For refusing to comply with the state’s stay-closed-forever “reopening” plan, a Massachusetts workout facility recently had its power cut off by local politicians.
It was actually the region’s power company that shut the place down, electrically speaking, after a judge ruled that the gym was in violation of Governor Charlie Baker’s third-phase provisions for health clubs, which had not yet gone into effect.
According to local news outlet WHDH, both electricity and water service were cut off for Prime Fitness & Nutrition, Inc., leaving the business unable to operate and forcing it back into mandatory closure.
“Electricity and domestic water service were shut off in Prime Fitness & Nutrition, Inc. on Thursday after a judge granted the town the ability to shut down the gym,” WHDH reported.
Dave Blondin, the gym’s owner, had already racked up thousands of dollars in fines for violating the state orders by the time the utilities to his business were shuttered. But he does not care, and has even indicated that he would go to jail if necessary to maintain customer access to gym.
“Potentially arrested – it’s 100 percent worth it,” Blondin is quoted as saying, defending his right to keep his business open for the benefit of his paying customers.
“I do not care about that; that does not scare me. If they think that it’s going to scare me, then they can go right ahead and do so,” he added.
Why are otherwise law-abiding Americans being punished while Antifa terrorists are left to do what they please?
Like many other businesses that have been intimidated into staying closed due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Prime Fitness is at risk of permanent closure if it is unable to pay its bills. For this reason alone, Blondin has a constitutional right to remain open if he so chooses.
Judge Susan Sullivan, however, disagrees. He maintains that the town in which the gym is located has a right to keep the facility closed out of concern for public safety.
“This behavior needs to stop,” she says. “I’m not looking to punish. Civil contempt is not about punishment; it’s about coercion.”
A GoFundMe page was set up to help support Prime Fitness, as well as to raise money for the fines imposed against its owner. The hope is that it can somehow survive all of this and one day reopen for good, the normal way.
Meanwhile, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle is open for business with no police in sight. Even though none of its “residents” are social distancing or following government guidelines, nobody is stopping it from existing.
Not only that, but reports have emerged of all sorts of other gross behavior taking place within the CHAZ, including people urinating and defecating all over the grass and sidewalks, potentially spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and other diseases to passersby.
The mainstream media is completely ignoring the massive risks associated with the CHAZ, not to mention all of the families with young children that are strolling through the area because they are being told that it is akin to a “street fair” or “carnival.”
Why is it that an otherwise law-abiding business owner is being targeted with total shutdown through the local utility companies for violating some made-up reopening plan that has no basis in actual law, while Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists are free to do whatever they please in Seattle without consequence?
The same goes for the protests and riots, which involved hordes of people gathered closely together to “demonstrate” against “racism.” Why do the so-called rules not apply to them?