
Wednesday 11 August 2021

Biden says he is 'checking' whether he can intervene to stop Republican bans on mask mandates after Psaki hinted he could PAY school staff who have their paychecks withheld by Ron DeSantis

 Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he is looking into whether he is able to intervene in states like Florida and Texas as they ban mask mandates, specifically in schools.

The administration could also move to pay Florida school staff with federal funds if Governor Ron DeSantis withholds their paychecks for imposing mask mandates, which he banned through executive order last month.

'My concerns are deep and – I'm very concerned. And we all know why,' Biden said when asked during a press conference about some red state governors preventing compulsory mask wearing.

Biden said he 'doesn't believe' he has the power to intervene in Florida and Texas.

'We are checking that. But federal workforce, I can,' he added.

The president has already imposed a requirement that all federal workers get vaccinated or they will be subject to daily testing. The administration has also reimpose a federal workforce-wide mask mandate regardless of vaccination status.

The new rules come as the Delta variant and breakthrough cases in vaccinated Americans surge.

DeSantis signed an order banning schools in Florida from forcing students to wear masks.

He and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have both gone to war with the White House as they push back against the latest guidelines.

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he is 'checking' if he has the power to intervene in states that are banning mask mandates in schools

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he is 'checking' if he has the power to intervene in states that are banning mask mandates in schools 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued an order last month banning schools for compulsory mask wearing. He also threatened to withhold pay from school officials who require students in their district to wear face coverings

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued an order last month banning schools for compulsory mask wearing. He also threatened to withhold pay from school officials who require students in their district to wear face coverings

'Look, I understand that there are millions of people decided – adults who decided not to get vaccinated,' Biden said during his Tuesday press conference celebrating the Senate passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package.

'I understand that to badger those folks is not likely to get them to move and get vaccinated,' he added. 'But I also understand that the reason children are becoming infected is because, in most cases, they live in low vaccination rate states and communities and they're getting it from unvaccinated adults. That's what's happening.'

'And so my plea is that for those who are not vaccinated, think about it,' Biden said. 'God willing, the FDA's going to be coming out in a reasonable time frame to say this vaccine is totally safe.'

None of the three vaccines administered in the U.S. – Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson – are fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Rather, they are all under emergency use authorization, a partial and expedited approval process reserved for rare, unusual circumstances – like a global pandemic.

Biden said on Tuesday that he finds it 'disingenuous' when governors claim the government doesn't have the power to impose mask mandates, but then threaten to use their power to punish entities that decide to issue their own mandates.

'When I suggest that people in zones where there's a high rate wear the masks like you all are doing, I'm told that government should get out of the way and not do that – 'They don't have the authority to do that.' And I find it interesting that some of the very people are saying that who hold government positions are people who are threatening that if a school teacher asks a student if they've been vaccinated or if a principal says that 'everyone in my school should wear a mask' or the school board votes for it, that governor will nullify it. That governor has the authority to say 'you can't do that,' he posed.

'I find that totally counterintuitive and, quite frankly, disingenuous,'Biden added.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that Biden will help Florida schools after DeSantis threatened to withhold salaries of those who don't follow his order banning compulsory face masks for students.

That option could include paying the salaries with federal funds.

'We're looking into what's possible,' Psaki said as she praised 'the courage and the boldness of a number of leaders in Florida, including in Miami Dade County people, who are stepping up to do the right thing to protect students and keep schools safe and open.' 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden will help pay staff in Florida schools if funds are withheld from the governor

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden will help pay staff in Florida schools if funds are withheld from the governor

Some Florida school superintendents have publicly said they will disobey Santis' order to stop mask requirements for students

Some Florida school superintendents have publicly said they will disobey Santis' order to stop mask requirements for students

She claimed one option the administration is considering is using the federal funds allocated to Florida as part of the American Rescue Plan to cover the salaries.

Psaki noted the money that was 'distributed to Florida to provide assistance to schools have not yet been distributed from the state level. So the question is, why not, and those can be used to cover expenses that come up in this period of time. They're federal funds and they're under federal discretion.'

DeSantis said in mid-July he wanted to use the money to give $,1000 bonuses to teachers and principals with the money. But the Department of Education told him at the time that may not be a legal way for him to use the federal funds. 

She ruled out withholding any federal funds as part of the White House response. 

'We don't want to hurt the people of Florida. We want the people of Florida to continue to do what they've done, which is go out and get vaccinated,' she said.

Florida received approximately $10.23 billion under the American Rescue Plan, which was passed by Democrats in Congress to help those hurt financially by the COVID pandemic. Under the plan, counties in the state will get $4.17 billion, metropolitan cities will receive $1.47 billion, and other local governments will receive $1.4 billion.

And Psaki had strong words for Gov. DeSantis, who has been harshly criticized by the president and his administration for signing an executive order that bans mandatory face masks for students after the CDC recommended all kids in classrooms wear them when they return school this fall. 

