As reported by The Daily Wire, The Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur filed to run for the House of Representatives on Wednesday, seeking to replace Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), who recently resigned over alleged sexual relationships with staffers.
Following Uygur’s congressional bid, old sexist blog posts from the Bernie Sanders supporter began circulating online.
In one such post from the early 2000s, which Uygur has since denounced, the host laid out “rules” for women on the dating sense.
“There are some hard and fast rules of dating. Women, ignore these at your peril,” Uygur wrote in his early thirties.
“Rule 1: There must be some serious making out by the third date,” he posted. “If I haven’t felt your t*** by then, things are not about to last much longer. In fact, if you don’t get back on track by the fourth date, you’re done.”
The second rule for women to follow: “There must be orgasm by the fifth date.”
“No, ands, ifs, or buts,” he emphasized. “If I haven’t unloaded by this time, things are intolerably slow. There will be no sixth date to give you a second chance. If you haven’t delivered by now, you’re done.”
“Rule 3: There must be sex by the second month of dating,” Uygur said.
“There are a lot of allowable exceptions to this rule, but they all involve orgasms,” he kindly offered. “I’ll let you slide if for unseen circumstances we haven’t gotten to see each other much, and you have been providing me with some excellent orgasms in the meanwhile.”
While there were rare exceptions for women to not sleep with Uygur by month two, the chivalry basically died out by month four:
But there are no foreseeable reasons why anyone would slip into the fourth month of dating without sex. But since you do provide a certain level of sexual satisfaction, I will give a requisite talking to you to see “what’s wrong.” If you don’t give it up the date after “the talk,” you’re done.
“I’m not telling girls to be sluts, but there are bounds of reason,” explained the Young Turks host. “And I have no intention of going out with someone in the long run, without a reasonable amount of sex — and these rules set the reasonable bounds. Ignore them at your peril.”
And, flexing his feminist muscles, Uygur assured women that he doesn’t hold “inane and antiquated hang-ups” about a woman who “gives it up too easy.”
“Some guys are a**holes, and won’t go out with a girl if she gives it up too easy. I have no such inane and antiquated hang-ups. I’d much rather go out with a slut than a prude,” he bragged, noting that a girl can “add” to her “shelf-life” with early and good sex.
“If you don’t give it up within a normal period of time, you will be eliminated. If you’re excellent in bed, you can extend your stay,” he elaborated. “In the end, it’s always your personality. But I don’t want any girls to be left with the impression that they are going to trick us men into taking them more seriously or getting attached to them more because they refuse to have sex for a long time. If a guy does react that way, he is an idiot, and you’re an idiot if you go out with him. If he’s a reasonable guy like me, not having sex within the right time period can only hurt you.”
“I’m trying to help,” closed Uygur’s post. “Love the messenger.”
In a blog post from 2000, Uygur complained that he was only seeing “a tiny droplet” of the “sea of t***” Miami had to offer and claimed women are genetically “flawed” and “poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.”
As noted by The Wrap, Uygur denounced the sexist posts in 2017, bizarrely claiming he made the comments back when he “was still a conservative.” However, the posts express progressive views on sexuality, not conservative.
“The stuff I wrote back then was really insensitive and ignorant,” Uygur, who is now 49 years old, said. “If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you’re offended by it, you’re 100 percent right. And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy.”
“I had not yet matured and I was still a conservative who thought that stuff was politically incorrect and edgy,” he added. “When you read it now, it looks really, honestly, ugly. And it’s very uncomfortable to read.”
The sexist blog posts were published by Uygur on a site called, which now redirects to The Young Turks, noted The Wrap.