
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Alyssa Milano complains it's 'f***ing upsetting' that she can't let her son, 8, listen to 'inappropriate' President Trump on the news

Left-wing activist and actress Alyssa Milano hopped on Twitter Monday to complain about one of her favorite targets — President Donald Trump — saying she had to chase her 8-year-old son out of the room while the news played Trump's "speech" about disgraced former FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

Milano presumably meant the moment during an October rally when Trump improvised an impassioned chat between Page and disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok who were having an extramarital affair. The pair also sent each other text messages detailing their vehement opposition to Trump.
"It's f***ing upsetting that I can't allow my son to listen to our president because our president is inappropriate, misogynistic, and unpresidential," Milano continued in her tweet. "So unfair to parents."


Milano's post caught the interest of more than a few Twitter users who proceeded to take the actress to task for hypocrisy. Here's a sampling:
  • "Do you drop F-bombs in front of your son, or do just let him read them on Twitter?"
  • "I just had to stop my 8 year old from reading your tweet over my shoulder. He wanted to know why that witch on TV says the EFF word all the time..."
  • "Wait until your son sees some of your movies."
  • "Have your 8 year old Google YOU! I am sure you will need to chase him out of the room."
  • "The way you talk, the kids should be used to it."
And the following folks offered some additional presidential perspective:
Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Anything else?

Page broke her silence Sunday in a Daily Beast interview during which she said she decided to say something after Trump mocked her at the October rally.
"Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel's back," she said. "I had stayed quiet for years hoping it would fade away, but instead it got worse. It had been so hard not to defend myself, to let people who hate me control the narrative. I decided to take my power back."
It isn't clear what news clip Milano had to shield her son from, but the following MSNBC report spells out the Trump-Page feud and includes Trump speaking at the rally in question:

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