
Saturday, 2 October 2021

Biden’s Latest Communist Sympathizing Nominee Graduated from Moscow State Univ and is All for a “Big and Bold” Climate Agenda

 Far-left Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are thrilled with Biden’s latest nominee for Comptroller of the Currency. Is it any surprise that nominee Saule Omarova is a Communist sympathizer who wants to “REMAKE” U.S. banks? Oh, and she graduated from Russia’s Moscow State University in 1989 on a scholarship named after Lenin.

The one thing to know about this nominee is that she favors the Soviet Union’s central bank to the American free-market system saying, “Market doesn’t always ‘know best.” She wants the feds to control capital, credit, and many other things that are now independently controlled by U.S. banks.

Elizabeth Warren is thrilled with Omarova’s nomination and tweeted out her approval:

“Saule Omarova’s nomination to lead the USOCC is tremendous news. She is an excellent choice to oversee and regulate the activities of our nation’s largest banks, and I have no doubt she’ll be a fearless champion for consumers.” 

What’s even more terrifying is that Omarova believes in the Green New Deal Agenda. She recommended an advisory board of academics to direct the funds for a “big and bold” climate plan.

This nominee needs to be rejected.