
Saturday, 27 June 2020

Facebook bans talk about vaccines, but openly embraces art depicting Antifa terrorists slicing open neck of cop

A heinously gruesome photo is currently making the rounds on social media that depicts a figure in all-black garb slashing the neck of a police officer on his knees. And Facebook apparently sees nothing wrong with this disturbing image because it has not been censored.
Even as the social media giant doubles down on prohibiting any and all content that calls into question the safety or effectiveness of vaccines, an “artistic” rendering of a Coptic cross-wearing thug violently taking the life of a law enforcement officer is obviously no big deal at Facebook, and not in violation of its “community standards.”

The Gun Free Zone firearms blog first brought this image to our attention, highlighting the blatant hypocrisy of Facebook in constantly pulling down other innocuous content on the grounds that it is somehow “hateful,” all the while leaving up this image as an acceptable expression of “free speech.”

When Miguel, the author of the Gun Free Zone blog, flagged and tried to report said image to Facebook for its depiction of hatred and violence against police officers, this is the response he received:

“Thanks for letting us know about this. The photo was reviewed, and though it doesn’t go against one of our specific Community Standards, you did the right thing by letting us know about it. We understand that it may still be offensive or distasteful to you, so we want to help you see less of things like it in the future.”

Of course, were the image reversed and a police officer was depicted slashing the throat of a black man, you can be sure that it would have been removed the instant it was uploaded. But since blacks can do no wrong on social media other than be conservative, there was nothing in this photo as is that was deemed to be a violation of Facebook’s “community standards.”

The best way to get back at Facebook is to abandon the platform entirely

Our guess is that Twitter’s handling of this photo is even worse. While Jack Dorsey’s crew slaps “fact check” labels on President Trump’s tweets, this image of a cop being murdered is more than likely making the rounds among “progressives” who believe it to represent “love” and “tolerance.”

This is the new age of anything-goes liberalism, where depictions of violent murder, so long as they are against white people and law enforcement, are perfectly acceptable to the left and leftist tech platforms. But any mention of vaccines, welfare abuse, illegal immigration, or other “politically incorrect” topic remains strictly off limits.

Payment platforms like PayPal are similarly playing politics by disallowing the sale of firearms through their systems, even as they facilitate the funding of leftist terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. If the left finds it offensive, then it is automatically “hate speech.” But if the left loves it, then it is love and tolerance.

“Re-submit the same picture with a nametag saying Facebook Community Standards and a big Facebook logo on the shirt … (and) see what response you get when their ox is being gored,” wrote one Gun Free Zone commenter.

“One of the first things to understand is every single thing you do on Facebook helps make them money,” wrote another, encouraging people to flee the corrupt platform. “They will not change their behavior unless substantial numbers of people leave.”