
Saturday, 28 December 2019

Video Shows CNN Reporter Confused and Upset By Hispanic Voters Supporting Trump

Imagine the meltdown at CNN headquarters in Atlanta on Election Day 2020 if President Donald Trump wins the presidency again.
And imagine how insane that meltdown would be if it were black and Hispanic voters who gave him the victory.
That scenario is becoming more and more likely as the president is making inroads with minority voters that even CNN has had to acknowledge.
One CNN reporter visited El Paso, Texas to speak to a group that calls itself Border Hispanics for Trump and he was befuddled by the support.
Ray Baca, the chairman of the organization said that President Trump and Republicans are more aligned with the values he and his fellow Hispanics have than Democrats are.
If one looks at the facts, with 77 percent of Hispanics identifying as Christians, it does appear they are more suited for the Republican Party.
“I look at President Trump as the one who most closely represents my values,” Baca said, highlighting “being against abortion, being for limited government involvement, being for border security.” 
This perplexed CNN reporter Nick Valencia wondered why the tried and true baseless claims of racism did not work on these Hispanics.
“How can you still support somebody who they see as saying racist things against the Latino community?” Valencia said.
“I disagree. I really don’t think he said things that are racist,” he said. Valencia then mentioned the racist El Paso shooting of Hispanics as if President Trump was responsible for it.
“I just don’t think you can hold a president, President Trump in particular, responsible for the actions of a single madman,” he said.
A group of El Paso Hispanics who support President Trump are campaigning for his reelection. @CNNValencia reports.
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Baca also said that he supports a wall on the Southern Border, at the right price, like a true conservative.
“I see him with his faults, warts and all. I don’t want to spend $200 billion on a wall if you can do it for $50 million and solve the problem,” he said.
Valencia also spoke to another woman who became a citizen of The United States five years ago and voted for President Trump in 2016.
“Originally from Mexico, 29-year-old Blanca Binkley became a U.S. citizen just five years ago,” the reporter said. “She plans on voting for Trump again in 2020.”
“Oftentimes, when I’m asked, but why?” she said. “Or, like, I feel like someone’s going to throw eggs at me or I’m going to be shunned from the Hispanic community, you know?”
This comes on the heels of a black, former NFL player, predicting that President Trump will get 20 percent of the black vote in 2020.
What CNN and the media do not comprehend is that you are only able to trick people with fake cries of racism for so long.
Eventually people see what is before their eyes. They see who aligns with their values.

The further Democrats go to the extreme liberal wing of their Party they more minority voters are going to vote Republican.

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