
Friday, 15 November 2019

Planned Parenthood Hosts ‘All Ages/Genders’ Pole Dancing Fundraiser

Planned Parenthood of Washington state has a brilliant idea to regain support after losing a dramatic battle in the Clark County, Washington, Battle Ground School District, which voted back in October to remove sex education fromthe school curriculum beyond what is required by law: have an all ages, all genders sex worshop featuring “clitoris and pleasure education”and erotic pole dancing.
The Battle Ground School board voted “to overhaul its internal sexual health education policy,” according to a localpaper, “eliminating requirements that the district teach sex ed unless the state requires it. As it stands, Washington law only requires that school districts teach about HIV and AIDS prevention. If districts do teach sexual health education, it must be comprehensive and compliant with state standards.”
The crux of the disagreement was a new proposal to teach “gender identity” in sex education classes, but Planned Parenthood appeared to take the decision as a major blow, likely because the abortion provider pushes its own outlines for sex education, which do include lessons on “gender identity” and early introduction to the concept of sexual orientation.
Fearing that its message wasn’t getting to the voters of Washington state, apparently, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest & Hawaii, held an even where supporters could “celebrate our sexuality and enjoy an irreverently playful night of fundraising, fitness, sex talk, and exotic pole dance performances.”
The purpose of the “celebration” wasn’t just to learn pole dancing for fun (and possibly profit), but to put Planned Parenthood supporters on the same page about sex education in Washington state. Since school districts are opting out, choosing to teach only what is required by the state, Planned Parenthood is moving its activism to the state level to agitate for including more “comprehensive” lessons in state-mandated sex ed classes.
“We’ll begin the night with Pilates and Barre class demos followed by a sexy floor work lesson and a presentation on feminine sensual movement; we will then transition into our educational portion with an informational session about the Clitoris, pleasure, and making sex ed mandatory in Washington State; the night will end with a Wicked Sexy Carnival Side Show themed pole dance showcase brought to you be Pole at Play,” the invitation reads.
It comes with an agenda breakdown.
4 – 5 p.m.: Pilates and Barre Class Sampler
5 – 5:30p.m.: Sexy Floor Work Lesson
5:30 – 6 p.m.: The Art of Feminine Sensual Movement
6 – 6:30 p.m.: Clitoris and Pleasure Education with Planned Parenthood
6:30 – 7 p.m.: Sex Ed in Washington State Informational with Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii
7- 9 p.m. Wicked Sexy Pole Dance Showcase presented by Pole at Play
For a mere ten dollars, you could access the fun and learn how you can do your part to force controversial ideas on impressionable children.
Actually, the children are welcome! “As a programming note, this event is open to folks of all genders and ages.”
Even the boys! “The theme for the night is a reclamation of pleasure, and while we emphasize the Clitoris, we understand that not all folks who have marginalized sexualities have a Clitoris or are femme presenting.”
