
Sunday 6 October 2019

39 Habits To Start *Now* That Will Keep Your Health In Tip-Top Shape After 40

By the time you reach your 40s, it may seem like you’re stuck in your ways. You’ve got the same habits—both good and bad—that you’ve been practicing for years, if not decades. But since your 40s are a time when your body, your interests, and your responsibilities undergo significant changes, your habits should, too—especially in terms of your health. With that in mind, here are 40 habits you’re going to want to make part of your daily life from here on out, according to medical and health professionals. 

Get enough sleep every night.

Black man sleeping in his bedPeopleImages / iStock
You’ve heard sleep is important—and you know firsthand how miserable you can be when you don’t get enough of it. But once you get into your 40s, you might need to reassess exactly how much sleep you’re getting. “The quality of our sleep tends to go down with age, partly due to increased life stress and also due to hormonal changes that occur in both men and women over 40,” says Ivana Chapman, a fitness and nutrition coach. “Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep will enhance your immune system, reduce stress levels, and optimize your recovery from exercise.” 

And wake up without an alarm clock.

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If you want to ensure that your good night’s rest isn’t unnaturally and unhealthily interrupted, then you might want to get rid of your alarm clock. And that’s not just for the sake of your sleep cycle. In a 2005 study published in the journal Industrial Health, researchers found that while blood pressure and heart rate rapidly increased with the use of an alarm clock, levels gradually and more healthily increased when subjects woke up on their own. 

Keep technology out of the bedroom.

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For many of us, in just a few short years, smartphones have transformed from a novelty to a necessity. And though these devices provide tons of pluses—like entertainment and connection—they can also be detrimental to your mental health and the development of good habits.
“When it comes to sleep, 40-somethings are the worst. Most of their sleep disturbances come from overuse of technology—the blue light emitted from smartphones, computers, and televisions disrupt the natural circadian rhythm because it inhibits the production of melatonin,” says Walter Gaman, MD, co-author of Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health“Avoid electronics two hours before bed and opt for a great novel instead.” 

Stand up at your desk.

Stressed business woman standing and thinking in front of the office window.baona / iStock
“Many of the jobs that people in their 40s have call for heavy computer work. While your fingers may be going ninety to nothing, your large muscles are sitting stagnant,” says Gaman. “Sitting really is the new smoking because living a sedentary lifestyle increases inflammation and inflammation is the root of most chronic disease.”
So what can you do if you have to be at your desk all day? Get a standing or treadmill desk. Take micro-breaks throughout the day to stretch or walk around the block. There are plenty of small but meaningful changes you can make in order to avoid putting your health at risk.

Weight train.

happy older woman working out with dumbbells, things you shouldn't say about someone's bodyShutterstock
This habit for getting healthy in your 40s will benefit you in more ways than one. “Training with weights two to four times a week builds muscle and maintains bone density,” explains Chapman. “It also makes it easier to maintain your weight, since a leaner body with more muscle is more metabolically active and burns more calories all day long.”

Eat more protein.

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“Building and preserving precious muscle isn’t possible if you’re not taking in enough protein,” says Chapman. “Government recommendations are unnecessarily low, and [they] don’t represent the amount of protein required for optimal health and muscle maintenance and growth.”
She says that in order to maintain and build muscle in your 40s, you should aim to get 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. So, a 170-pound person ideally needs 136 to 170 grams of protein on a daily basis.

Eat more nuts.

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There’s a reason why doctors are nuts for nuts, especially as their patients age. Over the course of 20-plus years, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health followed up with nearly 290,000 men and women in four-year intervals. Their research, which was published in the British Medical Journal in 2019, determined that subjects who ate a daily serving of any type of nut had a lower risk of weight gain and obesity.
“Adding one ounce of nuts to your diet in place of less healthy foods—such as red or processed meat, French fries, or sugary snacks—may help prevent that slow, gradual weight gain after you enter adulthood and reduce the risk of obesity-related cardiovascular diseases,” study author Xiaoran Liu, PhD, said in a statement.

Take care of your gut health.

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While you want to eat wisely to help keep your weight under control, it’s not just the size of your gut that you should be concerned about in your 40s. “Eighty percent of your immunity is in your gut,” says Gaman. “Protecting your microbiome should be top priority. Do this by avoiding artificial sweeteners and increasing your intake of prebiotic- and probiotic-rich foods, like yogurt, sauerkraut, and asparagus.”

Buy more produce at the local farmer’s market.

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These days, most cities have at least one farmer’s market, if not several. These are great places to go for fresh produce—and while you’re there, you can get inspired to make nutritious meals with seasonal ingredients. 

Go to the dermatologist annually.

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Visiting the dermatologist annually becomes especially important once you reach 40. According to the American Cancer Societymelanoma risk increases with age, and the average age of diagnosis is 65. Make sure you’re getting your skin checked at least once a year so that if you do have skin cancer, you can get it treated in the early stages. 

Wear sunscreen every day.

Black woman applying, spraying sun protection cream on her legs, habits after 40RuslanDashinsky / iStock
This is a good habit at any age, but it’s especially critical in your 40s. Find a sunscreen with moisturizer to both protect yourself from sun damage and fight off those wrinkles simultaneously. 

Wear sunglasses.

Older Woman Wearing Sunglasses Outside Habits after 40Shutterstock
Sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement. According to Howard R. Krauss, MD, surgical neuro-ophthalmologist at Providence St. John’s, they prevent “UV exposure, [which] promotes skin cancer of the eyelids and cancer of the surface mucous membrane of the eye.” After 40, he recommends wearing sunglasses not just in the summer, but every time you go outside.

Set aside some time for yourself.

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“Whatever stage [of life] you’re in, it’s likely you may have lost sight of your own self, goals, or priorities,” says Julia Colangelo, a therapist and clinical social worker. “Try to revisit how you’d ideally like to spend your time and create a space during your day to give yourself time to focus on yourself. This can be in the form of revisiting a hobby you thought you didn’t have time for, trying something new, or beginning a new routine for yourself at sunrise or sunset.” This small but significant change can have a serious impact on your mental well-being.

Have a dedicated self-care regimen.

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“The top leaders and most successful people in the world make fitness a priority,” says Marcello Pedalino, a fitness trainer, mindfulness coach, and author of Celebrate Life. “They know that mental fortitude, determination, and discipline are all positive side effects of being in the best shape of your life. Sleep, nutrition, and exercise are the foundation and a consistent implementation of all three are paramount if you want to be ready for whatever life throws your way.”

Use an electric toothbrush.

old man brushing teeth, things that would horrify your dentistShutterstock
Electric toothbrushes have consistently been found to be more effective than manual ones. They’re better at removing plaque, they keep your gums healthier, and they’re easier to use. With the wide range of styles and price points now available, there’s no excuse not to upgrade—your teeth and gums will thank you. 

Spend more time in the bedroom.

Lesbian couple joyfully laughing while laying in bed, habits after 40Marilyn Nieves / iStock
Just as you should be having more sex, you should also be going longer. Making a habit of getting more creative in the bedroom will strengthen your relationship and, in turn, make you feel healthier, more relaxed, and more fulfilled.

And make the bedroom more active.

Man Checking in During Sex, healthy sex after 40Shutterstock
If you’re in a committed relationship, there’s a good chance the sex has tapered off a bit since your honeymoon period. If this is the case, try to reignite the spark and make sex a nightly habit. Not only does it feel good, but orgasms have been found to reduce stress and depression and increase your body’s immunity to infection.

Keep good (and positive) company.

Older Adult Friends at a Cafe Drinking Green Tea, healthy sex after 40Shutterstock
It’s important to make a habit of spending the time you have with people who are going to enrich your own life. Science has shown that negativity is contagious, so only making plans with positive and uplifting people can go a long way as far as your mental and emotional well-being is concerned.
According to Pedalino, you can ask yourself about which group a given social connection falls into: a VIP (Very Inspiring Person) or a VDP (Very Draining Person). “Go out of your way to associate with VIPs that will inspire you, empower you, and bring out the best in you,” he says. “Remove yourself from the company of VDPs, people who can come up with a problem for every solution.” 

Nurture close connections.

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“Spending time with those who have meaning in our lives, who we feel most comfortable around, and who we can rely upon allow us to feel a sense of intimacy, trust, and rid ourselves of stress,” says Deborah Heiser, a lifestyle consultant and founder of I.M.AGE and The Mentor Project. And bonus: One 2010 meta-analysis published in PLOS Medicine found that subjects who had stronger social relationships had a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival in any given time frame.

Take lots of warm baths.

woman relaxing in the bath tub, over 40 fitnessShutterstock
Want to burn some calories and blow off some steam in one fell swoop? Draw a hot bath. Research published in 2017 in the journal Temperature found that sitting in a hot bath for 60 minutes burns 130 calories, which is the same amount you’d burn walking for 30 minutes. What’s more, participants in the study also saw lower blood sugar levels and reduced inflammation when they saw in the hot water for an hour. The benefits of the bath are truly endless!

Laugh and smile often.

older couple smiling and laughing outside, old fashioned complimentsShutterstock
Getting into the habit of smiling when you enter a room and laughing easily and openly when you appreciate something is not only contagious, but it’s also healthy for you: it boosts your mood, reduces stress, and even improves your heart health

Compliment people.

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Take the time to point out the things you like about others, whether it’s a friend, coworker, or cab driver. Just a quick approving comment about someone’s shoes or the way they did their work will leave both of you feeling better. Plus, giving out compliments is more likely to get you compliments, and studies have shown that getting complimented activates feel-good areas of the brain that improve mood and motivate you to get things done.

Travel more.

older couple splashing on the beach, school nurse secretsShutterstock
When was the last time you took a trip? While saving up for retirement is important, you should also be budgeting for some memorable travel at least a couple times a year. Not only do these trips offer a welcome change of pace, but 2010 research published in Psychosomatic Medicine also found that engaging in leisurely activities—like the ones you do while on vacation—can reduce stress-related cortisol levels and lower your blood pressure as a result. 

Incorporate more activities into your everyday life.

black couple hiking in nature, healthy sex after 40Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images
Vacation isn’t the only way to incorporate stress-reducing leisurely activities into your schedule. “Start scheduling good things [every day], like meeting friends, going on a hike, visiting a relative you haven’t seen in years, etc,” says David Bennett, a certified counselor and relationship expert who runs the website The Popular Man. “You’ll find that if you start scheduling positive things, you do more of those positive things, and feel better.”


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Another habit that provides major benefits—mental, physical, and beyond—is meditation.
“Our world is far too fast-paced and there are far too many perceived threats in it for our amygdalas to manage,” says Jonathan DeYoe, author of Mindful Money and founder of DeYoe Wealth Management. “Remember, there was a time when we could be awakened by a saber-toothed tiger and we would have to defend our family from being eaten. Our brain is designed to be ready for that. This is why our ‘loss-aversion sensors’ tend towards overreaction to perceived threats. Mindfulness practice can slow our natural reactivity and help us think through better solutions.”

Practice gratitude.

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There are no doubt plenty of things that annoy you throughout the day or are not exactly to your liking, but for your own peace of mind and long-term well-being, a habit of gratitude can prove hugely beneficial.
“Gratitude is a great habit that allows a person to appreciate the experiences they have had and that have made them who they are today,” explains Anthony Treas, a men’s health coach. Studies have even shown that being grateful makes people more likely to hit the gym and reduces physical symptoms. 

Handle dark circles.

woman looking at her face in the mirror habits after 40Shutterstock
Another common complexion problem that afflicts you in your 40s is those puffy dark patches under your eyes. To rid yourself of these, you’ll want to make eye cream a standard part of your morning routine. This simple product will stop you from looking like you partied too hard over the weekend and help you maintain a youthful glow. 

Drink a lot of water.

old man drinking water after exercising, ways to feel amazingShutterstock
Hydrating does all kinds of great things for your health, mind, and body, and it only becomes more vital as you get older. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes, drinking water maintains your body’s internal temperature, lubricates and cushions your joints, protects your spinal cord, and helps rid of your body waste via urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.

Take naps.

older woman taking a nap habits after 40Shutterstock
Not every doctor-recommended healthy habit after 40 is necessarily difficult. Case in point: For better heart health, many health professionals suggest adding more naps into your schedule. A 2019 observational study published in the journal Heart even found that subjects who napped once or twice a week had a 48 percent decreased heart attack, stroke, and heart failure risk compared to those who never napped. 

Manage your anger.

woman angry using computerShutterstock
If there’s one emotion you want to leave behind in your 30s, it’s anger. Not only does being angry impede you emotionally, but one 2019 study from the American Heart Association found that anger can lead to the development of chronic illnesses like heart disease in older individuals. 

Confront your vices.

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Your bad habits are no doubt deeply ingrained by the time you are in your 40s, but by this time you also have a clear sense of the kind of damage and distraction they can bring to your life satisfaction. Now is the time to take a closer look at your behaviors and get impatient with your vices.
“If you smoke, drink more than you should (more than one drink for women and two for men per day on a regular basis), gamble excessively, use drugs, or struggle with other forms of addiction, it is critical to confront those bad habits and take action,” says Lisa Doggett, a family physician based in Austin, Texas. “The consequences of unchecked vices can increase with age, and reaching out to a physician, supportive friend, or other resources in the community can make a big difference.”

Make preventative health care a priority.

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Schedule annual (or semi-annual) physicals with your physician and be sure you are following the doctor’s orders. “Rates of chronic disease increase significantly as we age,” Doggett adds. “Conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension can be detected early through routine medical visits, and early treatment reduces the risk of heart disease and other complications. Cancer rates also rise as we age, so screening tests become more important in our 40s.”

Spend ample time outside.

couple having picnic outside partyShutterstock
Most people in their 40s already know the mental and mood-boosting benefits of being in nature, but what about the physical ones? One 2014 study from the University of Southampton found that ultraviolet light—even when received in small doses—dilates blood vessels and significantly lowers blood pressure. Yet another 2018 study from the University of East Anglia concluded that those who spent more time in green spaces had a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and early death.

Take a moment to breathe every day.

Black woman takes deep breath outdoors, habits after 40adamkaz / iStock
Doctors swear by this healthy and stress-relieving habit so much that most of them even practice it themselves. “I take 30 seconds to re-center,” says Michael Sinel, MD, an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA Department of Medicine. “This can be done simply by taking three slow deep breaths, by inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for six seconds. This helps me to clear my mind so that I can focus.”

Enjoy a big breakfast every morning.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day—and not just because pancakes are delicious. In 2018, researchers from Tel Aviv University found that a big breakfast helped obese patients and patients with type 2 diabetes lose weight and decrease their need for insulin respectively.

Wake up early.

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Ben Franklin knew what he was talking about: Early risers do tend to get healthy, wealthy, and wise. Waking up early not only gives you an ideal timeframe to meditate, exercise, or get some reading in, but it sets the tone for the rest of your day.
You’ll find yourself arriving to work and other appointments early, finishing up projects earlier than you expected to, and enjoying a higher level of energy throughout the day. 

Exercise in the morning.

Man Listening to Music with Headphones at the Gym Healthy ManShutterstock
Whether it’s a full-blown workout or just a few minutes of stretches, get active as part of your morning ritual. It will sharpen your mind and have you feeling more relaxed and more focused all throughout the day.

Take advantage of your gym’s sauna.

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Don’t be afraid to hop in the sauna after a sweat session at the gym. “Saunas help the body detoxify—remember, the skin is the largest elimination organ—and have been shown to reduce stress and the risk of strokes,” notes Dr. Richard Harris, the founder of Salutem Magnam, a Houston-based wellness clinic. “Saunas cause the body to increase a specific protein, called ‘heat shock’ proteins, which have numerous health benefits.”

Actively commute to work.

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If your commute isn’t absurdly long or far, then don’t be afraid to pick up a bike and make it more active. Being outside in the open air will clear your mind before a long day, and like we’ve said before, being active in the morning has both mental and physical benefits that are long-lasting.

Always have a book in progress.

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It can be a novel, a biography, a self-help manual, or anything else, but you should always have a book that you are in the process of reading. This not only provides you with all the obvious benefits of a literate life—inspiration with new ideas, sharper reading skills, expanding knowledge—but it also gives you the mental benefits of expanding your mind.

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