
Monday 19 August 2024

8 Foods You Should Consider Eating Raw (and 5 You Should Cook)



Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients, especially in sulforaphane, an antioxidant compound linked to cancer prevention, type 2 diabetes management, and reduced inflammation.1 Eating raw broccoli ensures higher sulforaphane absorption compared to cooking, which significantly lowers its vitamin C levels.


Raw onions are loaded with cancer-fighting flavonoids like quercetin, which lose their effectiveness when cooked. Studies have shown that heating onions depletes these beneficial compounds, lowering their cardiovascular benefits. Including raw onions in salads or garnishes can maximize their health properties

Garlic l

Garlic, another allium vegetable, retains more of its antiplatelet and anticancer properties when eaten raw. Heat deactivates the alliinase enzyme, which is crucial for its cancer-fighting capabilities. To preserve some benefits, crush garlic and let it sit for ten minutes before cooking.


Raw blueberries are full of potent antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress. Cooking blueberries significantly reduces their polyphenol content, so eating them raw is preferable for maximum health benefits.

Red Bell Peppers 

Red bell peppers contain nearly triple the vitamin C of an orange. Cooking these peppers destroys a lot of their vitamin C content as well as other antioxidants that protect against chronic diseases. Eating them raw in salads or as snacks can help you benefit from their full nutritional profile.


Kale is best consumed raw to retain its glucosinolates, which transform into disease-fighting compounds. Cooking inactivates myrosinase, the enzyme that triggers this transformation, reducing its cancer-preventive properties. Raw kale salads or smoothies are excellent ways to enjoy its benefits.


Raw beets maintain higher levels of folate, fiber, and other vitamins compared to their cooked counterparts. Cooking beets can result in a 25% loss of their nutrients. Shaving raw beets onto salads can add both color and nutrition.


Raw pineapple is rich in bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce swelling and aid digestion. Cooking pineapple diminishes bromelain's effectiveness, making raw consumption more beneficial.


Cooking tomatoes increases the bioavailability and concentration of lycopene, a potent antioxidant linked to reduced cancer risk and heart disease. Heat breaks down cell walls, enhancing lycopene absorption. However, avoid frying as it can lead to nutrient loss.2 Tomatoes are still nutritious raw, but cooking has its perks.


Cooked carrots have higher levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body converts to vitamin A, essential for vision and immune function. Cooking also softens carrots, making their nutrients more accessible.


While raw spinach is rich in lutein and vitamin C, cooking spinach increases its beta-carotene content, which is crucial for overall health. Cooking also helps reduce oxalates, which can interfere with nutrient absorption.


Cooking asparagus enhances its antioxidant levels, making it more beneficial. However, it also reduces vitamin C content. Steaming or microwaving asparagus preserves most of its nutrients while improving digestibility.


Cooking mushrooms boosts their antioxidant activity, particularly when sautéed or roasted quickly. However, long cooking times can reduce beneficial flavonoids. Briefly cooking mushrooms enhances their nutrient profile while retaining their health benefits.+


Balancing raw and cooked foods in your diet can optimize nutrient intake and health benefits. Raw foods often retain sensitive vitamins and antioxidants, while cooking can enhance the bioavailability of certain compounds. Understanding these dynamics helps in making informed dietary choices. Ultimately, the best approach is to include a variety of both raw and cooked vegetables and fruits in your diet to ensure a broad spectrum of nutrients.3

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