Corporate pandering to the LGBTQP mafia doesn’t appear to be letting up any time soon, as consumer products giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) recently announced that it will no longer be emblazoning the globally recognized female symbol on its feminine hygiene products.
Since men are now able to menstruate, according to transgender activists, stamping tampon boxes with exclusively female symbolism is “discriminatory” and “transphobic,” and thus needs to end.
Since LGBTQPs are offended by anything that differentiates between the two sexes, sold-out multinational corporations like P&G have decided that society’s loudest and most triggered will now be dictating its corporate policies, including how its products are branded and marketed.
“For over 35 years, Always has championed girls and women, and we will continue to do so,” P&G wrote in a statement about the rebranding of its sanitary products brand. “We’re also committed to diversity and inclusion and are on a continual journey to understand the needs of all of our customers.”
Keep in mind that nobody has ever tried to stop biological males who identify as transgenders from purchasing tampons simply because the product box contained female symbolism. But the mere presence of this symbol apparently upsets transgenders so much that they have to scurry off to a safe space following every visit to the grocery or drug store, so P&G is coming to their rescue.
“We routinely assess our products, packaging and designs, taking into account consumer feedback, to ensure we are meeting the needs of everyone who uses our products,” P&G says. “The change to our pad wrapper design is consistent with that practice.”
It was all fun and games when only men were harmed by LGBTQPs. But now that it’s harming women, somebody needs to do something!
Reports indicate that an 18-year-old trans activist by the name of Ben Saunders is largely responsible for pressuring P&G to do this.
“After having contacted Always back in June about their packaging that discriminated against their transgender customers through its design that featured the female symbol, I’m thrilled to to hear back that they’ve now redesigned the packaging which will be out in December!!” Saunders recently tweeted, before later locking down “his” account.
Hilariously, many biological women are freaking out about the change, even though their own pandering to the LGBTQP community is what helped spawn such insanity in the first place. On their Twitter accounts, a handful of women lamented that “little Ben” only had to “snap his fingers and Procter & Gamble jump[ed] to attention.”
“You’ve alienated your entire customer base, Always – ie menstruating women,” this same Twitter user added.
“Always has the right to make a decision that alienates and marginalises [sic] biological women, just as I have the right to #boycottalways,” Tweeted another.
“Biologically only women menstruate, to remove the female symbol is denying biology. I will no longer purchase Procter & Gamble products.”
One wonders why these same women remained silent when Target decided to open up its female restrooms to biological men with mental illnesses, or when public libraries all across the country decided to bring pedophile child abusers in to dress in drag and read books to small children.
Demonstrating their selfishness once again, these outraged women apparently only get outraged when they’re personally affected by something, everyone else be damned. But in this case, it’s their own selfishness that brought all this LGBTQP insanity full circle to where women are now being disenfranchised by the very monster they created.