
Tuesday 29 September 2020

The Food In Your Fridge You Need to Throw Out

 When you think about the foods that are in your refrigerator and which are the best and worst, you're most likely thinking in terms of which foods last the longest compared to those you need to eat fast as they spoil quicker. And whether or not the containers they're being stored in is actually toxic for you. But have you ever stopped to think about which foods are just the worst for you to have in your refrigerator for another reason? As in, they're simply unhealthy for you.

See, there are plenty of foods out there that you might think are good for you to have that just aren't. You most likely have a few sitting in your fridge, too! We've gone ahead and found the biggest culprit—the one food that's most likely in your fridge that you need to throw out. It's not doing you any favors.

So what is it? Well, the worst food in your refrigerator you should toss is…

Flavored Yogurt

flavored fruit yogurt cups

We know—this one might be a bit hard to believe. But here us out.

See, yogurt is often thought of as a solid weight-loss food option. Research from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville even found that regularly eating yogurt as part of a healthy diet can lead to slimming down faster. It's high in protein, which means it will keep you full, and it's a food that helps keep your digestive tract working properly too, as it increases your probiotic intake. Clearly, there are tons of benefits to eating yogurt, even daily! But it all depends on the type of yogurt you are buying and stocking your fridge with.

You might not realize it, but there are tons of yogurts out there that are drowning in added sugar and artificial colors and flavors. And that is what's instantly stripping all the "good" that comes with eating yogurt. Take a look at the nutrition labels, and it's as if you're eating a bowl of ice cream!

An example that comes to mind? YoCrunch's Strawberry with Oreo Blended Yogurt, which might seem like a better dessert option. One small container is packing 180 calories and 26 grams of sugar. Even the yogurts that don't have chocolate in them and are fruit-based can be dangerous, too. Dannon's Low-Fat Fruit on the Bottom yogurt has 21 grams of sugar and has sugar listed as the second ingredient before you even get to the mention of any actual fruit. Yikes.

So just be sure you're keeping an eye out for those pesky added sugars and when in doubt, go for plain Greek yogurt. You can always add fresh fruit to your yogurt to add natural sugars to it. It's now a snack that won't completely sabotage your weight-loss goals!

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