
Tuesday 8 September 2020

Dem Candidate for President Joe Biden Bizarrely Claims Trump is One Who Wants to Defund Police

During an interview with local ABC News affiliate WHTM-TV Democratic Party candidate for president Joe Biden lied through his teeth claiming that President Trump is the one who wants to defund local police departments all across the country.
Sadly because the media does not ask Biden hard questions, “Hiding” Biden got away with it, at least during this softball interview.
The local news reporter asked former Vice President Biden “You watch the ads, I’m sure you’ve seen them, although a lot of Pennsylvanians are seeing because there’s a lot of ads out there right now. They would say that you want to defund the police, it seems to be trying to frighten some folks, so can you set the record straight on that?”
Biden then, because he is a pathological liar, grabbed onto the easy peasy softball question and said “I not only don’t want to defund the police, I’m the one calling for $300 million more for local police, for community policing.”
“I also think we should add social workers and psychologists to help police on 911 calls,” the former Vice President added. “The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump. Look at his budget. He calls for cutting police funding for local — state and local help by $400 million. Once again, he’s pathological.”
Uh, wait, what?
Who exactly is the one who is pathological?
Who’s choice for Vice President had staff donating to bail out rioters in Minneapolis after George Floyd?
How many of those staff members were fired versus how many are still working on the campaign?
Which party’s city council’s has actually gone forward with defunding, or reducing funds, to their local police departments?
Hint, not a single Republican led city or county has yet to defund their police departments since the BLM protests and rioting broke out.
The same cannot be said for New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Minneapolis or Washington D.C.
Just yesterday Joe Biden made a similar mistake or lie when he claimed all fast food workers have to sign non-compete agreements and con’t go across the street to work for another restaurant.
So Joe Biden is either mentally unwell, a pathological liar, or some combination of the two.

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