
Tuesday 30 June 2020

A civil war has begun, but only one side is fighting: Soon, normal people across America will pick up rifles and defend this nation against Black Lives TERRORISTS

America is now in the midst of a civil war, but only one side is fighting… the anti-America side.

The enemies of America are not merely tearing down statues, beating white people on the streets, torching local businesses, seizing city property and assaulting police, they are intent on overthrowing the United States of America and rolling out a communist authoritarian regime. Under their desired regime, the U.S. Constitution would be completely nullified, private firearms ownership would be criminalized and no speech would be allowed anywhere in America unless it’s speech that worships Black Lives Matter, LGBT lunacy, Antifa terrorists and other required champions of “progressivism” (which has now devolved into a dangerous cult of mass mental illness).

So far, pro-America forces are refusing to fight, surrendering everything to the lunatic Left. But that’s about to change. We’re already seeing evidence that ordinary Americans, fed up with the terrorism, destruction of property and outrageous insanity of BLM and Antifa, are picking up their firearms and taking a stand to defend themselves against left-wing terrorists.
Case in point: St. Louis attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who had the courage to defend their private property against a lunatic mob of black terrorists who were threatening their home and who had invaded private property to terrorize a neighborhood:

(You gotta love how they’re both barefoot. This isn’t exactly the kind of tactical readiness we recommend, but at least they’re both armed and seem determined to defend themselves, even if they don’t have shoes.)

The Black Lives terrorists were trespassing on private property and had broken through a gate, invading a private community where they proceeded to threaten homeowners. This St. Louis couple, the McCloskey’s, rightfully decided to pick up a rifle and a pistol to defend their lives and property against the Black Lives terrorists.

“A mob of at least 100 smashed through the historic wrought iron gates of Portland Place, destroying them, rushed towards my home where my family was having dinner outside and put us in fear of our lives,” said Mark McCloskey, as reported by KMOV4. “We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob…”

Here’s a video of how it unfolded:

By the way, in examining the outrageous left-wing hatred against people who defend their own homes, take a look at Kyle Dennis (@krezacdennis) — a self-described “anti-racism executive coach” — who begged for more members of the lunatic mob to attack and destroy this couple:

Someone identify these people… get an address. I’ll help. Sue them, ruin their businesses, help their employees sabotage their capital, call their kids, call their family members, call their country club — use capitalism for the weapon it’s designed to be.

How’s that for love, inclusiveness, tolerance and coexistence? That’s the new, radical Left for you: A bunch of culted-up lunatics who demand the use of violence to destroy people who are merely defending their own private property against an enraged mob.

Meanwhile, the McCloskeys have already been transformed into heroic figures among those who are sick and tired of the lawlessness and destruction of Black Lives terrorists:

Yes, it’s epic:

This is just the beginning: More Americans will begin to pick up firearms and defend themselves

As normal Americans grow tired of their nation being torn down by lawless savages and left-wing lunatics — who are of course completely supported by the treasonous left-wing media that falsely claims terrorist groups are “peaceful” — more and more people will start picking up firearms and defending their lives, their homes and their communities. We see a day soon when ordinary Americans, in defense of their nation, begin taking down left-wing terrorist mobs with precision gunfire. That will be a tipping point, as it’s the day America decides to fight back against an attempted communist revolution being run by lawless, violent terrorists.

At some point, when your nation is under attack, you have no choice but to take up arms in defense of life, liberty and your future.

How to identify the enemies of America

As this civil war escalates, it’s crucial to identify the true enemies of America so that you know who needs to be defeated.

Here’s a quick list of the enemies of America, all of whom deserve to be defeated, dismantled or even arrested and prosecuted for treason:
  • Any person taking part in violent Black Lives Matter or Antifa “protests” that are actually violent mobs tearing down our nation and destroying property. That’s why President Trump has already designated them domestic terrorists.
  • Any “journalist” who claims to support Black Lives Matter or Antifa terrorists. They are not journalists; they are info-terrorists.
  • Any corporations that claims to support Black Lives Matter or Antifa terrorists. Here’s a list of the treasonous corporations identified so far to get you started.
  • Any person who opposes the Second Amendment or who pushes for gun or magazine restrictions.
  • Any higher level employee, manager or CEO of Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Pinterest, YouTube or other tech giants that have systematically suppressed the free speech of conservatives, Christians or Trump supporters.
  • Any political leader who sides with Black Lives Matter terrorists.
  • Any police chief or sheriff who sides with Black Lives Matter terrorists.
  • Any media company that censors its own shows or movies in order to appease the “Left Cult.”
  • Any Hollywood celebrity who sides with Black Lives Matter terrorists. These are usually the same left-wing Hollywood lunatics who also hate President Trump, Christians and gun owners.
  • Any politician with a (D) next to their name. There are exactly zero elected Democrats who oppose the attempted communist revolution against America, because they hate liberty, the Constitution, the voters, the Electoral College and the rule of law. With very few exceptions, the designation of “Democrat” is synonymous with “treason.”
Now that we know who the enemies are, how do we stop them? Since they are rigging elections with cheat-by-mail schemes, it’s already obvious that you cannot vote your way out of an attempted violent revolution by terrorists who hate your nation. While conservatives are “fighting” at the voting booths, radical left-wing terrorists are burning down your nation, destroying your history, intimidating politicians and seizing territory while the police back down under orders from pro-anarchy Democrat “leaders” who are actively seeking to maximize chaos and collapse.

