
Monday, 7 October 2019

MSNBC panel concocts plan to make Nancy Pelosi president by ousting Trump AND Pence

On MSNBC's "AM Joy" Saturday, host Joy Reid and her panel of commentators envisioned a scenario in which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi becomes president.
Reid claimed that even if President Donald Trump is impeached and removed from office, nothing would change in Washington because Vice President Mike would become head of state, which would keep "all of the conspirators in place."
Jill Wine-Banks, one of the prosecutors during the Watergate scandal, then answered Reid's call, predicting how to completely remove Trump and his political legacy from office, thereby manufacturing Pelosi's "House of Cards"-style ascension to the White House.
Will-Banks' solution? Impeach Pence first, then demand that Trump does not appoint a new vice president prior to his own impeachment.
"You could impeach Pence first. The problem is that Donald Trump then has to name his replacement," she said. "But I think that maybe a deal could be struck where he was told, if you don't make a replacement, then Nancy Pelosi does become president." 
As House Speaker, Pelosi is second in the line of presidential succession.
However, a rise to the Oval Office from her current position would be nearly impossible, and would require the level of constitutional-bending and political manipulation that Will-Banks suggests.

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