
Saturday, 27 June 2020

American “city refugees” fleeing urban areas to escape collapse, destruction

There is a mass exodus taking place in many urban areas of the United States where those with enough wealth and means to do so are escaping the big cities for greener and more rural pastures.

According to reports, so-called “wealthy folks” are now gobbling up whatever real estate they can out in the country to avoid the societal collapse that they are watching take place at the hands of terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

A “frenzy of activity,” as one news outlet describes it, is driving up prices in areas that used to be cheap. Meanwhile, once-desirable big cities such as San Francisco are seeing some of their wealthiest residents leave, presumably to never return.

“There’s a mad rush to get out of the city,” says Ginger Martin, a real estate agent with Sotheby’s who specializes in high-end properties around the San Francisco Bay Area. “What I’m really doing well with right now is anything that’s turnkey.”

San Francisco has been rife with problems for many years. Even before the pandemic,  crime had begun to soar, including by illegal aliens who are no longer being prosecuted there for fear of “racism.”

Combined with the trend of allowing homeless to urinate and defecate in the streets, along with widespread social unrest, the upper crust of society is calling it quits and getting the heck out of dodge.

“Many people over the years flooded into San Francisco as the economy boomed, and tech flourished,” one report explains. “Now with an economic downturn, social unrest, and pandemic – the city is becoming too dangerous to raise a family.”

Only the top “one percent” has the financial mobility to make a move

The unfortunate reality is that middle class Americans are by-and-large stuck where they already are, with few exceptions. Only the richest of the rich, in other words, have the means to actually get out of the big cities and move somewhere safer.

“Relocation, at the moment, is only by wealthy folks, who still have the financial mobility to move as the real economy implodes and paralyzes the bottom 90% of Americans,” one report says. “Even with a good credit score, lenders are not preapproving folks like they once were.”

While it is not literally just the “one percent” that is able to move, colloquially speaking it is only those at the high end of the financial spectrum that are able to make it happen. The rest of us simply have to make do with what we currently have.

Things might be bad in San Francisco, but they are arguably much worse in New York City and surrounding areas, where Antifa and BLM violence has reached a crescendo. Many city-dwellers are desperately trying to flee the Big Apple for their own safety, though now that the rush is on this is becoming more difficult.

Compared to the same month a year prior, May 2020 saw murders increase by 79 percent in New York City, while shootings jumped by 64 percent. Burglaries have also risen by about 34 percent, which combined with the other statistics has already driven hordes of New Yorkers to rural areas in New York and New Jersey.

Chicago is seeing even worse trends with more shooting deaths in recent weeks than ever before on record. On Father’s Day, for instance, nine people were killed, including four children under the age of 18. And an additional 47 people were injured.