
Monday, 8 July 2019

Rep. Rashida Tlaib grasps at 'concentration camps' moment as ABC's Raddatz crushes her over border funding vote

Rep. Rashida Tlaib appeared on ABC's 'This Week' on Sunday and faced a tough interview from Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz on the issue of the border and immigration. Tlaib not only quintupled (or more) down on her fellow upstart Dem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "concentration camps" rhetoric, but got noticeably agitated and flustered when faced with tough questions.
The interview (below) started with the two discussing an earlier appearance by the acting DHS secretary, and discussing the visits to detention centers that Tlaib, AOC, and other members of congress undertook last weeek. Raddatz then asked about the concentration camps label.
"You were – you were – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, your colleague who was at the border with you compare the facilities to a concentration camp," said Raddatz. "Do you agree with that comparison?
"Absolutely," answered Tlaib unequivocally. "I mean there's a number of experts that say this is – because it's traumatic. I mean I don't know how to explain to people what we saw when we're explaining to people and they're kind of looking back and saying well that can't be true."
She continued for a moment, describing how her experience was upsetting, before Raddatz cut in to challenge her about voting for money to address such problems. That's when it got heated.
"Congresswoman, I want to stop you here for just a second," said Raddatz. "[Acting DHS Secretary] McAleenan has been sounding the alarm for months for resources to help the migrants, you voted against the $4.6 billion emergency border bill to deal with the surge of migrants, that included almost $3 billion to provide shelter and care for unaccompanied children."
Wow. Raddatz went right for it, then right for it some more.
"Acting Secretary McAleenan says those funds are critical to get children out of CBP custody and transfer, even if the bill didn't have what you wanted," she said as the two talked over each other.
"Well I'm proud – I – exactly but listen to this, do you know what the CBP agents said on the ground, though Martha?" Tlaib said to shift the question, and the blame. Raddatz hammered right through though.
"Isn't opposing aid contributing to this crisis?" she asked. You couldn't hear the boom on the audio, but that was definitely a boom.
Raddatz tried a little more but Tlaib was off on a speech, her speech pattern more frantic, her voice louder and higher pitched. You know, that "under the gun" voice people use when they're caught.
Watch below as she goes from self-satisfied lecturer to hand-in-the-cookie-jar scrambling, raising her voice as she tries to talking points her way out of answering Raddatz about the votes.
After the above clip, Raddatz asked Tlaib about the ongoing tiff with Nancy Pelosi, and Tlaib, possibly flush from battling the responsibility to answer a direct question, went after the Speaker with almost as much zeal as her friend AOC had on Twitter.
The newbies in the Democrat party are, as they say about themnselves, making waves. But are those good waves? Pelosi doesn't seem to think so. There are probably a lot more Democrats who are also just about fed up with the four liberal freshmen. It's quite a time to be a conservative watching Democrats on the news. Quite a time.

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