No, this war sooner or later goes kinetic (hopefully under the direction of the President, see below). You cannot negotiate with terrorists. You can’t coexist with lunatics who are filled with irrational hatred, bigotry and a complete abandonment of the rule of law. Sooner or later, for the nation as a whole, you must engage and defeat them.
The question is: When does America pull the trigger and finally declare war against its domestic enemies?

Why President Trump needs to tell America, “Weapons free” to eliminate all the terrorists and restore sanity and civility

It’s now clear that we are entering the kinetic phase of the civil war that has been initiated by the radical Left. Conservatives and law-abiding citizens have been reluctant to admit we’re in a war, which is why they’ve surrendered everything to the left-wing terrorist mobs to this point. But that’s likely about to change.

We believe it’s time for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, officially declare the United States of America to be under attack from enemy combatants who are seeking to overthrow the nation, and grant permission for all law-abiding firearms owners to engage and defeat the terrorists who are threatening America.

It seems that firearms owners across America are merely waiting for permission to engage.
Should Trump make such an announcement, anyone attempting to vandalize or destroy historical statues would be shot by armed citizens, which instantly solves the whole problem of statues being torn down everywhere. Anyone extremist mob caught trespassing on private property would simply be engaged and taken down with rifle fire, which also solves the problem of trespassing.

Any radical group attempting to set fire to buildings, destroy police cars, seize city property or attack police would simply be shot on sight, which is the proper way to deal with insurrectionist mobs who only understand the language of violence, not the rule of law.
Pro-America forces can win this civil war, they just need to be given permission to fight. And that permission needs to come from a place of leadership, such as the White House.

America can easily defeat the left-wing terrorists and insurrectionists, but only if America has the will to fight for survival

Within just 24 hours after the “weapons free” order is given, the left-wing mobs will retreat to their parents’ basements, running and hiding from a new America that has found the resolve to stand up and fight for liberty, the Constitution and the rule of law.

That’s because these left-wing terrorists are cowards. The moment America decides to fight back, America wins. The only reason the Black Lives terrorists are able to gain any territory at all right now is because the other side isn’t yet fighting back. But the moment America fights back, BLM and Antifa loons will very quickly find themselves shot dead, which is the appropriate status for anti-American insurrectionists.

Ultimately that’s the only way America restores the rule of law. Remember that you can’t negotiate with terrorists. They are beyond reason. The cult-like Left is so deranged and so mentally ill that they can never participate in civil society again. They cannot be civil, they despise democracy, they hate the First Amendment and the actively seek to initiate mass killings of their political enemies — they are the aggressors who started all this.
You cannot stop them with words or any appeal to rationality. Sooner or later, under the order of our Commander in Chief, the left-wing terrorists must be engaged and defeated with kinetic defense. It’s now clear that is the only way this gets resolved.

The intuition of Mark McCloskey, in other words, was absolutely correct. Sooner or later, this comes down to ordinary Americans picking up AR-15s and engaging the terrorists. There is no other way the radical terrorists on the Left will ever stop their tyranny. You have to force them to stop. But most Americans are waiting for legal protections under which they can engage the terrorists, and it’s not clear whether Trump, the DOJ or anyone in a position of so-called “authority” will ever find the courage to call for a Second Amendment defense of this nation.

Since the police won’t do a damn thing in America, and the National Guard won’t do a damn thing, and the DOJ is slow to do anything meaningful (although they claim to have 500+ investigations under way into left-wing terrorists), the question becomes: Will Trump do what’s necessary to save America? If not, at some point this comes down to We the People engaging in acts of self-preservation, just as the McCloskeys appropriately demonstrated.

This is the perfect, iconic image of exactly what needs to happen all across America. Armed citizens need to pick up those arms and defend their lives, their homes and their nation against the violent left-wing terrorists who are engaged in a nationwide, coordinated, well-funded illegal insurrection against America.

Will you bow down to left-wing terrorism, or will you stand up for America and the rule of law?

The sooner we all realize that we’re actually in a civil war, the better our chances of winning it. And the sooner Trump tells the American people to deploy their own firearms in defense of their nation, the sooner we can clean the terrorist vermin off the streets and restore the rule of law across this great nation.

To be clear, nothing in this article should be construed as meaning that I advocate any initiation of violence against anyone. Rather, I advocate the defensive use of legal tools to defend life, property, liberty and our nation. The violence has already been initiated by the enemies of America. They have already stated their intentions to overthrow the country and burn it to the ground. Now it is our obligation to defend this nation and stop the terrorists from winning.

Actualy quote from Black Lives Matter leader: “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.”

Question for the day: When the left-wing Black Lives terrorists come for you, will you have the gear, the training and the moral courage to do what’s necessary and engage them in your defense? Or will you surrender out of fear of being called a “racist” by the left-wing media mob?

Make a decision now to defend your life, your property and your nation. This civil war is about to go into a full-blown kinetic phase. When it does, make sure your aim is true as you fight to defend this nation against those terrorists and illegal insurrectionists who are actively trying to destroy it..

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