
Saturday, 11 September 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Was Rosanne Boyland Beaten By Female Officer Before She Died on January 6th? (Video)


Rosanne was killed on January 6th when she was beaten, pepper-sprayed and trampled on the US Capitol Steps.  Philip Anderson spoke to us earlier about her death.  He was on the ground beside her when she was killed.  The police continued to push protesters on top of her while she was on the ground.

Who was Rosanne Boyland? 

Rosanne Boyland was a 34 years old young woman,  beloved daughter, middle sister and proud Aunt. She journeyed  by car from Kennesaw, Georgia with a close friend to support the President of the United States that she loved. She was seen smiling happily as she marched to the Capitol in a black hoodie, ripped jeans, tube socks with American flag sunglasses, and clutching a “Save America” sign.

Boyland never made it back to Georgia, or to her family, alive.

This reporter spoke with Boyland’s family and they shared their memories of her in this heartfelt statement:

“Rosanne cared deeply for her family and friends— she ALWAYS greeted and left them with a hug saying, “I love you!” She was dedicated to her sobriety, attending meetings regularly — even the night of January 5th. When most meetings were canceled due to COVID-19, she would arrange to meet informally (usually outside) with her support network because she knew the lock-down was stressful for everyone. Her goal the last several years was to become a certified counselor.  She spent a lot of time researching and finding assistance for others to improve or save their lives. Rosanne genuinely cared for anyone in need and went out of her way to help others — often ignoring her needs in the process. (For example:  Several times Rosanne collected extra blankets and coats, drove into Atlanta, and gave them out to any street people in need.)”

Unfortunately, the mainstream media was quick to slander Boyland’s name after death when she was no longer alive to defend herself. The New York Times reported that Boyland was trampled by an angry Trump mob. Many other news outlets focused on her past drug addiction problems. Some outlets implied she was a conspiracy theorist. USA Today attempted to link her to Q’anon. We will NOT let this be her legacy and the way she was remembered, and we will continue to fight for her.

This reporter released an article with testimony and our investigative team at “The People’s January 6th Commission” released video last month  to illustrate that the mainstream media was wrong. According to multiple eyewitnesses, Boyland was allegedly not trampled by an angry Trump mob but rather these witnesses stated that the police pushed protesters on top of her and would not allow fellow protesters to pull her out. The men that say they tried to pull her out and fight for her are now in jail with no voice to speak out.

The Washington DC Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Francisco Diaz came out and said Boyland’s first cause of death was “Acute Amphetamine Intoxication” and the media gleefully reported.  As previously stated, it has been confirmed that Boyland had an Adderall prescription, which is an amphetamine. It is hard to fathom how the Medical Examiner missed the blunt trauma that should have been obvious after the police allegedly pushed the crowd on top of Rosanne, would not allow anyone to pull her out, and then beat her with a stick to the body and the head repeatedly as she lay motionless. Unfortunately, Boyland was cremated shortly after her autopsy. It may still be possible to order a second autopsy based on pictures and other forensics,  something the people should demand, and Nancy Pelosi’s “House Select January 6th Committee” should be focused on.

It has become clear to many Americans that the Capitol Police and DC Police are allegedly responsible for the death of at least two unarmed female protesters. Why is the January 6th House Select Committee not interested in the deaths of American citizen protesters at the hands of police? We have no choice but to investigate it ourselves.

Mainstream media had no problem slandering a dead woman’s name without due diligent research and they must apologize and retract their statements about the death of Rosanne Boyland.

Her  family may have a grounds for a wrongful death case.

What Happened to Roseann Boyland? 

After months of investigating, we believe we have successfully identified the police officer that was seen brutally beating Rosanne Boyland on the Capitol steps on January 6th. Boyland is the second woman to have died that day, succumbing to what many are now saying was police brutality towards unarmed protesters.

After combing over the evidence for the past months, a team of investigators have concluded that Officer Lila Morris (Badge Number 5869) of the DC Metropolitan Police in the 6th District is the officer seen in a video we previously released seeming to aggressively beat an unarmed, defenseless and unconscious woman on the steps of the West Terrace of The United States Capitol with a long stick. That woman, Boyland, died at the Capitol- more than likely on the steps as she was unable to be resuscitated by her fellow protesters after the attack. It is not clear in the video if the blows were what killed Boyland, if she was already dead as she was beaten, or if she died shortly afterwards.

Officer Morris was honored at the Super Bowl LV in Tampa, Florida in February for her “heroism” at the Capitol and called a “superhero” by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. Officer Morris never made mention of the violent encounter with Boyland on January 6th.

Morris is pictured below.

The officer’s helmet number:

The officer on Jan. 6th.

Officer Morris is pictured with Officer Michael Fanone who has made his disdain for President Trump and his supporters well known.
It took the government almost eight months to officially reveal the name of the police officer that shot Ashli Babbitt.
Waiting on the government to release the name of an officer who might be culpable in another death on January 6th is simply not an option. As concerned citizens, we deserve to know if an officer is responsible for another protester’s death, and who that officer is. Whether this is ultimately the case or not, police officers must be investigated and held accountable to the public, especially when a video like this emerges.

Please see the video that we exclusively discovered in June of Rosanne Boyland being beaten by a police officer on the steps of the Capitol.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was filed after Forensics Video Analyst Gary McBride scoured the internet and found video that showed a closeup of the badge number (5869) on the helmet of who appears to be the police officer seen bludgeoning Rosanne Boyland as she lay unconscious on the Capitol stairs.

In the FOIA, filed by researcher Randy Ireland,  “general information on the Metropolitan Police Officer for badge number 5869” was requested. Specifically, the request asked for their First Name, Last Name, Years in Service, and any other publicly available information regarding their tenure with the Metropolitan Police Department.

