
Friday 24 April 2020

25 Awful Ingredients Everyone Still Uses—But Shouldn't!

We'll admit it: Making your own meals is a well-intentioned effort that many people don't get enough credit for doing. Whether you have a crazy-busy schedule or would rather just squeeze in a workout than stand over a stove in the kitchen, cooking isn't always the most exciting part of your day. So if you want to cut corners in the kitchen, make sure you aren't doing it with the wrong ingredients. Even the most well-intentioned cooks might be hurting their waistlines and their health with these foods.
Are you still using any of these bad ingredients? Cross check our list below with your pantry so you reach for the right foods the next time you fire up the stove.

Vegetable Oils

vegetable oil
Soybean, corn, and cottonseed oil are highly processed and contain high amounts of essential omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. If eaten in moderation, omega-6 fatty acids can be good for your heart, but consuming too much of it can cause a negative imbalance with omega-3 fatty acids. Many Americans consume too many omega-6 and not enough omega-3s. To ensure you get both, swap in avocado or extra virgin olive oil. These oils also infuse a delicate, subtle flavor into your dishes.  

Cream of Something Soup

Green bean casserole
Cream of soup is not the cream of the crop when it comes to nutrition. A half cup of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, for example, has 870 mg of sodium. To put this into perspective, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people should stick to no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day.  

Fake Butter

block of butter with slice out of it from knife on platter
"Some margarine tubs contain artery-clogging saturated fats and are made with processed oils that may be pro-inflammatory," says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition. Inflammation can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. For a healthier alternative, switch to grass-fed butter or pick up a product like Earth Balance, which contains a mix of less processed oils.

Food Coloring

Food coloring
"Artificial food dyes, which many people use to color baked goods, are cause for concern and may have serious side effects—especially in children," says Jay Cardiello, diet expert and personal trainer to the stars. "Red 40, for example, may contain cancer-causing contaminants, despite the fact that it's approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The dye may also be a potential trigger for hyperactivity in children. Instead, color your dishes with natural sources of color like beet juice, red cabbage, or paprika." The studies around it have been small and additional research is needed, but why not try naturally using things like beet juice and other natural ingredients instead of relying on artificial food dyes?

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweetener packets
"Although they don't contribute calories, artificial sweeteners are up to 700 times sweeter than natural sugar—and often leave you craving more sweets later in the day," says Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD. If you're trying to cut calories from your baked goods, swap out sugar for unsweetened applesauce instead.

Bleached All-Purpose Flour

White flour and rolling pin
Cardiello advises against using bleached all-purpose flour. "Although it may give your food a nicer color and help you to create baked goods that are more soft and tender, the bleach chemicals may be harmful to your health." Who wants to eat homemade bread or baked goods laced with creepy chemicals?

Fat-free Dairy Products

"Fat-free dairy products like cheese, cream cheese, and cottage cheese are a no-go in my kitchen," reports Christine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND. "Many people find the texture, taste, and mouthfeel of these products to be less satisfying, which either turns them off from the dish altogether or spurs cravings for seconds and thirds as they search for satisfaction." 

Processed Peanut Butter

Peanut butter in jar
Many processed peanut butters have hydrogenated and processed vegetable oils that can raise cholesterol levels. "Whether you're making peanut butter cookies or a Thai peanut sauce, use natural peanut butter that contains nothing more than peanuts and salt," Smith says.  

Certain Yogurts

Flavored yogurt
Reduced-fat or low-fat flavored yogurts aren't necessarily low in sugar, too. In fact, many diet flavored yogurts use sugar to compensate for the lack of fat. "Did you know that one container of flavored yogurt can have more sugar than a candy bar? It's true!" says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD. "When you remove the fat from a naturally fatty food like yogurt, you have to make up for the taste by adding sugar—or worse, artificial sweeteners." Plus, isn't your fruit smoothie sweet enough without added sugar from a reduced-fat or low-fat flavored yogurt?


Pancake Syrup

Toaster waffle blueberries
Lindsay Moe/Unsplash
Made with a combination of corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, and caramel coloring, pancake syrup is far from what comes from the actual maple tree. A quarter cup of Aunt Jemima's Original Syrup has 32 grams of sugar. Instead go for 100 percent maple syrup, which is a good source of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. 

Fat-Free Dressing

salad in bowl with dressing poured over top
Low- or non-fat salad dressings overcompensate the lack of fat with a bucket of sugar, salt, and food additives. Instead, prepare your own at home with these 8 Go-To Salad Dressings.

Canned Veggies

open canned corn carrots peas green beans
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic estrogen found in the coatings of canned foods, including beans, fruits, veggies, and soups. While many companies have stopped using BPA in the epoxy coatings of their cans, some still use it. Plus, people have no way of knowing which canned foods have BPA-based coatings, so the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) analyzed 253 canned foods and found 78 brands that use it. On top of BPA, most canned vegetables have excess salt, corn syrup, processed oils, and preservatives.

