
Thursday, 14 November 2019

Drag queen makes noticeable debut at impeachment proceedings

A drag queen graced the halls of Congress to attend the first public impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump on Wednesday, causing quite a stir that poured over onto social media.
 What are the details?
New Jersey performer Pissi Myles grabbed the attention of spectators when she strolled through Capitol Hill security on her way to cover the impeachment proceedings. In a comment on Facebook ahead of the hearings, Myles wrote, "I'll be commenting on what's going on, and probably causing a ruckus in day drag," The Washington Examiner reported.
CSPAN broadcast footage of her entrance, while staffers and reporters posted images online of the comedian's debut.
"It's a crazy day in Washington! I'm flipping my wig over the high-energy proceedings today," Myles told NBC News, adding, "Tensions are high, and the bar for who's allowed in the Longworth House [Office Building] is very, very low." 
NBC correspondent Heidi Przbyla posted an image of Myles to her Twitter account, saying, "Just arrived for #ImpeachmentHearings. Someone asked me last night if there's anything in DC that surprises me anymore." 
Myles' husband, David Ayllon, told NBC that Myles had been hired to cover the hearings for a new startup app called Happs. "They scouted him out at his Barracuda show on Sunday," Ayllon said. "I do know they were looking for a comedian who could improv on the spot and deliver the news in a fun way."

Anything else?

According to Myles's website, the drag queen has won a number of awards throughout the northeast.