'If you're not interested in following the public health guidelines to protect the lives of people in your state, to give parents some comfort as they're sending their kids to school - schools are opening in Florida this week, I know, in many parts of Florida - then get out of the way,' she said. 

DeSantis on Monday threatened to withhold salaries from school superintendents or board members who ignored his executive order on masks. 

His latest salvo came after taking action to ban compulsory masks in Sunshine State schools and offering to pay private school tuition for parents who fear they'll be shamed for refusing to cover their kids' faces. 

De Santis's statement read 'With respect to enforcing any financial consequences for noncompliance of state law regarding these rules and ultimately the rights of parents to make decisions about their children's education and health care decisions, it would be the goal of the State Board of Education to narrowly tailor any financial consequences to the offense committed.' 

'For example, the State Board of Education could move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members, as a narrowly tailored means to address the decision-makers who led to the violation of law.'

'Education funding is intended to benefit students first and foremost, not systems. The Governor's priorities are protecting parents' rights and ensuring that every student has access to a high-quality education that meets their unique needs.' 

Gov. Ron DeSantis faces backlash in Florida after threatening to cut school officials' salaries if they put mask wearing mandates in place

Gov. Ron DeSantis faces backlash in Florida after threatening to cut school officials' salaries if they put mask wearing mandates in place

Anti-mask protesters rally outside the Hillsborough County Schools Board meeting at the district office on July 27

Anti-mask protesters rally outside the Hillsborough County Schools Board meeting at the district office on July 27

The statement was released in the midst of an ongoing battle over mandating masks in schools, a topic that has caused division in school districts across the state as the Delta variant continues to spread before the start of the new school year.

At least one superintendent offered an immediate and defiant response to DeSantis's salary threat. Leon County School Superintendent Rocky Hanna told school officials on Monday that 'you can't put a price tag on someone's life including my salary.'

He added: 'We want to make sure that children also have access to a high quality education but they can't if they're sick and in the hospital.'

His response came hours before he announced in the state's capital, Tallahassee, will be required to wear masks as the upcoming school year begins. 

Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, who runs the fourth largest school district in the nation, took a similar stance to Hanna's and criticized DeSantis for trying to influence superintendent's decisions by threatening their paychecks.

Carvalho said: 'We have established a process that requires consultation with experts in the areas of public health and medicine. We will follow this process, which has served us well, and then make a final decision.

'At no point shall I allow my decision to be influenced by a threat to my paycheck; a small price to pay considering the gravity of this issue and the potential impact to the health and well-being of our students and dedicated employees.'

'I want to thank the Governor for recognizing that students should not be penalized.'
Protesters in favor of a mask mandate hold protest signs at the Pinellas County Schools Administration Building in Largo, Florida

Protesters in favor of a mask mandate hold protest signs at the Pinellas County Schools Administration Building in Largo, Florida

Late last month, DeSantis issued an executive order that prohibits county school boards from imposing masking requirements on students. 

And just last week, the Department of Health and Department of Education released emergency rules to allow parents to make the decision for their children to wear masks.

COVID-19 cases are surging across the Sunshine State with officials recording 12,864 hospitalizations related to the pandemic.

It's been reported that a fifth of all new COVID-related cases in Florida are attributed to children, according to The Florida Hospital Association

It's been reported that a fifth of all new COVID-related cases in Florida are attributed to children, according to The Florida Hospital Association

Florida set an all-time record for COVID hospitalizations on Friday, with 12,864 hospitalized in a single day

Florida set an all-time record for COVID hospitalizations on Friday, with 12,864 hospitalized in a single day

The Florida Hospital Association reported 22,783 new cases Friday - another record high from 21,683 reported on June 30

The Florida Hospital Association reported 22,783 new cases Friday - another record high from 21,683 reported on June 30

Since last Tuesday, records breaking surges have been recorded when there were 10,389 patients - soaring past the previous peak of 10,170 hospitalizations on July 23 2020. 

The Florida Hospital Association reported 22,783 new cases Friday - another record high from 21,683 reported on June 30. A fifth of all news cases have been attributed to children.

The state releases its data just once a week on a Friday and is expected to show an increase in cases for the seventh week in a row.

The White House has been attacking DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas for pushing back on CDC recommendations on mask wearing as COVID cases rise in their state.

DeSantis is seeking a second term as Florida governor and is being mentioned as a contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024. 

Biden got in his own hit on DeSantis last Thursday, joking 'governor who' when asked about the Florida Republican. 

The two men have gotten into a tit-for-tat over COVID guidelines with Biden criticizing DeSantis for telling Florida schools not to follow CDC guidelines on having students wear face masks. 

Biden asked DeSantis to 'get out of the way' of restrictions as COVID cases are on the rise. And DeSantis snapped back: 'Why don't you do your job?'

Texas ranks second behind Florida for the highest daily average COVID-19 cases.

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