
Tuesday 14 May 2019

5 Natural Burn Remedies to Ease the Pain

As a food blogger, burns are one of my top on-the-job hazards. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve burned myself while pulling something out of the oven or managed to rest my arm on the edge of a hot saucepan while stirring (how??).
These natural burn remedies are the ones I turn to when clumsiness strikes in the kitchen. 


You’ve probably heard of first, second and third-degree burns, but can you tell the difference between them?
According to WebMD, a first-degree burn is relatively mild. It hurts, and your skin will turn red. In my own experience, first-degree burns heal quickly and don’t need a ton of pain management. 
Second-degree burns are ones that are severe enough that the pain lingers, but you probably don’t need to see a doctor unless there are complications. The burn area will turn red, swell and may form a blister. When I have had second-degree burns, the blistered area often turns into a temporary or permanent scar.
A third-degree burn requires medical attention. Your skin will turn charred and black or chalky and white, and you may lose feeling in the burned area.


Keep in mind: these burn remedies are for minor burns only—first and possibly second-degree burns. If you are dealing with a severe, third-degree burn, see a doctor.

1. Cool Water (NOT Ice – Ice stings!)

I learned this burn remedy in high school home ec class, and it is shockingly effective! The second you realize you burned yourself, turn on the cold water tap, and stick the burned area under the tap. The cool water feels so soothing!

2. Soap and Water

Once the cool water soothes the pain a bit, gently wash your burn with soap and water. This is especially important for second-degree burns, because there is risk of infection from the blisters.
If your burn does blister, wash it regularly to keep those germs away!

3. Soaked Washcloth

That running tap water feels great, but it also wastes a lot of water. I’ve found that, after the initial pain subsides, it can help to make a cool compress by soaking a washcloth with cold tap water. Apply it gently, and re-wet it, as needed. Ahh.

4. Aloe

Break a leaf off of your aloe plant for even more pain relief! Not only does aloe feel soothing, but it’s rich in antioxidants that help your burn heal faster. It’s also an antibacterial, so it can help keep infection from starting. It’s not a replacement for soap and water, though.

5. Cover it Up (but not too much)

Burned skin is sensitive, especially for the first day or two. If your burn is in an area, like your forearm, that brushes up against things a lot throughout the day, loosely cover it with a bandaid to protect it. You don’t want to tightly bandage a burn, because that can slow healing. Keep things loose, so air can get in, but you aren’t wincing in pain from grazing the burned area against things 100 times a day.

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