
Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Corrupt Mueller Gang Threatened to Throw General Flynn and His Son in Solitary Confinement If He Didn’t Plead Guilty to Lying to FBI

General Mike Flynn has now been harassed by corrupt members of the DOJ for more than three years.

He and his family have gone through hell all because he knew too much about the Obama Administration’s corruption and supported Donald Trump.

The General’s lovely sister, Barbara Redgate was on BardsOfWar podcast and gave an amazing interview regarding the challenges General Flynn and his family have had to go through since becoming a target of the Deep State.  At the 13:30 minute mark of the interview, Ms. Redgate shared the following after listing a plethora of documents that the FBI and DOJ are withholding from the General in relation to his case.
Redgate says that shortly after the discovery of corrupt FBI Agents Strzok and Page’s texts, the Mueller team is believed to have gone to DAG Rosenstein to obtain permission to indict Flynn’s son.  This is when the Mueller gang really put pressure on General Flynn.  They took young Mike’s phone and computers and have never returned them to this day.  At the time, young Mike had a 4 month old baby at home.  Next she shares the following:
Barbara Redgate: Suddenly General Mike is threatened with public arrest and search of his phone.  Public arrest of his son. Indictment of his son, and they were going to give him the Manafort treatment, which is put them both in solitary confinement.
At the 11th hour before General Flynn signed his plea agreement, at the last minute Special Counsel notifies the defense counsel by phone only that the electronic communications of one agent showed a preference [against] President Trump and the IG was assessing whether that constituted misconduct.
General Flynn’s attorney’s never told this to General Flynn so he thought that the agents who interviewed him in an ambush meeting in the White House believed he had lied.  The entire interview is shocking and a must listen.

General Flynn has his rights to free speech taken away from his during these past few years by the courts.  His son however gave a heartbreaking message about what the Flynn family has gone through recently:

God bless the good Flynn family and hero General Flynn.