When the pandemic first started and countries closed their borders to travelers, there was a lot of panic among citizens about how we would get products from other countries that our own countries don’t manufacture.
The most famous example is Japan: when a rumor was spread that all of their toilet paper was manufactured in China and that they should stock up, Japanese people started to panic buy. Later it was debunked and turns out, Japan produces its own toilet paper, but the rumor made people buy more than they needed and that created a toilet paper shortage.
A similar situation is happening now in the United Kingdom, but it’s not toilet paper. The UK is experiencing a shortage of fuel, because people are buying it in insane amounts even if they don’t need to because they fear that later they won’t be able to get any. However, as always, people on the internet are expressing their stress through ironic and sarcastic jokes and this serious problem has led to numerous memes being born.