
Thursday 2 July 2020

Conservative Mom Who Famously Confronted Beto O'Rourke Scores Massive Election Win

Lauren Boebert, whose forthright defense of the Second Amendment at a rally for former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke brought her national attention, on Tuesday won a Republican congressional primary in Colorado.
President Donald Trump retweeted a post from Boebert in which she said, “I am a mother to 4 boys. My husband and I are raising them to be strong men! I refuse to send my children into a socialist nation. Their freedom IS my motivator! Threaten the liberty of Americans, and I’ll be there to hold you accountable!”
“Congratulations on a really great win!” Trump said.
The president had earlier tweeted support for incumbent Republican Rep. Scott Tipton, who drew 45 percent of the vote compared with 55 percent for the challenger.
Boebert — who operates Shooters Grill, a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, where all of the waitresses openly carry handguns — will face Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush in the November election.

“I’m excited and eager to take this fight on to the Democrats and represent the people of the 3rd Congressional District, just like I’ve been promising them I would,” Boebert said after the polls closed, according to The Denver Post.
Her website is an unapologetic, in-your-face declaration of opposition to all that leftist Democrats stand for.
“There is a battle for the heart and soul of our country that I intend on helping win,” Boebert says on the website. “I’m running for Congress to stand up for our conservative values, address our current representatives’ failed promises, and put far-left Democrats back in their place.”
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Squad and the rest of these left-wing lunatics are taking a wrecking ball to our country while our current representative stays utterly silent,” she says. “Hard-working, patriotic Americans like you and me don’t want the Green New Deal and socialized medicine. Every time AOC and the rest of the Squad pipes up with another crazy idea, I will remind them that our belief in God, Country and Family are what built the United States of America into the greatest nation the world has ever known.”
Boebert also has taken a strong pro-police stand at a time when law enforcement is under attack across the country.
She crashed an O’Rourke rally last fall to take the former Texas congressman to task for saying he would take away Americans’ AR-15s if elected.
Boebert was wearing her Glock handgun as she confronted the Democratic candidate.
“I was one of the gun-owning Americans that heard your speech and heard what you had to say, regarding, ‘Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s and your AK-47s.’ Well, I am here to say, hell no, you’re not,” she said as O’Rourke urged the crowd scolding her to allow her to speak.
Boebert said the only way citizens have to protect themselves against the evil of the world is to be ready to defend themselves.
“I would like to know how you intend to legislate evil. Because it is not the gun, it is the heart of the man that does that,” she said.
Boebert said gun confiscation would strip protection from “American citizens like myself, American mothers — I have four children, I am 5-feet-0, 100 pounds, cannot really defend myself with a fist.”

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