
Sunday 2 June 2019

The 25 Best Fruits For a Flatter Belly

Grab some resveratrol-rich red apples for a flatter belly.

These tasty fruits may just be the key to uncovering those abs

Thanks to the rise of ultra-low-carb diets in recent years, fruit has gotten a bad rap. In fact, according to CDC data, just 21 percent of American adults are getting the recommended one-and-a-half to two cups of fruit each day. And while cutting out processed sweets may benefit you in the long run, ditching healthy fruits from your diet can have a deleterious effect on your health in no time.

In fact, there's a significant link between fruit consumption and a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer. Better yet, for those trying to lose weight, the right fruit can be a serious boon: research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association suggests that regular consumption of fruit can help reduce a person's risk of obesity and assist in weight loss.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away; it also keeps the belly fat at bay. In addition to the 5.4 grams of filling fiber and healthy doses of potassium, calcium, and phosphorous you're getting, an apple before meals may help you reduce the number of calories you eat, according to findings published in the journal Appetite. 

Antioxidant-rich pomegranates can help your body heal itself, meaning you can stay fit and active for longer. Better yet, a study in Advanced Biomedical Researchfound that pomegranates may help prevent heart disease, arthritis, and even certain types of cancer.

Grapefruit diets may have gone the way of the dinosaurs, but that doesn't mean you should discount this tasty citrus fruit when it comes to losing weight. A study published in theJournal of Medicinal Foodfound that participants who were given grapefruit in either fresh, juiced, or encapsulated form, lost between three and five times more weight over the course of a clinical trial than those given a placebo.

Whether tossed on top of a salad, smashed on toast, or eaten plain, it's unlikely you'll hear too many complaints about being asked to eat more delicious, buttery avocado. While avocado is certainly the fattiest of the fruits, its fats are heart-healthy and full of oleic acid, which can reduce hunger pangs and make it less likely that you'll overeat. 

Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee the next time you're feeling tired, reach for a banana instead. Bananas are packed with potassium, which can help fight fatigue, meaning an extra few minutes in your run won't look like such a daunting task. In fact, a study published in PLoS One found bananas more effective at helping athletes recover after exercise than sports drinks.

Papayas have a long list of health-boosting properties, including use as an antifungal and antimicrobial. Papayas are also a great source of vitamin C and folate, the latter of which helps repair DNA, can keep you more energized after exercise, and regulates blood pressure.

Is it any surprise that watermelon can play a major role in beating summer dehydration? It's got water right in the name! This refreshing fruit may be heavy on the water content, but it's also got high levels of vitamins B1, B6, amino acids, and antioxidants, so don't be afraid to enjoy a slice or two.

Guava's unique blend of nutrients are a prescription for less exhausting workouts. Guavas contain high levels of magnesium, which can help relax muscles and reduce cramping, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, making them a great choice for anyone who does weight-bearing exercise.

Passion Fruit
Whether you're sensing a cold coming on or feeling fatigued after a workout, passion fruit might just be the cure. Passion fruit is full of immune-boosting vitamin C, which a study published in medical journal PAIN revealed may be a key factor in decreasing post-exertion pain.

In addition to packing six grams of fiber per fruit, pears are an excellent source of copper, which increases iron absorption and can help you slim down. Not sure how your iron levels and your weight are related? A study published in Clinical Therapeutics found that the treatment of iron deficiency anemia aided in weight loss among study participants. 

Rich in vitamins A, B, E, K, copper, fiber, folate, and potassium, kiwi packs a lot of nutrition per square inch. For an even healthier bite, eat it with the skin on— in doing so, you'll get a major boost of vitamin C.

One cup of apricots contains 63 percent of your daily vitamin A, which acts as a potent anti-inflammatory. You'll also get 3.3 grams of filling fiber and a heaping dose of beta carotene, which may help prevent certain types of cancer.

Packed with 20 percent of your daily fiber and five percent of your daily protein, mangoes are among the most filling and satisfying fruits out there, whether you're enjoying them raw or blended into your favorite smoothie. Better yet, a study conducted at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon found that African mango consumption helped to regulate cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides in obese patients.

Low in calories and rich in flavonoids, strawberries may be one of the easiest weight loss aids. In fact, findings published in BMJ that related the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods, like strawberries, and the maintenance of a healthy weight.

If you're craving a sweet snack, grapes may help you beat your desire for refined sugar. Red fruits are rich in resveratrol, which can lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease risk, and fight obesity, and there's no easier way to incorporate this antioxidant pigment into your diet than by enjoying a handful of grapes. To help beat the heat this summer, try freezing your grapes for a fun snack.

A perfect addition to your breakfast or eaten on its own as a snack, honeydew is low in calories and high in vitamin C, magnesium, and B6, the latter of which helps boost your metabolism by aiding the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose energy.

Açai Berries
An antioxidant powerhouse, açai berries may help prevent cancer, aid in cellular repair, and even promote weight loss. Better yet, a study published in Nutrition Journalfound that açai lowered the glucose response to certain foods, which could be a trigger for weight loss.

There are certain foods that may give you an intense pang of regret when you realize you've eaten the whole thing, but cantaloupe shouldn't be one of them. Boasting three times your daily recommended levels of vitamins A and C and under 200 calories per fruit, there's no reason not to make this tasty melon part of your weight loss routine.

Want to have your dessert and eat it, too? Instead of a treat filled with refined sugar, enjoy a plum. Plums may be the key to reversing bone loss from osteoporosis, according to study findings shared in PLOS One, which means you can stay active for longer. 

A small orange has just 45 calories, but it's got nearly all the vitamin C you need in a day, as well as almost 10 percent of your recommended daily fiber. Eating oranges may even be the an effective step toward a leaner body—a study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences found that consuming bitter orange extract aided in weight loss.

In addition to being tasty and low in calories, at just 62 per cup, blackberries contain a healthy dose of magnesium, which can help maintain healthy blood pressure and blood glucose, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Regulating your blood sugar may be as easy as adding figs to your diet. Antioxidant-packed figs are a great source of manganese, which can help lower skyrocketing blood sugar counts as well as fighting inflammation. 

Pineapple and a flat stomach go hand in hand. In fact, pineapple can reduce intestinal inflammation, which may help decrease swelling and bloating in the abdomen, according to findings published in the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

Cherries have a lot of fat-fighting power in a tiny package. According to research by the University of Michigan Health System, cherries may benefit the body in a wide variety of ways, from lowering blood sugar to decreasing fat stores in the liver, as well as reducing a person's risk of stroke.

Peaches are, well, just peachy for your healthy. Peaches are a great source of polyphenols, which can lower the risk of obesity and heart disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

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