
Thursday, 9 April 2020

HOW ABOUT NO? Democrat Senators Propose Coronavirus Stimulus Bill For The Media

Never let a crisis go to waste, right? 
Democrats sense that people are open to stimulus spending, so they are taking advantage and proposing things they would never suggest under normal circumstances.
The latest laughable proposal from Senator Amy Klobuchar and other Democrats, is a stimulus bill for their friends in the media.
The Hill reports: 
Democratic senators call for funding for local media in coronavirus stimulus
More than a dozen senators are calling for any future stimulus package addressing the economic fallout from the novel coronavirus to include funding for local journalism, saying that communities across the U.S. are at risk of losing their source of news because of the pandemic.
“Local news is in a state of crisis that has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the senators wrote in a letter sent to the upper chamber’s leadership on Wednesday.
The letter was signed by 18 Democratic senators, including Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio) and Joe Manchin (W.Va.), as well as Independent Sen. Angus King (Maine).
The letter notes many of the struggles the news industry has felt over the last two decades as big tech platforms swallow up a majority of the ad revenue that was a key source of profit during the print age. Newsroom employment has significantly decreased and about 1,800 local newspapers have ceased their operations since 2004, according to a University of North Carolina report.
Here are some reactions to this terrible idea on Twitter:
The Media's demand for stimulus packages as they allude to be frontline workers is the most outlandish demand I have heard. If they think the risk is too much they are at liberty to stay home.
See McArthur's other Tweets

It is amazing that Democrats thought this was a good idea.

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