
Friday 11 June 2021

Here are 6 disastrous things that happen to your body when you overeat

 At times we’re so hungry that we literally forget to keep a track of how much we’ve eaten. What’s the result? Severe bloating, gassiness and extreme discomfort. Overeating does happen once in a while, but if you’re addicted to it, then it’s time to help yourself. 

We are well aware of the fact that we all need to eat a certain amount of calories every single day. When you overshoot that limit,  it doesn’t just lead to weight gain, but also other problems like diabetes, BP, etc. 

But before we get to the solution, it’s essential to remember that overeating is also an eating disorder. Yes, and if you’re unable to get rid of this habit, then you must seek help to deal with it. In fact, people who have certain nutritional deficiencies tend to overeat.  

Not keeping a watch on the quantity of food you’re eating can have major side-effects on the functioning of your organs. And if continued over a period of time, it can prove to be highly dangerous. That’s why everyone must have an understanding of how much food our body requires at a certain point of time. 

Caloric requirement is different for men and women. It also varies according to the age. Plus, the requirements are different for younger and older people.  

“Depending on the above factors, on an average a person’s average caloric requirement varies from 1,700- 2,800 calories every day.  A diet must be balanced and contain good quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber. One must try to include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, legumes, and beans and try to eat in controlled portions. Doing so will prevent weight gain and also help in maintaining blood sugar levels. Do not go overboard on processed, salty, and sugary foods,” .

But what if you don’t keep a daily tab on your calorie count and food? Let’s figure it out.

Here are six things that can happen in your body if you overeat

1. You tend to feel sluggish, drowsy, or tired

Overeating happens when a person continues to eat beyond the feeling of fullness. Do you know if you overeat, your stomach may expand beyond its normal capacity? Yes, it’s true. This is to adjust to the large amount of food consumed by you. The expanded stomach tends to push against other organs and makes you feel uncomfortable. This can make you feel tired, sluggish, or drowsy. You may feel bloated and extremely uncomfortable.

2. You will feel nauseated

If you overeat on a regular basis, it can lead to nausea and indigestion. If you eat food in large quantities, way more than your stomach’s capacity, it may trigger vomiting and nausea.

3. Overeating causes heartburn

Your stomach produces hydrochloric acid in order to break down food into a digestible form. If you overeat, acid from the stomach moves up into your food pipe, causing heartburn and acid reflux. Eating food loaded with fat (fried foods, pizza, cheesy foods, spicy gravies) leads to heartburn.

4. Overeating can lead to insulin resistance and fatty liver

Overeating on a regular basis can lead to insulin resistance, which is a precursor to many metabolic diseases. Fatty liver is one such condition. If left unchecked, it can progress to nonalcoholic steato-hepatitis and lead to more serious liver disorders.

5. Overeating leads to obesity

Obesity is accumulation of excess fat that causes several other health issues. Let’s just say it is the mother of all diseases and a silent killer. Consuming more calories than what you are spending on a regular basis is one of the factors for weight gain. Weight gain puts you at the risk of other metabolic conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, PCOD etc.

“Excess calories from carbohydrates and fats can lead to an increased percentage of body fat,” suggests Dr Bhasker.

6. Overeating impairs brain function

Overeating and obesity can lead to declined cognitive health in individuals who are on the heavier side.

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