitarianism dictates that all children who express gender dysphoria or a “trans” identity should be immediately put on puberty blockers. Parents who fail to allow their children to pollute their developing bodies with these questionable drugs are scorned and labeled as abusive “transphobic” trash. In some cases, parents may even end up losing their children all together. Refusing to buy into the trans agenda, even when its in your child’s best interest, is all it takes these days to be labeled as a bad parent.

Current transgender dogma is putting children’s health in jeopardy by pushing for off-label drug use as a primary means of treatment for trans kids. Puberty blockers may be extremely detrimental to kids long-term, but currently, there isn’t enough evidence to be sure. Some of the only research indicating puberty blockers are safe has even been called into question.

The LGBTQ+ movement is notorious for denying scientific reality — and the reality is that experts agree there is not one shred of “credible scientific evidence” which supports the use of puberty blockers in “trans” kids.

The science isn’t there

Proponents of the trans agenda will probably tell you that you’re “anti-science” if you talk about things like sex chromosomes and biology. And you’re a “transphobe” if you express concern about giving young children heavy doses of drugs without any scientific evidence of safety.

The truth is that being trans is not a hall pass that allows you to circumvent reality and insulate yourself from its consequences. Trans advocates are behaving irresponsibly when they advocate for the use of puberty blockers in young children long-term, because there is no research to prove its safe. Puberty blockers were designed to be used in kids going through an early puberty; these drugs are intended to be used for a relatively short period of time. Now, healthcare providers are providing puberty blockers to kids as young as 11. As an off-label use, this means puberty blockers are not approved for use in trans kids, and no research has been done to indicate it as such.

Doctors say that this practice gives children experiencing gender dysphoria time to figure out their identity. But recent research has led to questions on if puberty blockers may be doing more harm than good. Experts say it is possible that chemically, puberty blockers may be effecting kids’ brains in such a way that they “crystallize” their gender identity.

Blockers on the brain

What this means is that puberty blockers can affect children’s developing brains in unintended ways.

Dr. Lisa Simons, a pediatrician at Lurie Children’s Hospital, told Frontline, “The bottom line is we don’t really know how sex hormones impact any adolescent’s brain development. We know that there’s a lot of brain development between childhood and adulthood, but it’s not clear what’s behind that.”

Dr. Simons says that there is a critical lack of research regarding the effects of puberty blockers on brain development. While doctors claim that puberty blockers are safe, the truth is that they really only know these drugs won’t kill your kid or cause readily apparent problems. Changes in brain development can easily go unnoticed, especially in adolescents on the verge of puberty.

The fact that so many doctors, and even public health organizations like the NHS, are prescribing these drugs to trans kids like candy is deeply disturbing. Nothing is sacred anymore; now even kids are targets for pharma profits. This combination of transgender totalitarianism and Big Pharma drug pushing is sure to be a lethal one.

Pop culture magazines are now promoting prostitution as a desirable career choice for children

 In an attempt to boost the local economy and enslave the next generation of America’s youth into sexual deviancy, the Washington, D.C., City Council is reportedly pushing a new proposal that would legalize “sex work” in our nation’s capital.

Young girls could soon be allowed to sell their bodies on D.C.’s seedy street corners if the deceptively named “Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019” becomes law. The bill’s language would basically decriminalize the entire sex trade, including pimping, sex buying, and brothels – so progressive!

Piggy-backing on similar bills that have been proposed in New York, New Hampshire, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, D.C.’s sex work proposal is being unveiled at the very same time that magazines for children like Teen Vogue are pushing sex work on children with articles like, “Why Sex Work Is Real Work.”

According to Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng, founder of “Nalane for Reproductive Justice,” teenage girls should be exploring prostitution as a career option – child trafficking, anyone? If Mofokeng gets her way, teen prostitution will eventually be legalized worldwide.

Another similar article written for Teen Vogue by Katie “Kitty Stryker” Fisher, who describes herself as “an anarchist, a Juggalo, and a street medic working in the East Bay,” advises against anti-sex trafficking legislation, which she believes will make prostitution more “dangerous.”

Fisher, who is a former prostitute herself, and who has also appeared in pornography films for the adult entertainment industry, actually believes that laws trying to shut down websites like Backpage, where minors are routinely trafficked for sex by pimps, are unfair and unjust, and need to be stopped.

In yet another Teen Vogue article written by Savannah Sly, a career sex worker, advice is given to teen girls about how they can use sex to gain more power in society – the goal being to lure more young girls into the sex trade by enticing them with ideas about power and influence.

Planned Parenthood is now selling vulgar clothing for underage girls that says “don’t f*** with my freedom” on the front

Not surprising is the fact that Planned Parenthood is involved with all of this indoctrination. The nation’s largest abortion provider is working overtime to make abortion “trendy” among today’s youth, including with vulgar clothing designed for underage girls that says, “don’t f*** with my freedom” on the front.

Children both male and female are also being targeted by drag queen pedophiles that are being hired by local libraries to read perverted “children’s books” on the taxpayers’ dime.
One of these drag queens, who goes by the name of Dylan Pontiff, openly admitted that the purpose of so-called ‘drag queen story hours” is “the grooming of the next generation” into total LGBTQP deviancy.

In California, new sex education programs are emerging to inundate young students with propaganda about transgenderism. Children as young as four or five, or kindergarten age, are being taught about LGBTQP relations, as well as how to engage in sexual behavior within the context of being an LGBTQP.

As parents and teachers in California resist this demonic effort to destroy the minds and bodies of innocent youth, Planned Parenthood, once again, is promoting this wickedness on its website with resources that offer schools access to “trusted reproductive health workers” on their campuses.

“The clear losers here are women and girls, who account for 99% of victims in commercial sex trafficking,” writes Deborah Stilt for Life Site News. “Prostitution is not a job. It is a form of violence and a degradation of human beings, and it is a direct violation of their personhood.”