This has not happened yet but my grandma told me about it. She’s still alive. I’m 41. She told me a few years ago that she’s left me her eyes in her will. I have pretty bad eyes but am able to see with contacts. I’m not a candidate for lasik because my corneas are too thin. I’m super honored that she would think of me in that way, but I’m really creeped out by thinking that I’m going to get a call after she passes asking me what to do with them.
via @sparkfun/flickr
I had a client demand a Viking funeral. I tried making it work within the confines of the law.

My cousin is a lawyer and apparently one guy grows out his beard all year long before shaving it on new years day and saves it in a bag with the year written on it. He has on his will that certain years go to certain grand-kids because that was the year they were born, got married, Etc. The rest are to be raffled off equally to all of his decedents.
via @archer10/flickr
Providing for needs of beloved pet; African Gray Parrot, which at the time was likely to outlive testator by 20-30 years.

I know someone whose uncle left them a weird skeleton Michael Jackson statue and nothing else
via @faustophotos0-977910/pixabay
Worked in a place that did wills and trusts.
One guy put aside a bunch of money to split between any of his former girlfriends that came to his funeral!!
One guy put aside a bunch of money to split between any of his former girlfriends that came to his funeral!!

Had one were it challenge the deceased’s children to take a paternity test to check if they were the deceased’s kids (he must have left some dna samples).
via @gailrubin-1333494/pixabay
Elderly women deciding their dogs and cats–no matter their age–should be immediately put down when they die and be buried/cremated with them is shockingly common.
via @wikimediaimages-1185597/pixabay
Have some land which neighbors a hunting camp in PA. One guy passed, and left his treestand to his grandson. It’s in a good spot too…

Spoke to a lawyer recently to work out some things related to wills. They said they’re getting an increasing number of requests where lawyers are given the names and passwords to people’s online accounts to social media and gaming platforms to let their online friends know they have passed on, shut the accounts down, and if the accounts have anything of value to hand that out to remaining friends.
via @dima-valkov-1186343/pexels
Not a lawyer but my buddy is one. Couple months ago he said an older lady had asked him to include something quite peculiar. She had left the instructions for her family to decorate the family Christmas tree. The weird thing was that on her daughter in law was the only one to put ornaments on the tree and her granddaughter was supposed to put the star on top.
via @30478819@N08/flickr
Not a will, but a family trust. Recipients were to submit their W2 each year, and the income earned was the payout. Kept them employed to be sure.

Not a lawyer, but a quite wealthy man had willed specific rooms in his mansion. That is, the house was not to be sold or inherited, but designated people were given use of specific rooms for their lifetime.
via @spiritze-3079232/pixabay
Wealthy women left 1 million dollars in trust for the care of her dogs. Two sons and daughters were each given $10,000. That was the amount of the loan she received from her father.
Guy was going to leave his entire business to this kid and changed his mind because he and his grandpa stole fizzy lifting drink and the walls had to be cleaned & sterilized.