
Sunday 23 August 2020

EPIC! Rep. Jim Jordan Thumps Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto over Democrats’ Garbage Claims that Trump is Defunding US Postal Service (VIDEO)

Jim Jordan is always TERRIFIC!
The popular Ohio conservative went on with Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto to discuss the Democrat Party’s latest conspiracy over disappearing mailboxes.
Democrats want Americans to believe that the evil Orange Man is ripping out mailboxes and postal sorting machines to corrupt the November election.
It’s completely crazy but they are running with it.
Democrats are hoping to sully the election process when President Trump wins again so they can continue their attacks on the popular US president.
Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto grilled Jim Jordan but Rep. Jordan did not give him an inch.
Neil Cavuto even suggested that President Trump was trying to stymie the postal service.
Good grief.
Jim Jordan pointed out:
** The real concern is sending out live ballots in states that have NEVER done this before
** The Chair of the Oversight Committee, Carolyn Maloney, her election was on June 23rd but it took six weeks to determine the winner!
** This is not about the postal service, it’s about politics
** The postal service has $14 billion cash on hand and a $10 billion line of credit
** The postal service is making more money right now than they were at the same point last year
** Every Post Master General has taken out some sorting machines and taken out some mailboxes
** Between 2011 and 2016 President Obama removed 12,000 mail collection boxes
** This is the latest effort of Democrats going after the president
** IT’S NOT TRUE that President Trump is defunding the Postal Service – another junk conspiracy by Democrats!

Jim Jordan was at his best.

More from the House Oversight Committee Republicans:

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