Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) told a critic last week that she sent her children to public schools in order to avoid criticism over her anti-school choice position. There’s just one big problem: her son, Alex, went to a pricey private school from fifth grade onward.
Warren’s event with fellow Massachusetts legislator Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) was interrupted briefly by a number of school choice protesters, who confronted Warren over her “Great Public Schools” plan that would increase Federal dollars given to public schools — and, subsequently, to teachers unions — but would put an end to “school choice” programs that allow needy students to attend private schools using public money.
Sarah Carpenter, a school choice activist, sparred with Warren over school choice, at one time telling the wanna-be 2020 Democratic presidential nominee that, “We are going to have the same choice that you had for your kids because I read that your children went to private schools.”
My children went to public schools,” Warren responded.
“Even if it was public school, it probably was the best public school,” Carpenter fired back.
Only, it seems, that’s not entirely true. Warren’s daughter went to public school, but her son, Alex, attended the $15,000-per-year Kirby Hall School according to the Washington Free Beacon, which found Alex in the school’s yearbooks.
Warren didn’t say anything about that but, given that Alex appears to have transferred out of public school to attend a private school, it’s clear he benefited from Warren’s ability to select a school of her choice that met her son’s needs.
That’s the point the activists were trying to make to Warren — a point that went unheard, according to a statement later sent by her campaign to Fox News.
“Elizabeth’s daughter went to public school. Her son went to public school until 5th grade,” Warren’s campaign said in a written missive. “Elizabeth wants every kid to get a great education regardless of where they live, which is why her plan makes a historic investment in our public schools. Every public school should be a great school. Her plan does not affect funding for existing non-profit charter schools, but she believes we should not put public dollars behind a further expansion of charters until they are subject to the same accountability requirements as public schools.”
But non-profit charter schools are, of course, not what Carpenter and her fellow activists are talking about. They are but one “school choice” option. And Warren’s detailed plan, available on her campaign website, specifically mentions discontinuing voucher programs (even though in her book, released more than a decade ago, called “The Two-Income Trap,” Warren expressed enthusiastic support for the idea of vouchers that would allow public school children to attend private schools).
Warren has a very difficult time telling the truth. This is the third lie Warren has been caught in, if you count her claims to Native American ancestry as her first (her “claim” turned out to be, at best, a distance ancestor, and her evidence for being Native American mostly gleaned from outdated racial stereotypes). Warren also claimed that she was let go from a public school teaching job when she became pregnant; further investigation into that assertion revealed that Warren was offered her job contingent on obtaining an appropriate qualification.
She elected not to return to her position.
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