
Wednesday 22 January 2020

The Healthiest Cheeses You Can Buy, According to a Registered Dietitian

Seriously, is there any food grater (see what I did there?) than cheese? While it's often maligned for being higher in saturated fat and sodium than other snacks or condiments, cheese is both delicious, filling, and nutritious — providing a slew of nutrients you need to feel fuller, longer, as well as giving key minerals you need for overall health. Plus, you don't need much (about 1/4 cup or 1 ounce slice is between 80-110 calories depending on type and fat content). Consider adding these healthiest cheeses to meal or snack to make them more satisfying, delicious, and nutrient-dense.

Mozzarella Cheese

This softer, less-aged cheese requires less salt than harder, aged cheeses, which makes it lower in sodium (most are less than 10% of the recommended daily intake of sodium).

At 200mg of calcium per serving, it's also a nutrient-packed cheese that serves as a great source of the bone-building mineral and provides up to eight grams of protein per 1 ounce serving. Add some mozz to salads, as a topping on soups, sandwiches, or omelets, or pair with tomato and fresh basil with some olive oil for a delicious caprese salad.

Swiss Cheese
As a semi-hard cheese made from cow’s milk, Swiss is a good option for someone looking for a cheese that is lower in fat and sodium. Keep in mind that brands will vary, so if you're choosing this cheese for its lower sodium content, look or ones that are 140 mg of sodium or less per serving.

It is also higher in Vitamin B12 than most other cheeses, which is crucial for overall cell, muscle, and nerve function — and you'll still get about 20% of your daily value for calcium! We love this classic on sandwiches or paired with fruit for a satisfying snack. Each slice hovers around 100 calories, so it's a perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

Parmesan Cheese
Packed with nutrients, especially calcium and phosphorus, both of which are important for bone health. Additionally, harder cheese like parmesan tends to be lower in fat and higher in protein (about 9 grams per serving), and while they may also be higher in sodium, the beauty of a cheese like parm is that just a little goes a long way.

The aging of Parmesan also significantly reduces the lactose content of the cheese; making it a good option for those who suffer from lactose related GI symptoms.

Bleu cheese
While blue cheese tends to be higher in sodium, it provides more calcium than other options, which is a nutrient essential for optimal bone health. Much like parm, you'll only need a few crumbles to add flavor to salads, soups, or any homemade appetizer.

Cottage Cheese
Higher in protein than other cheeses while staying on the low end for calories, cottage cheese is a great choice for adding to meals and snacks. Cottage cheese also contain selenium, which is a key antioxidant that helps to reduce risk of chronic inflammation

Ricotta Cheese
An Italian cheese made from cow, goat, sheep, or buffalo milk, ricotta cheese contains mostly whey protein, which contains all of the essential amino acids. Whey protein has often been noted for promoting muscle growth and may aid in weight management as well as heart health.

Goat Cheese
Goat cheese may be easier for some people to digest than cheese made from cow’s milk. It’s naturally lower in lactose and contains A2 casein, which may be less likely to cause GI discomfort than the milk proteins found in cow’s milk. Great when added to salads, wraps, spread on toast or fruit with a drizzle of honey.

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