
Monday 27 May 2019

5 Foods to Protect Your Telomeres and Help You Live Longer

Don’t give another cent of your money to cosmetic companies before you increase your intake of foods that protect telomeres. Unlike cosmetic products that only focus on the outside, protecting your telomeres can keep you young in the inside and out and even prevent diseases.
Telomeres are tiny caps of DNA at the end of each chromosome. They keep your cells young by adding buffers at the end of chromosomes. Many people compare them to the plastic caps of shoelaces that prevent the laces from fraying.
Long telomeres keep our cells young and may promote longevity. Short telomeres, on the other hand, accelerate aging and increase the risk of degenerative diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Telomeres inevitably grow shorter as we age. However, you can slow down the shortening process through a healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation and intermittent fasting. Conversely, your telomeres may shorten due to an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by obesity, smoking, stress, high junk food intake and lack of sleep. 
As you can see, you have some control over the length of your telomeres. In fact, you can keep them longer by increasing your intake of the foods below.


This juicy fruit is an excellent source of resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol and antifungal compound that can keep your cells young. Lab studies on human cells show that resveratrol helps cells live longer.
Other foods that offer good amounts of resveratrol include berries, cocoa, and wine.


Flax seeds are among the best plant sources of omega 3s, and you may be thrilled to know that omega 3s protect your telomeres and keep you young, according to research. The results of this study involving 600 people with stable heart disease showed that participants with higher omega 3s levels in the blood experienced minimal telomere shortening.
Add flaxseeds to smoothies and salads. You should also get more omega 3s from these plant sources.


Adding spinach to your diet may protect your telomeres and strengthen your immune system. Spinach offers folate and magnesium, which are vital for longevity. According to research, there’s a positive correlation between dietary magnesium and telomere length. This makes perfect sense because magnesium plays a role in DNA replication and repair.
Folate also plays a role in DNA maintenance and telomere length. Raise your folate levels by increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables and beans.


You probably drink green tea if you’re trying to lose weight. Research shows it can boost your metabolism and enhance weight loss. However, most people don’t know that the polyphenols in green tea (and many other types of tea) offer anti-aging benefits.
Drink up to four cups of green tea a day or take matcha green tea, which has higher concentrations of EGCG.


Berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants. This means they’ll help fight the free radicals that may harm your cells. In fact, the antioxidants found in berries, such as selenium and vitamins C and E, help keep telomeres long.
Don’t assume berries alone will do the magic, though. Take advantage of other antioxidant-rich foods, such as sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, and carrots. Increasing your intake of these foods will definitely protect your telomeres and help you live longer.

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