
Tuesday 11 February 2020

BREAKING: Judge Cancels General Flynn’s Sentencing …Until Further Notice!

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan on Monday canceled General Flynn’s sentencing scheduled for February 27 “until further order of the court.”
General Flynn formally asked to withdraw his guilty plea last month and accused federal prosecutors of “egregious government misconduct.”
Federal prosecutors then backed down and offered Flynn probation after asking for up to six months prison time.
Flynn’s lawyers are still working through withdrawing Flynn’s guilty plea because the government asked for an extension to consider Flynn’s motion to withdraw his plea.
Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell opposed the extension and argued, “The Department of Justice should agree to the withdrawal of the plea. Accordingly we oppose any further extension of the briefing schedule.”
So Judge Sullivan indefinitely postponed Flynn’s sentencing hearing.
Politico reported:

A judge has indefinitely postponed former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing on a charge of lying to the FBI as Flynn presses to withdraw the guilty plea he entered more than two years ago in a case prosecuted by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Flynn had been set for sentencing Feb. 27, but U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan announced on Monday that he was canceling the hearing “until further order of the court.”
The Obama Deep State spied on General Flynn since 2015. He was a number one target of the Obama Deep State.
They wanted to punish General Michael Flynn because he turned against President Obama and spoke honestly about his failed strategy that caused the rise of ISIS in Iraq.
So the Obama, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper deep state set him up and ambushed him during the Trump transition by leaking his calls to then-Russian Ambassador Kislyak to the Washington Post’s David Ignatius.
According to Politico, Judge Sullivan has set deadlines for additional filings through March and he may hold a hearing on Flynn’s request to withdraw his guilty plea.
If so, the hearing could involve live testimony from General Flynn and his former defense counsel.

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