Canned Fruit

Canned fruit peaches
Canned fruit might seem like an easy shortcut when it comes to baking, but it's just a quick route to belly fat. It's packed with syrup—upwards of 20 grams of sugar a can!—and nasty additives such as artificial flavorings. Even unsweetened fruit in its own juice is a nutritional miss: Peeled fruit is missing crucial fiber, and the vitamin content might be degraded in the canning process. If having fresh fruit around the house is impractical, go for frozen—it's often more nutritious than fresh fruit because it's picked and frozen at its peak—when it has the most nutrients.

Full-Sodium Broth

Bone broth in bowl
Whether you prefer chicken or vegetable broth, full-sodium versions can have upwards of 500 to even 800 milligrams of salt in one serving. That's basically three orders of large French fries from McDonald's! Low-sodium and unsalted broths are the way to go if you want to ward off water retention and stop belly bloat.

Bouillon Cubes

Bouillon cube
Bouillon cubes are tiny nutrition traps. You think they're small and harmless, but one cube can pack artificial coloring agents and hydrogenated oils.

Packaged Egg Whites

Egg whites beaters
"Eggs that come out of a container are not a health food," says Dana James, CDN, a nutritionist from Food Coach NYC. "This kind of product is processed so much that makers have to add synthetic vitamins to boost its nutrient density. This is as far removed from a natural egg as you can get." 

Fruit Juice

Pouring orange juice
Fruit juices are high in sugar because they contain 100 percent fruit without the blood-sugar-stabilizing fiber. On top of that, some brands will add cane sugar, skyrocketing the overall sweetness. In place of juice, blend real fruits into a smoothie with a variety of greens for superfood ingredients you can feel good about. Smoothies keep the fiber intact in fruits and vegetables, too.

Turkey Bacon

Turkey bacon
There's no denying it: Bacon can make anything taste 10 times better, and you probably love using it in egg scrambles and quiches. But if you think you're making the healthy choice by opting for turkey bacon, you've got things all wrong. Though turkey bacon has fewer calories per slice, it's higher in saturated fat and sodium—not great news if you have high blood pressure. Plus, pork offers more protein and heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids than its poultry-based counterpart. Bear in mind that no matter which option you add to your dish, serving size still matters—so don't pig out.


Sausage and hot dogs on grill
Italian sausage is so tasty in so many things (looking at you, homemade meat sauces)! But unfortunately, most sausage links are the opposite of diet-friendly. The reason: The majority of their calories come from fat. To make matters worse, many links are laced with corn syrup and food additives.  

Condensed Milk

Condensed milk
You'll often find condensed milk in many dessert recipes, and if you want to make healthier swaps, this is an ingredient you'll want to skip. One serving of sweetened condensed milk has 22 grams of sugar and 40 mg of sodium. Plus, it lacks other important vitamins and nutrients whole milk and plant-based milks provide.

Pre-Made Pie Crust

Premade pie crust
Whether you're using a pre-made Oreo, graham cracker, or shortbread pie crust, this is a cooking shortcut you want to avoid. Why? Keebler's Ready Crust Shortbread Pie Crust, for example, has processed oils, corn syrup, sugar, and artificial flavors. As a healthier alternative, prepare your own at home, using whole grain flour and grass-fed butter. That homemade pie is about to become even more homemade—and therefore more delicious.

Boxed Gravy

Mushroom gravy
If the sound of boxed gravy makes you sick, it's because the ingredients are literally sickening. Corn syrup, hydrolyzed soy, and caramel color are just some of the long list of ingredients that lace this pre-made mix. Plus, one serving can easily have 340 milligrams of sodium. If you must have gravy with your mashed potatoes, it's worth the effort to make your own.

Powdered Dip Mixes

Cheese dip and tortilla chips
Powdered mixes and seasonings, like Hidden Valley's Ranch Dressing Seasoning Mix, are littered with artificial flavors. Moreover, cheese dips for nachos have artificial colors and flavorings, in addition to food additives. Make your own delicious dips at home so you know exactly what's going into your appetizer.

Potato Seasonings

Roasted potato seasoning
Do your spuds need some love? Season them with a mix of thyme, rosemary, and sea salt. While the store-bought seasoning mixes sound like a good time-saving hack, they often have food additives, and some even have a hint of processed oils.

Seasoned Coatings

Shake n bake
Mike Mozart/Flickr
Kraft's Shake 'N Bake and the like are laced with partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose syrup, and other food additives. Instead, season whole-wheat panko breading or whole grain flour with the spices and herbs of your choice.

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