
Monday 24 August 2020

BREAKING: Portland Rioters Light Police Precinct on Fire While Chanting ‘Black Lives Matter’ (VIDEO)

Portland Black Lives Matter rioters have lit the city’s North Precinct Police Station on fire.

As massive violence, arson and looting was taking place in Kenosha, Wisconsin, another riot was also declared in Portland.
Following an arson attack on the police precinct, rioters were heard celebrating the fire.

“Criminal activity has been observed. Rocks and glass bottles have been thrown at officers. Powerful green lasers are being pointed. Stop attacking officers,” the Portland Police tweeted just before midnight local time. “Despite numerous warnings, criminal activity is continuing, including rocks and bottles thrown and lasers pointed toward officers. This is being declared an UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY. All participants must leave to the SOUTH.”
The department added, “Criminal Activity has continued. This event is now a RIOT. All persons must leave to the SOUTH. Failure to adhere to this direction may subject you to citation, arrest, and/or crowd control agents including, but not limited to, tear gas and impact weapons.”
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, violent Black Lives Matter rioters lit the Kenosha County Courthouse on fire over an officer involved shooting of a violent sex offender who was not complying with police and appeared to be reaching for something inside his vehicle.

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