
Tuesday 8 September 2020

After Meeting Jacob Blake's Family, Dem VP Candidate Kamala Harris Says They Were Incredible

After meeting with Jacob Blake, who was allegedly committing a felony and resisting arrest when he was shot, and his family Democrat Party candidate for Vice President Sen. Kamala Harris said “they were incredible.”
A reporter asked the VP candidate “Senator, how was your meeting with the Blake family today?”
Harris stunningly replied “Really, wonderful. I mean, they’re an incredible family. And what they’ve endured, and they just do it with such dignity and grace. You know, they’re carrying the weight of a lot of voices on their shoulders.”
The reporter than asked “And what was the message that you shared with him and his family?”
Harris concluded saying “I just wanted to express concern for their well-being, and of course for their brother and their son’s well-being. And to let them know that they have support.”

This is an outrage and a complete slap in the face to Blake’s alleged victim.
Kamala Harris makes the Blake family sound like an all-American family.
Just incredible she proclaims, making it clear to the rest of America that she and Joe view thugs like Jacob Blake as “wonderful” and the police are the enemy.
Here are the facts about this incredible family, specifically one Jacob Blake, directly from none other than Attorney General Bill Barr Himself.
Attorney General Bill Barr Gives The Facts On The Jacob Blake Shooting
Attorney General Bill Barr told the truth about the reason Jacob Blake was shot and it is not going to be welcome news for rioters.
Blake, who people have been rioting for in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was committing a felony and was armed at the time he was shot, Barr said to CNN host Wolf Blitzer.
Barr said that he would not compare the cases of George Floyd, who died in police custody, to that of Blake because they were not the same.
“Floyd was already subdued, incapacitated in handcuffs and was not armed,” Barr said. “In the Jacob case he was in the midst of committing a felony and he was armed. So that’s a big difference.”
Blitzer said that Blake’s family said he was unarmed at the time of the shooting, which is not stunning for his family to say.
But Barr stood his ground with the host and said, “I stated what I believe to be the difference.”
“We have a process in this country to make that determination. We are investigating it,” the Attorney General said.
“That should follow due process and be fair to everybody including the police officer,” Barr said to Blitzer.
“Violence is not appropriate. Our justice system has to respond to reasoned analysis, not mob violence,” he said.
“There appears to be a phenomenon in the country where African Americans feel that they’re treated, when they’re stopped by police frequently, as suspects before they’re treated as citizens,” he said.
“I don’t think that that necessarily reflects some deep-seated racism in police departments or most police officers,” he said.
Barr said that the “narrative that the police are on some epidemic of shooting unarmed black men is simply a false narrative.
“And also the narrative that that’s based on race,” he said. “To me the word systemic means that it’s built into the institution.”
This is not likely to stop the rioters from rioting. They have decided on the case in their minds and no evidence is going to convince the majority of them that Blake was justifiably shot.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democrat presidential nominee, himself said that he police that the police officers who shot Blake should be charged.
When the narrative has been decided by the Democrats and the media they are not going to allow facts to get in the way.

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