Underneath all the things we do to maintain our health, like the time we spend at the gym and the meals we cook for ourselves, there is something we can't ignore: our metabolism. Our metabolism is essentially the process by which our body converts the food and drinks we consume into the energy it needs to thrive.
We need energy to function throughout the day (which comes from the foods we eat), and our metabolism helps us by converting the energy we consume to repair cells, keep blood flowing, and even breathe. But what foods would be the best for your metabolism? And is there one that stands out among the others?
We talked with Laura Burak MS, RD, founder of GetNaked® Nutrition and Author of Slimdown with Smoothies about the best metabolic-friendly foods to eat on a regular basis. And it turns out that eggs are considered the best food to boost our metabolism.

Why are eggs a good choice?
When choosing the best food for boosting metabolism, Burak looked at the whole picture to choose a food that was not only good for our metabolism, but also delicious and accessible as well.
"They truly are incredible because they are not only tasty, super nutritious, versatile, and affordable, but there have been decades of significant research conducted on meals containing eggs linked to an increase in satiety, metabolism, and weight control," says Burak.
But why exactly are eggs a good metabolism-boosting option? The answer is found mainly in the protein content.
"Eggs are rich in both protein and fat, which increase the thermic effect of food," says Burak, "aka your body requires more energy to digest protein as compared to carbohydrates, for example."
Protein is one of the key factors in improving or maintaining our metabolism. According to a study from the American Journal of Nutrition, participants who ate a diet that was at least 29% protein had a significantly higher resting metabolic rate than the people whose diet was only 11% protein.
Foods that are packed with protein, like eggs, also help with our satiety.
"Higher protein foods are digested slower and delay gastric emptying (or leave the stomach slower)," says Burak, "which therefore keeps you fuller longer than carbs."
Adding more eggs to our diet
If you decide to add a bit more protein to your diet to boost your metabolism, incorporating eggs is a simple way to do that.
"Eggs are one of the most nutritious, most affordable foods that can be easily and quickly cooked and prepared in many ways depending on your taste preferences," says Burak.
However you choose to eat them, eggs are a great way to get that metabolism boost.
"Besides the documented scientific research, my clients anecdotally report feeling much more satisfied, the time between meals lasting longer, and a decrease in cravings when they add eggs into their diet," says Burak.