
Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Trump Derangement Syndrome On Steroids: MSNBC Contributor: ‘Trump Crime Cult Wanted People to Die’

Prompted by a tweet from someone positing that President Trump has used the controversy over utilizing hydroxychloroquine to fight the coronavirus in order to cover something else up, one author who is a frequent MSNBC contributor and committed Trump-hater took the vitriol to a new nadir, tweeting that the “Trump crime cult wanted people to die, and they want many more people to die.”
Author and MSNBC contributor Sarah Kendzior, who frequently appears on MSNBC’s AM Joy, as Mediaite has noted, added, “They usually have two goals: 1) short term scam profits 2) longer term disaster capitalist destruction. Basically they’ll make a little money on the side while committing mass murder.”
Kenzior was prompted by a tweet arguing, “I wonder if the whole hydroxychloroquine dust-up isn’t another red herring. Trump is a master at manipulating the direction of the conversation. Every time he wants to cover something up, he draws attention to something else. He is pulling a LOT of attention to a generic drug.”
She responded:
Trump’s trying to convince people that he wants it cured and that, should a cure appear, it would be accessible to all. So the media focus on the proposed drug instead of the cold reality — which is that the Trump crime cult wanted people to die, and they want many more to die … They usually have two goals: 1) short term scam profits 2) longer term disaster capitalist destruction. Basically they’ll make a little money on the side while committing mass murder. 
I wonder if the whole hydroxychloroquine dust-up isn't another red herring. Trump is a master at manipulating the direction of the conversation. Every time he wants to cover something up, he draws attention to something else. He is pulling a LOT of attention to a generic drug.
Trump's trying to convince people that he wants it cured and that, should a cure appear, it would be accessible to all. So the media focus on the proposed drug instead of the cold reality -- which is that the Trump crime cult wanted people to die, and they want many more to die.
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Not to mention there is absolutely every reason to believe that in some way he could be profiting off of the push of this drug. If (and when) it comes out, NO ONE will be surprised.
They usually have two goals: 1) short term scam profits 2) longer term disaster capitalist destruction. Basically they'll make a little money on the side while committing mass murder.
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As Mediaite reported, in March 2019, Kendzior frenziedly stated on “AM Joy” that Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump should be indicted, ranting,
Basically, Trump has been grooming those two for a dynastic kleptocracy. This is very common. This is something you see in autocracies, this is something you see in mafia states, where the leader will put his children or relatives into office in order to keep the corruption going, keep the money flowing, not get caught, override prosecution …
This is like the 12th time I’ve been on your show talking about Jared Kushner, and the fact that he lied on his clearance forms, that he’s done illicit dealings, that he’s giving away state secrets and that he’s a massive national security risk. And so is Ivanka Trump. The only way that we would be able to finally stop having this conversation on national TV is if he is indicted! That is is what needs to be done. Because this problem is enormous. It’s going to persevere.
Even if he is gone, he is carrying around this information, other people are carrying around classified information. They do not have loyalty to the country. They have debt. They have financial interests. They have personal interests … This problem needs to be handled now. Just indict Jared Kushner! Indict Ivanka Trump and get this crime family out of the White House!
In May 2019, Kendzior stated on “AM Joy,” “What we have seen on the GOP end is total obstructionism that is aimed at making American citizens weaker, making them less likely to fight back.. They want a one-party state, that is what the GOP seeks, and Trump wants to be an autocrat with that state behind him … They are just not interested in the actual process of governing. They are interested in ruling.”
The New Republic stated of Kendzior in an article titled, “The New Paranoia” in 2017:

For Kendzior, virtually every action taken by the Trump administration is evidence that we’re in the early throes of an authoritarian takeover. She has compared Trump to Saparmurat Niyazov, the deceased dictator of Turkmenistan, who renamed months of the year after himself and his family members, instituted a new alphabet, banished dogs from the capital, and outlawed lip-synching. She has suggested that Trump hopes to team up with Vladimir Putin to launch a nuclear war against “as-yet unknown shared enemies.”

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