
Wednesday 19 June 2019

You Might Be Constipated (Even if You Poop Regularly)

We’ve all been constipated before—you know, those super fun multi-day stretches of poopless discomfort and bloating. Really, is there anything worse than a poopless day? But the issue of constipation actually goes beyond missing your daily fix. Did you know that you can be constipated even when you’re pooping daily?
Shocked? You’re not alone. There is a major discrepancy between what most people believe is constipation and what constipation actually is. Research out of King’s College London showed that nearly one in three healthy people who did not consider themselves constipated actually WERE without realizing it. 

That’s right. Constipation can be a hard condition for people to self-diagnose, simply because mild constipation can feel like a “normal” part of life for some people (especially if they’ve been living with it for a long time). It just might not seem out of the ordinary. So it’s important to pay attention.


Constipation is different for everyone, but there are some telltale signs to look out for:
  • You have fewer than three bowel movements a week.
  • You have to use your finger to get things flowing.
  • Your poop is consistently hard, dry, and lumpy. (Nuggets are common.)
  • You push hard and strain to poop. (Ideally, you should never really have to push all that much.)
  • Your poop is incomplete and doesn’t all come out in one go. (You never feel fully vacated.)
The most important thing to realize is that you can, indeed, be constipated, even if you poop with daily regularity. The nuances of your poop are what count—the quality and color both matter as much as the frequency of your bowel movements, so pay close attention to those.
If things are chronically hard and scanty, it’s time to accept that your daily rabbit plops may be an indicator of constipation. Also take into consideration how long it takes you to make a bowel movement. Anywhere between one to 15 minutes is average, but anything longer than that is considered constipation territory.
If you suspect that you’re constipated, trying adjusting your water and fiber intake. If that doesn’t help after a week or two, seek professional support. Constipation can be caused by any number of factors, from weak pelvic floor muscles to stress to certain medications. Take the time and effort to figure it out. You deserve to have a good, healthy poop.

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