
Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Breaking: Joe Biden and Liz Warren shut out in New Hampshire primary

In a stunning rebuke of two of the top tier presidential candidates, neither Joe Biden nor Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have received enough votes in New Hampshire to obtain primary delegates.

NBC news projected that neither Biden or Warren would reach the 15 percent threshold to receive delegates with about only 33 percent of the vote count officially reported on Tuesday.

CBS News also projected the troubling conclusion about the same time as NBC News.
The surprising result is a boon for the campaign for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is also projected to win in New Hampshire after being at the top of the pile in the disputed results from the Iowa caucuses.
It is just the latest blow for the ailing Biden campaign, which did poorly in Iowa's caucuses, and had their candidate leave Iowa before the results in New Hampshire even began to be reported.
The Biden campaign will try to recover some footing in South Carolina, where they should see more support among African-American voters.
In exit polling from the New Hampshire primary, a majority of voters said they didn't think nominating a woman would hurt their chances of beating President Donald Trump, but 30 percent disagreed.

Here's more about the New Hampshire results: 

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