
Tuesday 12 October 2021

Sane People Have to Fight Back against the Lunacy

Parents shouldn’t be involved in the schools.

Parents aren’t the primary stakeholders in the education of their children.

And parents might be, if they are too vocal at school-board meetings, the subject of an FBI investigation.

The progressive response to the backlash to critical race theory and associated racialist agitprop in the schools has gone from, “Nothing to see here; you’re making it up” to, “It’s none of your freakin’ business what happens in America’s schools.”

The Merrick Garland memo is an extraordinary document that would have been sent to the circular filing cabinet — indeed, never would have been drafted in the first place — in an administration mindful of legal and democratic norms.

It has no foundation in the law (and doesn’t even cite any legal basis); doesn’t cite any specific crimes, let alone any federal crimes, that prompted the DOJ to act; and came in response to a transparently political letter from the National School Boards Association complaining about parental activism.

The Left’s campaign against anti-CRT parent activists is ripped straight from its playbook against the Tea Party in the 2010s — dissent is never the highest form of patriotism when Democrats are in charge; no, it’s always illegitimate and to be discredited and destroyed by any means necessary.

At moments like this, I’m honored to say, we have a battery of legal analysts and writers who can bring to bear heavy artillery against the defenders of the indefensible.

If you think it’s important to fight back against the effort to insulate administrators and school boards from democratic accountability, please consider giving to our current webathon.

As soon as the Garland memo was issued, Andy McCarthy, who has easily been the most comprehensively spot-on legal writer in the country over the past several years, published a scathing, thorough, and airtight takedown, “The Biden Justice Department’s Lawless Threat against American Parents.” 

We just ran a report highlighting how the vast majority of claims of alleged intimidation in the underlying National School Boards Association letter are nonsense.

We’ve been extensively covering the nationwide fights over CRT and transgender radicalism, reporting on battles that have been neglected by the rest of the conservative press, highlighting attempts to hide curriculum changes from parents, exposing acts of neo-segregationism, going in-depth on how anti-CRT efforts have succeeded, and defending state-level bans on the worst forms of racialist indoctrination.

You’ll find at the end of this appeal, by the way, a necessarily incomplete but representative sample of the pieces we’ve run on every permutation of the fight over the direction of our schools.

This is the kind of work we are deeply committed to doing, and we can keep doing with your support.

We aren’t new to this cluster of issues. Our friend Stanley Kurtz has been sounding the alarm about woke curricula for ages and has been waging a one-man campaign against so-called action civics and for the creation of a better, more truthful, and pro-American curriculum.

The Left’s attitude now is that the schools need to be protected — according to Merrick Garland, literally — from parents, whereas the truth is that education is too important to be left to educators.

This is something we’ll never bend on, and — with your help — keep hammering without pause and as long as necessary.

Thank you for reading, and considering helping if you can.

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