The FOIA request for the identity of the officer was flat out denied and the file was closed. This appears to be in direct violation of the rules of the Metropolitan Police, according to DC Code 5-331.09 (Identification of MPD Personnel Policing First Amendment Assemblies).

According to this code, police are required to provide their first and last name as well as badge number upon request and display that information while in uniform. It is also noteworthy that Morris’ name was nowhere in sight on her uniform on the day of January 6th.

Yet requests for this information was not granted by FOIA Specialist Mr. Bob Eckert at the Freedom of Information Act Office at the Metropolitan Police Department. This reporter reached out to Lisa Archie-Mills, Acting FOIA Officer the Supervisor at the Metropolitan Police Department to clarify the reasons behind the denial of this public information.

Archie-Mills said that the request for the officer’s name and public information “is a privacy issue” for the officer. “Coming through FOIA seeking information on a specific police officer is a privacy issue and we do not normally release that information through FOIA,” was the direct quote.

After the FOIA request denial, this reporter decided to simply call one of the local police stations and ask the desk officer the information. Desk officers at multiple district offices told the reporter that badge number 5869 belongs to Officer Lila Morris. After the red tape encountered  with the DC Police Freedom of Information Office denying a simple request, it is notably strange that the on-duty desk officers gave  this information yet the higher officials at the FOIA Office at Metropolitan Police Headquarters chose to withhold it.

After obtaining Officer Morris’ name,  a search engine revealed her photo in articles  pictured alongside fellow D.C. Officers Mike Fanone and Daniel Hodges (both witnesses at the January 6th House Select Committee Hearing) at Super Bowl LV “in recognition of their heroism” during the Jan. 6 “attack at the Capitol building”. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser also showed her support in honoring the officers at the game, tweeting, “Thank you, @NFL, for honoring our (super)heroes from @DCPoliceDept at the #SuperBowl.”

DC Police Acting Chief Contee says Morris “fought like hell” on January 6th. Video shows this may be an accurate statement, but not in the complimentary way Contee intended.

Now it is time that Internal Affairs, the Department of Justice and the FBI investigate this police officer and, if found to be guilty, she must be held her held accountable for her actions, just like many protesters from that day still languishing in prison or on house arrest. Over 80 prisoners are still being detained to this day with no bail before trail. They are being held for far less allegations than the alleged crime that is implied of suspect Officer Morris after viewing the shocking video of her alleged actions that day brutally beating an unconscious woman repeatedly with a stick.

A Forensics Video Analyst from “The People’s January 6th Commission” methodically put together video evidence that Morris is allegedly the officer seen beating Boyland a number of times to the body and the head with a stick. Interestingly, the original body-cam footage he found of Boyland being beaten was hidden in plain sight. The Department of Justice & FBI gave this body-cam video to mainstream media who continued to use it to paint their narrative. MSNBC and CNN had both played the footage repeatedly to illustrate Capitol violence and paint the picture of an “insurrection.” This is a glaring example of how negligent and irresponsible some mainstream media are to miss something like this in the videos they play for the American People and around the world.

The media had also reported that Boyland had died from an “Amphetamine Overdose”. Boyland had an Adderall prescription, which is an amphetamine.

“Any logical person viewing the video can see that Boyland more than likely did not die of a drug overdose,” said Forensics Video Analyst Gary McBride. “I have viewed it hundreds of times. The videos show probable cause that her death is more than likely related to other causes including police actions, to include the beating by the police officer seen swinging a heavy stick down on her body and head in an overhead hatchet-like motion multiple times. The strikes are so powerful that the stick actually breaks after the final fourth blow seen on video, and you can see Boyland’s body twitch from the impact.”

Last month, this reporter exclusively reported for The Gateway Pundit  the emergence of three additional eyewitnesses to the death of Rosanne Boyland after Gateway Pundit reported on the first two eyewitnesses. All said that law enforcement at the Capitol were responsible for Boyland’s death. Two of the eyewitnesses interviewed are still being detained indefinitely in a D.C. Jail, the other is under house arrest for Capitol charges. It was also reported on the exclusive video of Boyland being bludgeoned by a police officer and asked that the officer’s name and body camera footage be released.

If it were not for the hard work of this investigative team, this moment captured in time on video would literally have gone unnoticed and the death of Rosanne Boyland would remain a closed case- that she died from a drug overdose with no questions asked.

This discovery undoubtedly changes the narrative that all protesters were attacking police unprovoked. Some have sworn it was in self-defense and in the defense of others like Rosanne Boyland that they saw being brutalized or attacked by police. They say they fought to try to rescue her but were unable to due to police intervention.

The organization “The People’s January 6th Commission” demand to see all the body camera footage of Officer Morris from the day of January 6th, 2021, including the video documenting Boyland’s death at the West Terrace of the Capitol. They also demand released any other publicly available information regarding Officer Morris’ tenure with the Metropolitan Police Department, including any incident reports. They will continue to file FOIAs for this information and sue if it is not legally handed over in a timely manner.

For more information on “The People’s January 6th Commission”, please visit The People’s January 6th Commission. We are actively seeking writers, researchers and volunteers. Our goal is to expose the truth about January 6th and fight for Justice for Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland and any others that died that day. We will also continue to tell the stories of the January 6th detainees being held unconstitutionally without bail and we will continue to expose any government wrongdoings and inaccurate reporting pertaining to their cases.

Please contact Citizens Against Political Persecution CitizensAPP for more information, if you would like to volunteer or if you have any tips.

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution) and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality.