
Monday 26 August 2019

Scary Signs You May Have a Blood Clot

Blood clotting is your body’s way of keeping you from bleeding out. But if a clot doesn’t break up, it’ll keep traveling through your body. If it gets stuck in the lungs, it’s called a pulmonary embolism (PE). If it stops in a leg or arm, it’s called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can also make their way to the brain, kidneys, belly, and heart.
No matter where the clot ends up, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke. It’s important to know the symptoms, especially if you’re at high risk. Here are the scary signs you may have a blood clot.

1. Pain in the leg or arm 

A symptom of deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is pain in the affected limb. As the blood clot worsens, it can go from being a dull pain to more severe. Sometimes it is described as pressure caused by inflammation, and it’s often worse while walking. These types of blood clots can make their way to other areas of the body with devastating consequences. 

2. Panic attacks 

This symptom may seem like it’s on the wrong list, but many people who have had a pulmonary embolism, or PE, reported feeling panic. If a blood clot travels to the lungs, it can severely hinder blood flow and oxygen to the body. This can cause similar symptoms to anxiety or panic attacks

3. Coughing up blood 

This sounds like the stuff of nightmares, but it’s true. Coughing up blood is a sign there may be fluid buildup and lung inflammation. If a DVT makes its way to the lungs, you may see blood in your hand after coughing. Some mistake this as pneumonia, so it’s essential to think about all your symptoms together. Either way, you seek medical attain ASAP. 

4. Sharp chest pain 

Sudden, sharp pain in the chest could indicate a PE. It often hurts a lot more when breathing — a scary sign that a blood clot has formed in or around the heart. If the pain is dull and in the arm, it may signal a heart attack. Pain from a PE is usually sharper, but it may also appear in the arms as well. 

5. Shortness of breath 

Blood clots in the heart or lungs can make you feel shortness of breath or like you have a heavy weight on the chest. Others describe it as if you were breathing through a straw. Women’s Health explains it will feel like you just finished exercising even though you haven’t. Regardless, it’s a life-threatening sign you’re not getting enough oxygen. 

6. Increased heart rate 

When arriving at the lungs, a blood clot blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body. To compensate, your heart will try to beat faster. An average heart rate is between 60-100 beats a minute. If a PE occurs, your resting heart rate can rise well above 100. 

7. Leg or arm is warm or redMan touching knee 

If you notice a change the color of your arm or leg, it might be a sign you have DVT. These form in the deep veins of the arms or legs. If you have a DVT, it can block or slow blood flow to that arm or leg, changing the color. It can also make it feel warmer or even tingle. Don’t ignore these symptoms. DVT’s often make their way to the heart or lungs. 

8. Vision problems 

One of the lesser known symptoms, vision problems can occur when blood flow and oxygen diminish. Affecting one or both eyes, blurred vision can also occur if the blood clot is in the eye. This usually only happens after a traumatic injury to the area. 

9. Swelling in your leg or arm 

A major indicator of DVT is swelling in an arm or leg. The change can usually be seen and felt. You may notice a size difference when looking in the mirror or when your jeans fit too tight on one leg. If you have a DVT, you will usually be able to measure the difference. Call your doctor immediately if you suspect a blood clot. 

10. Severe belly pain 

Blood clots can form in veins that drain blood from the intestines. This can cause swelling and blockages. If this happens, you’ll notice severe abdominal pain. We’re talking about pain that makes you keel over. It’s often accompanied by bloating and discomfort. If belly pain occurs out of nowhere and worsens with digestion, let your doctor know. 

11. Bloody stools 

Another scary sign is bloody stools. When a person develops a health problem, their bowel movements often change. If a blood clot forms or travels in the bowels or stomach, you might notice blood in your stools. According to WebMD, diverticulitis, birth control pills, and even liver disease can cause blood clots in the belly. 

12. High blood pressure 

People with high blood pressure already know they’re at high risk for heart attacks and strokes. But this symptom may occur because of a blood clot. It can happen to people who have never had high BP. When a blood clot forms in the kidneys, the body may struggle to remove waste, causing blood pressure to rise. Sudden onset of headaches, pounding in the chest, or fatigue can be signs of high blood pressure. 

13. Nausea and vomiting 

Sometimes blood clots form in the vessels in and around the digestive tract, including the stomach and intestines, which can cause nausea or vomiting. This symptom can be a problem if ignored. Many people will write it off to catching a bug or something they ate. 

14. Sudden seizure 

Obviously, if you have a sudden seizure something isn’t right. But it’s important to know that blood clots in the brain can cause seizures. These clots can form because of trauma like a concussion, or they can come from other areas in the body and make their way up. If you are at high risk for blood clots or have recently hit your head, let your doctor know. 

15. Blood in urine 

Sometimes a blood clot can form or make its way to the kidneys. When this happens, a person might notice blood in their urine. It is important to know that seeing blood in the toilet, does not automatically mean you have a blood clot. It is just one symptom that can occur.
Because the kidney’s handle the body’s waste, it often alerts you to a problem this way. If it is due to a clot, you may also notice the next scary sign on the list.

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